
Submissions from 2001

The Power of the Seen, John Goodrich

The Search for Innocence, John Goodrich

Zeuxis, John Goodrich

Zeuxis: Serial Thinking, John Goodrich

Empirical Sociological Theory and the Resolution of Normative Dilemmas, Mark Gould

Generalized Media of Communication and Logic of Cultural Intelligibility: Macro and Micor Analyses in Luhmann, Habermas and Parsons, Mark Gould

Classicisme pas mort?, Marcel Marc Gutwirth

Maître Jacques, ou, le sourire de Molière, Marcel Marc Gutwirth

Constructing Utopias: An Interactive Approach to Helping Students Envision Possible Future Societies, Paul Halpern

The Behavior of Kasner Cosmologies with Induced Matter, Paul Halpern

Échanges de pélerinages, réseaux d'alliance et micropolitique d'un mouvement autochtone au Guerrero (Mexique), Martin Hebert

Logiques paranoïaques, Martin Hebert

Sous le regard des ancêtres: Imagination et mouvements socio-politiques chez les Tlapanèques du Guerrero (Mexique), Martin Hebert

Absence of Ligand-Mediated Symmetry Reduction in a Solid Solution: Cu(NC5H5)4 [(NbOF5)1-x(WO2F4)x] (0, Kevin R. Heier, Alexander J. Norquist, Claude L. Mertzenich, and Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier

Long-term Optical Variability of Radio-Selected Quasars from the FIRST Survey, David J. Helfand, Remington P. S. Stone, Beth Willman, and Richard L. White

Cell and Developmental Biology: A Shared Past, and Intertwined Future, Rachel E. Hoang and Eric F. Wieschaus

Burning with a flame in America: African-American women in African-derived traditions, Tracey E. Hucks

A Beauty that Hurts: Life and Death in Guatemala [book review], Anita J. Isaacs

Of centaurs and doves: Guatemala's peace process [book review], Anita J. Isaacs

Notch1 regulates maturation of CD4+ and CD8+ thymocytes by modulating TCR signal strength, David J. Izon, Jennifer Punt, Lanwei Xu, and Fredrick Karnell

The distant native voice...America's other musical heritage, Heidi Jacob

Characterization of nirV and a gene encoding a novel pseudoazurin in Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.3., Roshan A. Jain and J. P. Shapleigh

Platelet-derived microparticles (PMPs) bind to hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HMPC) and enhance their engraftment, A. Janowsk-Wieczorek, M. Jajka, J. Kijowki, and Stephen G. Emerson

The New York City Space Science Research Alliance Enhancing Undergraduate Education and Research: An Educational Initiative Targetting Increased Diversity in Space Science, Leon P. Johnson, Shermane A. Austin, I. K. Robbins, Esther Zirbel, and Neil D. Tyson


Intercalculation and controlled release of pharmaceutically active compounds from a layered double hydroxide, Aamir I. Khan, Lixu Lei, Alexander J. Norquist, and Dermot O'Hare

Moses Hess and Modern Jewish Identity, Ken Koltun-Fromm

Review Essay: “Judaism, human rights, and human values,” by Lenn Goodman, and “Covenantal rights: a study in Jewish political theory,” by David Novak, Ken Koltun-Fromm

Imagining Moses: the burden and blessing of reading Freud’s Moses and Monotheism, Ken Koltun-Fromm and Avi Bernstein-Nehar

Yokes of the holy-ones: the embodiment of a Christian vocation, Naomi Koltun-Fromm

Economic crisis in the Russian Far East: overdevelopment or colonial exploitation?, Vladimir Kontorovich

Economists, Soviet growth slowdown, and the collapse, Vladimir Kontorovich

Russian health crisis and the economy, Vladimir Kontorovich

The New Russia: Transition Gone Awry [book review], Vladimir Kontorovich

Rereading the Conquest: Power, Politics, and the History of Early Colonial Michoacan, Mexico, 1521-1565, James Krippner

Multiple defensive roles for triterpene glycosides from two Caribbean sponges., J. Kubanek, Kristen E. Whalen, S. Engel, and S. Kelly

Scarred patterns in surface waves, A. Kudrolli, Matthew C. Abraham, and Jerry P. Gollub

Special issue: bloody murder (introduction), Roger Lane

New Eyes for the "Invisibles" in Quaker-Minority Relations, Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner

Need fulfillment and emotional experience in interdependent romantic relationships, Benjamin Le and Christopher R. Agnew

Identity: A contextualized mechanism of personality continuity and change, Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl

Characterization of the O2-Evolving reaction catalyzed by [(terpy)(H2O)MnIII(O)2MnIV(OH2)(terpy)](NO3)3 (terpy = 2,2':6,2''-Terpyridine), Julian Limburg, John S. Vrettos, Hongyu Chen, Julio C. de Paula, Robert H. Crabtree, and Gary W. Brudvig

High-frequency EPR study of a new mononuclear manganese(III) complex: [(terpy)Mn(N3)3] (terpy = 2,2':6',2''-Terpyridine), Julian Limburg, John S. Vrettos, Robert H. Crabtree, Gary W. Brudvig, and Julio C. de Paula

Descriptive Complexity [book review], Steven Lindell

Selective T cell Subset Ablation Demonstrates a Role for T1 and T2 Cells in Ongoing Acute Graft versus Host Disease: A Model System for the Reversal of Disease, Jinli Liu, Britt E. Anderson, Marie E. Robert, and Stephen G. Emerson

Dream, Ying Li

From the painted to the painterly, Ying Li

Giraffes (pencil on paper) , Ying Li

Painting as landscape, Ying Li

Painting from Italy and Vermont, Ying Li

Rhythm & light, Ying Li

Salzberg Art Fair, Ying Li

Seasons: a kaleidoscope of nature, Ying Li

Valley series, Ying Li

Water and bones, Ying Li

Zeuxis, still life, human presence, Ying Li

Structure and Function of Factor XIII, Ariel G. Loewy

Using Pulsars to Detect Massive Black Hole Binaries via Gravitational Radiation: Sagittarius A* and Nearby Galaxies, Andrea Lommen and Donald C. Backer

Pragmalinguistic Strategies as Culturally Embedded Behavior: A Theoretical Proposal, Ana López-Sánchez

Three Dimensional Hydrodynamic Lattice-Gas Simulations of Domain Growth and Self Assembly in Binary Immiscible and Ternary Amphiphilic Fluids, Peter John Love, Peter V. Coveney, and Bruce M. Boghosian

Anthropology of religions in Africa, Wyatt MacGaffey

Astonishment and stickiness in Kongo art: a theoretical advance, Wyatt MacGaffey

Kimbanguisten-Kirche, Wyatt MacGaffey

Kimbangu, Simon, Wyatt MacGaffey

Cell surface-directed interaction of anthracyclines leads to cytotoxicity and nuclear factor kappaB activation but not apoptosis signaling., N. Maestre, Thomas R. Tritton, G. Laurent, and J. P. Jaffrezou

Numerous growth factors, cytokines, and chemokines are secreted by human CD34+ cells, myeloblasts, erythroblasts and megakaryoblasts and regulate normal hematopoiesis in an autocrine/paracrine manner, M. Majka, A. Janowsk-Wieczorek, J. Rataczak, and Stephen G. Emerson


The Parkes Multi-Beam Pulsar Survey - I. Observing and Data Analysis Systems, Discovery and Timing of 100 Pulsars, Richard N. Manchester, Andrew G. Lyne, Fernando Camilo, Jon F. Bell, and Fronefield Crawford

Stability of n-covered circles for elastic rods with constant planar intrinsic curvature, Robert S. Manning and K. A. Koffman


Non-Uniform Free-Free Absorption in the GPS Radio Galaxy 0108+388, Jonathan M. Marr, G. B. Taylor, and Fronefield Crawford


City Against Suburb: The Culture Wars in an American Metropolis [book review], Stephen J. McGovern

Malory's Lancelot and the Lady Huntress, Maud Burnett McInerney

Inter-Minority Politics in the Consensus City: The Houston Mayoral Election of 1997 in Governing American Cities: Inter-Ethnic Coalitions, Competition, and Conflict, Matthew McKeever

Reexamining the Economic Costs of Marital Disruption for Women, Matthew McKeever and Nicholas H. Wolfinger

Universal eigenvector statistics in a quantum scattering ensemble., B. Mehlig and Melvin Santer

espC pathogenicity island of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli encodes an enterotoxin, J. L. Mellies, F. Navarro-Garcia, Iruka N. Okeke, and J. Frederickson


Two Checkpoint Complexes Are Independently Recruited to Sites of DNA Damage in vivo, Justine Melo


Rotational spectroscopy of IO X2-pi-i, Charles E. Miller and Edward A. Cohen

The X-1(2)Pi(3/2) and X-2(2)Pi(1/2) potential energy surfaces of FO, Charles E. Miller and Brian J. Drouin

Proton affinity of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PBN), Charles E. Miller and Joseph S. Francisco

Symmetry breaking and the molecular structure of NO3+, Charles E. Miller and Joseph S. Francisco

The formation of a surprisingly stable HO2-H2SO4 complex, Charles E. Miller and Joseph S. Francisco

Platelet glycoprotein V binds to collagen and participates in platelet adhesion and aggregation., S. Moog, P. Mangin, N. Lenain, and Melvin Santer

Algeria, Robert A. Mortimer

Maghreb, Robert A. Mortimer


Differential requirement for SLP-76 domains in T cell development and function, Peggy S. Myung, Geo S. Derimanov, Martha S. Jordan, and Jennifer Punt

'Real Men Reawaken Their Fathers' Homesteads, the Educated Leave Them in Ruins': The Politics of Domestic Reproduction in Post-Apartheid Rural South Africa, Zolani Ngwane

Polar Compounds Constructed with the [Cr2O7]2- Anion, Alexander J. Norquist, Kevin R. Heier, P. Shiv Halasyamani, and Charlotte L. Stern

Microbiological investigation of an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis in Niger State, Nigeria, Iruka N. Okeke, A. B. Abudu, and Adebayo Lamikanra

Comparative sequence analysis of the plasmid-encoded regulator of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Strains, Iruka N. Okeke, Jade A. Borneman, Sooan Shin, Jay L. Mellies, Laura E. Quinn, and James B. Kaper


Dissemination of antibiotic-resistant bacteria across geographic borders, Iruka N. Okeke and Robert Edelman

Bacteriological quality of skin-moisturizing creams and lotions distributed in a tropical developing country, Iruka N. Okeke and A. Lamikanra

Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli, Iruka N. Okeke and J. P. Nataro

Immobilized Metal Complexes in Porous Organic Hosts, Karen M. Padden, John F. Krebs, Cora E. Mac Beth, and Robert C. Scarrow

Probing the Structure of Immobilized Metal Sites in Porous Organic Hosts by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, Karen M. Padden, John F. Krebs, K. T. Trafford, and Robert C. Scarrow

Line and Continuum Emission from High Redshift Objects and Proto-Objects, Bruce Partridge and Viktor Dubrovich

Interactions of copper(II) porphyrins with DNA, Robert F. Pasternack, Sean Ewens, Ashwin Rao, and Julio C. de Paula

An Ancient Universe, John Percy, Andrew Fraknoi, Andrew Greenstein, and Bruce Partridge


X-ray Observations of the New Pulsar-Supernova Remnant System PSR J1119-6127 and Supernova Remnant G292.2-0.5, Michael J. Pivovaroff, Victoria M. Kaspi, Fernando Camilo, Bryan M. Gaensler, and Fronefield Crawford

Tracing the fate of organic contaminants in the environment using natural radiocarbon abundance, Christopher M. Reddy, Timothy I. Eglinton, Helen K. White, and John M. Hayes

Neutral Stability in Josephson Junction Arrays with Arbitrary Lattice Geometry, A. Roomets and Adam Landsberg

Polynomial time array dataflow analysis, Robert Seater and David Wonnacott