Submissions from 2014
The Oxford Handbook of the Russian Economy, Vladimir Kontorovich
Self-control and Self-knowledge in Plato’s Charmides, Aryeh L. Kosman
Virtues of Thought: Essays on Plato and Aristotle, Aryeh L. Kosman
The Word in The Woods, James Krippner
Proof of Guilt: Barbara Graham and the Politics of Executing Women in America, Roger Lane
Thomas Clarkson’s Quaker Trilogy: Abolitionist Narrative as Transformative History, Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner and Dee Andrew
What happens when you can’t read the air? Cultural fit and aptitude by values interactions on social anxiety, S. A. Lau, Shu-wen Wang, Joey J. Fung, and M. Namikoshi
Los usos y significados de loh 'cara' en el zapoteco del valle colonial, Brook Danielle Lillehaugen
A tactile IPA magnet board system: a tool for blind and visually-impaired students in phonetics and phonology classrooms, Brook Danielle Lillehaugen, Gabriela Echavarría Moats, Daniel Gillen '17, Elizabeth Peters '15, and Rebecca Schwartz '13
Adolescent girls exploited in the sex trade: informativeness and evasiveness in investigative interviews, Johanna Lindholm, Ann-Christin Cederborg, and Charlotte Alm
City, Ying Li
Foreign Terrain, Ying Li
Heads, A Retelling, Ying Li
In Residence: Contemporary Artists at Dartmouth, Ying Li
Paperazzi, An Invitational Show of Work on Paper, Ying Li
Still, Blue, Zeuxis at First Street Gallery, Ying Li
Ying Li: from Michael's window, Ying Li
The Vocal Chamber Music of Hans Gál, Thomas Lloyd
Optimization of NanoGarav's Time Allocation for Maximum Sensitivity to Single Sources, Andrea Lommen, Brian Christy, Ryan Anella, Lee Samuel Finn, and Richard Camuccio
Gravitational Wave Hotspots: Ranking Potential Locations of Single-Source Gravitational Wave Emission, Andrea Lommen, Joseph D. Simon, Abigail Polin, and Ben Stappers
Towards a pedagogy for the multiliteracies: The design of a teaching unit inspired by the proposals of the New London Group, Ana López-Sánchez
Back to the Future: A Roadmap for Quantum Simulation from Vintage Quantum Chemistry, Peter John Love
History Dependent Quantum Random Walks as Quantum Lattice Gas Automata, Peter John Love
Bounding Polynomial Entanglement Measures for Mixed States, Peter John Love and Samuel Rodriques '13
Near-Infrared Detection of WD 0806-661 B with the Hubble Space Telescope, Kevin L. Luhman, Caroline V. Morley, Adam J. Burgasser, and John J. Bochanski
Historical Introduction to Logic, Danielle Macbeth
Realizing Reason: A Narrative of Truth and Knowing, Danielle Macbeth
Review of Patricia Blanchette, Frege's Conception of Logic, Danielle Macbeth
Invisible Agents: Spirits in a Central African History, Wyatt MacGaffey
Helium Isotope Enrichment by Resonant Tunneling through Nanoporous Graphene Bilayers, Salvatore Mandra and Joshua Schrier
A Catalogue of Stable Equilibria of Planar Extensible or Inextensible Elastic Rods for All Possible Dirichlet Boundary Conditions, Robert S. Manning
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: dusty star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei in the Southern survey, Danica Marsden, Megan Gralla, Tobias A. Marriage, and Bruce Partridge
Tensor Interpretation of BICEP2 Results Severely Constrains Axion Dark Matter, David J.E. Marsh, Daniel Grin, Reneé Hlozek, and Pedro G. Ferreira
Redshift evolution of the dynamical properties of massive galaxies from SDSS-III/BOSS, Karen Masters, Alessandra Beifiori, and Daniel Thomas
Galaxy Zoo: Are bars responsible for the feeding of active galactic nuclei at 0.2 < z < 1.0?, Karen Masters, Edmond Cheung, and Jonathan R. Trump
2MTF III. HI 21cm observations of 1194 spiral galaxies with the Green Bank Telescope, Karen Masters, Aidan C. Crook, Tao Hong, Thomas H. Jarrett, and Baerbel S. Koribalski
HIghMass—HIGH H I MASS, H I-RICH GALAXIES AT z ~ 0 HIGH-RESOLUTION VLA IMAGING OF UGC 9037 AND UGC 12506, Karen Masters, Gregory Hallenbeck, and Shan Huang
2MTF-IV. A Bulk Flow Measurement of the Local Universe, Karen Masters, Tao Hong, and Christopher M. Springob
Galaxy Zoo: an independent look at the evolution of the bar fraction over the last eight billion years from HST-COSMOS, Karen Masters, Thomas Melvin, Chris J. Lintott, and Robert C. Nichol
Asking Gender Questions, Karen Masters, Jonathan Pritchard, and James Allen
The green valley is a red herring: Galaxy Zoo reveals two evolutionary pathways towards quenching of star formation in early- and late-type galaxies, Karen Masters, Kevin Schwinski, and C. Megan Urry
Galaxy Zoo: CANDELS Barred Disks and Bar Fractions, Karen Masters, Brooke D. Simmons, Thomas Melvin, and Chris Lintott
Exploiting Locality in Quantum Computation for Quantum Chemistry, Jarrod R. McClean, Ryan Babbush, and Peter John Love
Don’t Play it Again, Sam: A Response to Eric Nylander, Lisa McCormick
Tuning in or Turning off: Performing Emotion and Building Cosmopolitan Solidarity in International Music Competitions, Lisa McCormick
A Computational Study of the Effects of Syk Activity on B Cell Receptor Signaling Dynamics, Reginald L. McGee II, Mariya O. Krisenko, and Robert L. Geahlen
News and Material Culture in Early Modern and Restoration England: Using and Making Digital Archives, Laura McGrane
Gauvain and Gringalet: Comic Masculinities in Paien de Maisières, Maud Burnett McInerney
After Disowning ISIS, al Qaeda is Back On Top: Here's Why That Isn't Necessarily Bad News, Barak Mendelsohn
Al Qaeda and Global Governance: The Constraining Impact of Rigid Ideology, Barak Mendelsohn
Decoding Al-Qaeda's Strategy: The Deep Battle Against America, Barak Mendelsohn
Review of Michael W.S. Ryan, “Decoding Al-Qaeda’s Strategy: The Deep Battle Against America, Barak Mendelsohn
State Authority in the Balance: The Israeli State and the Messianic Settler Movement, Barak Mendelsohn
The Terrorist's Dilemma: Managing Violent Covert Organizations, Barak Mendelsohn
Threat Analysis and the UN’s 1267 Sanctions Committee, Barak Mendelsohn
U.S. Strategy in a Transitioning Middle East: Reviving 'State Responsibility', Barak Mendelsohn
Genetic Analysis: Genes, Genomes, and Networks in Eukaryotes, 2nd edition, Philip M. Meneely
New Statistical Tests for Detecting Disparate Impact Arising From Two-Stage Selection Processes, Weiwen Miao
Mechanisms of Resistance to Intermittent Androgen Deprivation in Patients with Prostate Cancer Identified by a Novel Computational Method, Jason D. Morken, Aaron Packer, Rebecca Everett, John D. Nagy, and Yang Kuang
Commentary on Cornelius Nepos Life of Hannibal, Bret Mulligan
Coniuratio! Ethopoeia and Reacting to the Past in the Latin Classroom (and Beyond), Bret Mulligan
Review of Christer Henriksén's Commentary on Martial, Epigrams Book 9, Bret Mulligan
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: CMB polarization at 200 < l < 9000, Sigurd Naess, Matthew Hasselfield, Jeff McMahon, Michael D. Niemack, and Bruce Partridge
Accounting for Time: Comparing Temporal and Atemporal Analyses of the Business Case for Diversity Management, Zachary W. Oberfield
Becoming Bureaucrats: Socialization at the Front Lines of Government, Zachary W. Oberfield
Motivation, Change, and Stability: Findings from an Urban Police Department, Zachary W. Oberfield
Public Management in Time: A Longitudinal Examination of the Full Range of Leadership Theory, Zachary W. Oberfield
Diagnostic Schemes for Reducing Epidemic Size of African Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreaks, Iruka N. Okeke and Robert S. Manning
Formation Principles for Vanadium Selenites: the Role of pH on Product Composition, Jacob H. Olshansky '12, Karina Wiener '15, Matt Smith '13, Anahita Nourmahnad '14, Max Charles '15, Joshua Schrier, and Alexander J. Norquist
Hybrid optical and acoustic force based sorting, Paul O'Mahoney, Graham W. Brodie, Han Wang, Christine Démoré, and Gabriel C. Spalding
The Control Premium: A Preference for Payoff Autonomy, David Owens
Learning, Opinion Writing and the Efficiency of the Common Law, Giri Parameswaran
Psychiatry in Former Socialist Countries: Implications for North Korean Psychiatry, Young Su Park, Sang Min Park, and Jin Yong Jun
A Measurement of the Millimetre Emission and the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Associated with Low-frequency Radio Sources, Bruce Partridge
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Kerstin M. Perez
A variational eigenvalue solver on a quantum processor, Alberto Peruzzo, Jarrod McClean, Peter Shadbolt, and Peter John Love
"When Elephants Are in Must": Peggy Shaw, Acts of Trans/fer, and the Present Future of Queer Desire, Jaclyn Pryor
Contingency without Unreason: Speculation after Meillassoux, Joshua Alan Ramey
Daniel Colucciello Barber, Deleuze and the Naming of God: Postsecularism and the Future of Immanence, Joshua Alan Ramey
The Physics of Sense: Bruno, Schelling, and Deleuze, Joshua Alan Ramey and Daniel Whistler
The Weather in Hemingway, Lindsay V. Reckson
Synthesis of pyridine derivatives as potential antagonists of chemokine receptor type 4, Suazette Reid Mooring, Theresa Gaines, Zhongxing Liang, and Hyunsuk Shim
Employment and Parenting, Rena L. Repetti and Shu-wen Wang
Topologically Distinct Lagrangian and Symplectic Fillings, Joshua Marc Sabloff, Chang Cao '13, Nate Gallup '13, and Kyle Hayden '13
The Settlers’ Empire: Colonialism and State Formation in America’s Old Northwest, Bethel Saler
Confronting Contagion: Our Evolving Understanding of Disease, Melvin Santer
A New Sample of Cool Subdwarfs from SDSS: Properties and Kinematics, Antonio S. Savcheva, Andrew A. West, and John J. Bochanski
Embodied Disbelief: Poststructural Feminist Atheism, Donovan O. Schaefer
Intermediale Grenzgänge: Technologie, Sprache und Musik in Georges Perecs Hörspiel Die Maschine, Ulrich Schonherr
Klang-Bild-Sprache. Musikalisch-Akustische Konfigurationen in der Literatur und im Film der Gegenwart, Ulrich Schonherr
Doubt and Skepticism in Antiquity and the Renaissance, David Louis Sedley
An Improved Query for the Hidden Subgroup Problem, Asif Shakeel
Fighting for Recognition: Identity, Masculinity, and the Act of Violence in Professional Wrestling, R. Tyson Smith
Black Women Academics and Their White Male Partners: A Study in Seamless Contradictions, Asali Solomon
Memory, place, desire : contemporary art of the Maghreb and Maghreb diaspora, Carol Solomon
Olfactory exposure to males, including men, causes stress and related analgesia in rodents, Robert E. Sorge, Loren J. Martin, Martina McPhail '13, and Wendy Faith Sternberg