
Submissions from 1991

Lump-sum payments and wage moderation in the union sector, Linda Bell and David Neumark

Lump-sums, profit sharing, and labor costs in the Union Sector, Linda Bell and David Neumark

Testing early Soviet economic alternatives, Holland Hunter and Janusz M. Szyrmer

The Education of Economists: From Undergraduate to Graduate Study, H. Kasper and Vernon J. Dixon

Sovetskaia ekonomika v blizhaishei perspektive, Vladimir Kontorovich

National perspective on the nature and effects of the local property tax revolt, 1976-1986, Anne Elizabeth Preston

Submissions from 1990

Imperfect information and wage flexibility, Linda Bell and Stefan Gerlach

Long-run decline in Soviet R&D productivity, Vladimir Kontorovich

Utilization of fixed capital and Soviet industrial growth, Vladimir Kontorovich

The Changing Labor Market For Women: Implications for Nonprofit Management, Anne Elizabeth Preston

Women in the White-Collar Nonprofit Sector: The Best Option or the Only Option?, Anne Elizabeth Preston

Submissions from 1989

Union Wage Concessions in the 1980s: The Importance of Firm-Specific Factors, Linda Bell


The Persistence of Organized Crime in New York City Construction: An Economic Perspective, Casey Ichniowski and Anne Elizabeth Preston

Inflation in the Soviet investment and capital stock data, Vladimir Kontorovich

The Current state of the Soviet economy: deepening crisis or recovery?, Vladimir Kontorovich

Compensation in the Nonprofit Sector, Anne Elizabeth Preston

Nonprofit Worker in a For-Profit World, Anne Elizabeth Preston

The Competitive Edge: Managing Human Resources in Nonunion and Union Firms, Anne Elizabeth Preston

Submissions from 1988

Causes of rising U.S. industrial wage dispersion, Linda Bell and Richard B. Freeman

Incidence of union concessions in the 1980's: what, where, and when, Linda Bell, Elizabeth A. Hall, and Daniel R. Hayes

Competitiveness of U.S. manufactured goods: recent changes and prospects, Susan Hickok, Linda Bell, and Janet Ceglowski

Reply to Viola or toward historical analysis with fuller understanding, Holland Hunter

Soviet agriculture with and without collectivization, 1928-1940, Holland Hunter

Lessons of the 1965 Soviet Economic Reform, Vladimir Kontorovich

Organizational innovation in a command economy, Vladimir Kontorovich

Prototype statistics as indicators of Soviet R&D priorities in civilian and military machinebuilding, Vladimir Kontorovich

Soviet investment process and capital-labor substitution, Vladimir Kontorovich

Disaggregating the Dollar Index: Trade in Textiles and Apparel, Shannon Mudd

Effects of Property Rights on Labor Costs of Nonprofit Firms: An Application to the Day Care Industry, Anne Elizabeth Preston

Nonprofit Firm: A Potential Solution to Inherent Market Failures, Anne Elizabeth Preston

Submissions from 1987

Flexible wage structures and employment, Linda Bell and Richard B. Freeman

Tracing the effects of sectoral transport demands on the Soviet transport system, Holland Hunter

Labor problems and the prospects for accelerated economic growth, Vladimir Kontorovich

Pressures and potentials in transport, Vladimir Kontorovich and Holland Hunter

Review of Political Economy: An Introductory Text, by Edmund S. Phelps, Michael Weinstein

Submissions from 1986

Rural to Urban Migration and the Urban Labour Market: a case study of Delhi, Biswajit Banerjee

Wage rigidity in West Germany: a comparison with the U.S. experience, Linda Bell

Soviet growth slowdown: econometric vs. direct evidence, Vladimir Kontorovich

Technology Transfer and East-West Relations [book review], Vladimir Kontorovich

Organizational innovation: hidden reserve in the Soviet economy, Vladimir Kontorovich and V. Shlapentokh

New Trends in Part-time Employment, Anne Elizabeth Preston and Casey Ichniowski

Industrial Planning and Economic Policy-Making: Lessons from the 1930s, Michael Weinstein

Submissions from 1985

Discipline and Growth in the Soviet Economy, Vladimir Kontorovich

Industrial Policy and the Electrical Machinery Industry: The Case of Transformers, Vladimir Kontorovich

Soviet Transport Trends, 1950-1990, Vladimir Kontorovich, Holland Hunter, Peggy Dunn, and Janusz Szyrmer

Submissions from 1983


Social Networks in the Migration Process: Empirical Evidence on Chain Migration in India, Biswajit Banerjee


The Role of the Informal Sector in the Migration Process: A Test of Probabilistic Migration Models and Labour Market Segmentation for India, Biswajit Banerjee

Submissions from 1981

Soviet Economic Problems and Alternative Policy Responses, Holland Hunter