
Submissions from 2009

New guidelines in medical education, Karin S. Akerfeldt


Cosmological BCS mechanism and the big bang singularity, Stephon Alexander and Tirthabir Biswas


Generation of circular polarization of the cosmic microwave background, Stephon Alexander, Joseph Ochoa, and Arthur Kosowsky

Infinitesimal rigidity of a compact hyperbolic 4-orbifold with totally geodesic boundary, Tarik Aougab and Peter A. Storm

The Effects of Polymer Molecular Weight on Filament Thinning and Drop Breakup in Microchannels, Paulo E. Arratia, L-A Cramer, Jerry P. Gollub, and Douglas J. Durian

Group Show, Markus Baenziger

Universam, Art Fair, Markus Baenziger

Vortex, Markus Baenziger

Nature and Childhood in the Novels of Gene Stratton-Porter, Anne Balay

Codimensions of Newton strata for SL3(F) in the Iwahori case, Elizabeth T. Beazley

Going Public: Hannah Arendt, Immigrant Action, and the Space of Appearance, Cristina Beltram

Experimenting at the Threshold: Sacrifice, Anthropomorphism, and the Aims of (Critical) Animal Studies, Kimberly W. Benston

The heat resistant agglutinin 1 is an accessory enteroaggregative Escherichia coli colonization factor, Samhita Bhargava '07, Brandon B. Johnson '04, Jennifer Hwang '09, and Iruka N. Okeke


Cyclic Inflation, Tirthabir Biswas and Stephon Alexander

Our Nearest 15 Million Neighbors: The Field Low-Mass Stellar Luminosity and Mass Functions, John J. Bochanski, Suzanne L. Hawley, I. Neill Reid, and Kevin R. Covey

MASE: A New Data-Reduction Pipeline for the Magellan Echellette Spectrograph, John J. Bochanski, Joseph F. Hennawi, Robert A. Simcoe, and J. Xavier Prochaski

Audiovisual Interactions: The Impact of Visual Information on Music Perception and Memory, Marilyn Gail Boltz, B. Ependorf, and B. Field

Mathias Corvin et l’horoscope de fondation de l’Université de Pozsony en 1467, Jean-Patrice Boudet and Darin Hayton

Nonquantum Gravity, Stephen P. Boughn

The early days of the CMBR: An undergraduate’s Perspective, Stephen P. Boughn, P. J. E. Peebles, Lyman A. Page, and Bruce Partridge

Creating Spiritual & Psychological Resilience: Integrating Care in Disaster Relief Work, Grant H. Brenner, Daniel H. Bush, and Joshua Moses

Wide-field imaging and polarimetry for the biggest and brightest in the 20-GHz southern sky, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, Ronald D. Ekers, Marcella Massardi, and Bruce Partridge

When the orchard dances ceased, Curt Cacioppo


Radio Detection of LAT PSRs J1741-2054 and J2032+4127: No Longer Just Gamma-ray Pulsars, Fernando Camilo, Paul S. Ray, Scott M. Ransom, Marta Burgay, and Fronefield Crawford

Alpha power is influenced by performance errors, Joshua Carp '07 and Rebecca J. Compton

Perceived similarity and neural mirroring: Evidence from vicarious error processing, Joshua Carp '07, Michael J. Halenar '07, Lorna C. Quandt '07, Alfredo Sklar '07, and Rebecca J. Compton

Charge density matching in templated molybdates, Hernan Sanchez Casalongue '08, Sarah J. Choyke '10, Amy Narducci Sarjeant, Alexander J. Norquist, and Joshua Schrier

Distinct subsets of unmyelinated primary sensory fibers mediate behavioral responses to noxious thermal and mechanical stimuli, Daniel J. Cavanaugh

Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Jane Chandlee, Michelle Franchini, Sandy Lord, and Gudrun-Marion Rheiner

Effect of highly fluorinated amino acids on protein stability at a solvent-exposed position on an internal strand of protein G B1 domain., Hsien-Po Chiu, Bashkim Kokona, Robert Fairman, and Richard P. Cheng

Tubular Compression Fossils from the Ediacaran Nama Group, Namibia, Phoebe A. Cohen, Alexander Bradley, Andrew H. Knoll, and Jonathan P. Wilson


Detecting the Cosmic Dipole Anisotropy in Large-Scale Radio Surveys, Fronefield Crawford


Upper Limits on Pulsed Radio Emission from the 6.85 s X-ray Pulsar XTE J0103-728 in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Fronefield Crawford


Representation Theory for Strange Attractors, Daniel J. Cross


Arecibo Pulsar Survey Using ALFA: Probing Radio Pulsar Intermittency and Transients, Julia S. Deneva, James M. Cordes, Maura A. McLaughlin, David J. Nice, and Fronefield Crawford

Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation VI, Kishan Dholakia and Gabriel C. Spalding


Colleague-Criticism: Performance, Writing, and Queer Collegiality, Jill Dolan, Paul Bonin-Rodriguez, and Jaclyn Pryor


A Duality Exact Sequence for Legendrian Contact Homology, Tobias Ekholm, John B. Etnyre, and Joshua Marc Sabloff

Engaging Undergraduate Students in Research: Sustaining Our Nation’s Pipeline of Future Biomedical Investigators, Stephen G. Emerson, Jennifer Punt, and Philip M. Meneely

Integrating data-intensive scalable computing into the computer science curriculum, Alice E. Fischer, Gregory Kesden, John P. Dougherty, and Mark E. Hoffman

Ainsi meurs vif: The Paradox of Choice in Renaissance Song, Richard Freedman

Compressing kinetic data from sensor networks, Sorelle A. Friedler


Construction and Analysis of Random Networks with Explosive Percolation, Eric J. Friedman and Adam Landsberg

On the Longitudinal Librations of Hyperion, M. Furi and Adam Landsberg

Bone and blood vessels: the hard and the soft of hematopoietic stem cell niches , R. W. Garrett and Stephen G. Emerson


The Impact of Levene's Test of Equality of Variances on Statistical Theory and Practice., Joseph L. Gastwirth, Yulia R. Gel, and Weiwen Miao

Formal Statistical Analysis of the Data in Disparate Impact Cases Provides Sounder Inferences than the Government's "Four-Fifths" Rule: Examining the Statistical Evidence in Ricci v. DeStephano, Joseph L. Gastwirth and Weiwen Miao


The Least-luminous galaxy: spectroscopy of the Milky Way satellite Segue 1, Marla Geha, Beth Willman, Joshua D. Simon, and Louis E. Strigari

The Effect of dependence between observations on the proper interpretation of statistical evidence, Yulia R. Gel, Weiwen Miao, and Joseph L. Gastwirth

Broken Pots, Broken Dreams: Working in Jingdezhen's Porcelain Industry, Maris Boyd Gillette

Effect of serotonin transporter genotype on impulsivity and venturesomeness: A preliminary investigation, Seth J. Gillihan, Geena M. V. Sankoorikal, Edward S. Brodkin, and Martha J. Farah

Emptiness and Temporality: Buddhism and Medieval Poetics [Book Review], Hank Glassman

Vernacular Buddhism and Medieval Japanese Literature: Editor’s Introduction, Hank Glassman

Sudan, Harvey Glickman and Emma Rodman

Water, John Goodrich

Zeuxis: In/Out, John Goodrich

Culture, Personality, and Emotion in George Herbert Mead: A Critique of Empiricism in Cultural Sociology, Mark Gould

Forming a large disc galaxy from a z < 1 major merger, Fabio Governato, Chris B. Brook, Alyson M. Brooks, and Beth Willman

La Police, les Anormaux et Leurs Archives au XVIIIe siècle, Lisa Jane Graham

Review of Simon Burrows' Blackmail, Scandal, and Revolution, Lisa Jane Graham

Lipid Raft Targeted Akt Promotes Axonal Branching and Growth Cone Expansion via mTOR and rac1, Respectively, Michael Grider


Magnetic fields from heterotic cosmic strings, Rhiannon Gwyn, Stephon Alexander, Robert Brandenberger, and Keshav Dasgupta

Mind Out of Time: Identity, Perception, and the Fourth Dimension in H. P. Lovecraft’s 'The Shadow Out of Time' and 'The Dreams in the Witch House', Paul Halpern

The Physical Tourist: Philadelphia: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Physics, Paul Halpern

Popular anthropology and the state: David Maybury-Lewis and pluralism, Laurie Kain Hart

An extended conjugate point theory with application to the stability of planar buckling of an elastic rod subject to a repulsive self-potential , Kathleen A. Hoffman and Robert S. Manning

Copolypeptide Vesicles: Size Control for Intracellular Drug Delivery: Self-Assembled Copolypeptide Morphologies for Biomedical Applications, Eric Holowka

Henda Guwu: More on the Type Matching Constraint on Modification, Shi-Zhe Huang and Y. H. Audrey Li

Exotic Realms: Jewish Mysticism and the Supernatural in Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Works, Ariana Huberman

La Crisis post-Rosenberg y el rol EE.UU, Anita J. Isaacs

Written Statement before House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Anita J. Isaacs

Truth and Challenge of Reconciliation in Guatemala, Anita J. Isaacs and Joanna Quinn


Enhanced Dense Gas Fraction in Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies, S. Juneau and Desika Narayanan

Editors’ Introduction: Vernacular Buddhism and Medieval Japanese Literature, Keller Kimbrough and Hank Glassman

Encounters: Paintings & Installations by Hee Sook Kim, Hee Sook Kim

Twelve Gates: Encounter with Hildegard of Bingen , Hee Sook Kim

100 Hronia Panathinaikos [100 Yeras Panathinaikos] [book review], Alexander Kitroeff

Greece: A Jewish History [book review], Alexander Kitroeff

History of Greece in C20th, Alexander Kitroeff

The Greeks of Egypt in the United States, Alexander Kitroeff

The limits of political transnationalism: the Greek-American Lobby 1970s-1990s, Alexander Kitroeff

The Roads of the Greeks, Alexander Kitroeff

Self-assembly of coiled-coil peptide-porphyrin complexes, Bashkim Kokona, Andrew M. Kim '10, R. Claire Roden '07, Julio C. de Paula, Karl A. Johnson, and Robert Fairman

Defining Sacred Boundaries: Jewish-Christian Relations in Late Antiquity, Naomi Koltun-Fromm

What did the Soviet rulers maximize?, Vladimir Kontorovich and Alexander Wein

Social approach to pain in laboratory mice, Dale J. Langford, Alexander H. Tuttle 08, Kara Brown, and Wendy Faith Sternberg

Explaining elevated social anxiety among Asian Americans: Emotional attunement and a cultural double bind, S. A. Lau, J. J. Fung, Shu-wen Wang, and S. Kang

Familiarity principle of attraction, Benjamin Le

Need fulfillment in relationships, Benjamin Le and A. K. Farrell '10

The physiology of feeling hurt, Benjamin Le, Timothy J. Loving, and Erin E. Crockett


Dynamics of Enhanced Tracer Diffusion in Suspensions of Swimminig Eukaryotic Microorganisms, K. C. Leptos, Jeffrey S. Guasto, Jerry P. Gollub, and A. I. Pesci

Fun in relationships, Gary W. Lewandowski Jr. and Benjamin Le

Body parts and the encoding of THING and PLACE in Zapotec, Brook Danielle Lillehaugen and John O. Foreman


Spectral energy distribution of radio sources in nearby clusters of galaxies: implications for Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect surveys, Yen-Ting Lin, Bruce Partridge, J. C. Pober '07, Khadija El Bouchefry, Sarah Burke '06, Jonathan N. Klein '08, and Joseph Coish '09

Looking into Clauses, Y. H. Audrey Li and Shi-Zhe Huang

Drawing Atlas, Ying Li

Paintings, Ying Li

Resonance of Place, Ying Li

Transformation, Drawing into Painting, Ying Li

Ying Li And Joe Nicoletti, Ying Li and Joe Nicoletti