Submissions from 2024
Functional traits of fossil plants, Jennifer C. McElwain, William J. Matthaeus, and Jonathan P. Wilson
Submissions from 2023
A Systems Approach to Understanding How Plants Transformed Earth’s Environment in Deep Time, William J. Matthaeus, Sophia I. Macarewich, Jon Richey, and Jonathan P. Wilson
Physiological selectivity and plant–environment feedbacks during Middle and Late Pennsylvanian plant community transitions, Jonathan P. Wilson, Gabriel Oppler '17, Elizabeth Reikowski '17, Jessica Smart '18, Charles Marquardt '16, and Brian Keller '18
Strategies for Increasing Participation of Diverse Consumers in a Community Seafood Program, Talia Young, Gabriel Cumming, and Ellie Kerns
Submissions from 2022
Hydraulic failure as a primary driver of xylem network evolution in early vascular plants, Martin Bouda, Brett A. Huggett, Kyra A. Prats, Jay W. Wason, and Jonathan P. Wilson
Stems matter: Xylem physiological limits are an accessible and critical improvement to models of plant gas exchange in deep time, William J. Matthaeus, Isabel P. Montanez, Jennifer C. McElwain, Jonathan P. Wilson, and Joseph D. White
The effect of CO2 concentration on carbon isotope discrimination during photosynthesis in Ginkgo biloba: implications for reconstructing atmospheric CO2 levels in the geologic past, Mason A. Scher, Richard S. Barclay, Allison A. Baczynski, Lily Bennett '20, and Jonathan P. Wilson
Submissions from 2021
Boat to bowl: resilience through network rewiring of a community-supported fishery amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Andrew K. Carlson, Talia Young, Miguel A. Centeno, Simon A. Levin, and Daniel I. Ruberstein
Freeze tolerance influenced forest cover and hydrology During the Pennsylvanian, William J. Matthaeus, Sophia I. Macarewich, Jon D. Richey, Jonathan P. Wilson, and Jennifer C. McElwain
Alternative Seafood Networks During COVID-19: Implications for Resilience and Sustainability, Josua S. Stoll, Hannah L. Harrison, Emily De Sousa, and Talia Young
Submissions from 2020
A Process-based Ecosystem Model (Paleo-BGC) to Simulate the Dynamic Response of Late Carboniferous Plants to Elevated )-2 and Aridification, Joseph D. White, Isabel P. Montanez, and Jonathan P. Wilson
Carboniferous plant physiology breaks the mold, Jonathan P. Wilson, Joseph D. White, Isabel P. Montanez, William A. DiMichele, and Jennifer C. McElwain
Submissions from 2019
A new approach for modelling water transport in fossil plants, Mélanie Tanrattana, Jean François Barczi, Anne Laure Decombeix, Brigitte Meyer-Berthaud, and Jonathan P. Wilson
Opaline phytoliths in Miscanthus sinensis and its cyclone ash from a biomass-combustion facility, Ruggero Vigliaturo, Damaris Kehrli, Patxi Garra, and Jonathan P. Wilson
Submissions from 2018
Partial Photochemical Oxidation Was a Dominant Fate of Deepwater Horizon Surface Oil, Collin P. Ward, Charles M. Sharpless, David L. Valentine, Deborah P. French-McCay, and Helen K. White
Submissions from 2017
Dynamic Carboniferous tropical forests: new views of plant function and potential for physiological forcing of climate, Jonathan P. Wilson, Isabel P. Montañez, Joseph D. White, William A. DiMichele, and Jennifer C. McElwain
Submissions from 2016
Applications of Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography (GC × GC) in Studying the Source, Transport, and Fate of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the Environment, Robert K. Nelson, Christoph Aeppli, J. Samuel, Huan Chen, and Helen K. White
Water Transport, the Role in Plant Diversification of, Jarmila Pittermann, Jonathan P. Wilson, and Tim J. Brodribb
Long-term weathering and continued oxidation of oil residues from the Deepwater Horizon spill, Helen K. White, Chloe H. Wang '17, Patrick L. Williams '14, David M. Findley '15, and Alana M. Thurston '16