Submissions from 2013
Axial Age Religious Commitment in Theoretical Perspective, Mark Gould
How the Enlightenment invented la Bohème, a Review of Marquis de Pelleport, The Bohemians, Lisa Jane Graham
The Irony of Humanism: How China’s Authoritarianism Works Through the Humanly Mundane, Guangtian Ha
The Localized Energy Distribution of Dark Energy Star Solutions, Paul Halpern
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Incarcerated Women: A Call for Evidence-Based Treatment, Holly M. Harner, Mia Budescu, Seth J. Gillihan, Suzanne Riley, and Edna B. Foa
Smugglers and saints of the Sahara: regional connectivity in the twentieth century, Deborah Harrold
Submillimetre Galaxies in a Hierarchical Universe: Number Counts, Redshift Distribution, and Implications for the IMF, C. Hayward and Desika Narayanan
A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study of an HIV risk-reduction Intervention for Sub-Saharan African University Students, Anita G. Heeren, John B. Jemmott, and Zolani Ngwane
Forster resonance energy transfer studies of calmodulin produced by native protein ligation reveal inter-domain electrostatic repulsion, Erik Hellstrand, Stephanie Kukora '04, Cynthia F. Shuman, Karin S. Akerfeldt, Sarah Steenbergen '07, and Beth Krouse '05
A New Raman Spectroscopic Probe of Both the Protonation State and Noncovalent Interactions of Histidine Residues, Kevin W. Hoffman '12, Matthew G. Romei '14, and Casey H. Londergan
East Asia, Emily Hong
Get By: The Fight for a Living Wage [documentary film], Emily Hong
Resolving the Generation of Starburst Winds in Galaxy Mergers, P. F. Hopkins, Dusan Keres, N. Murray, L. Hernquist, and Desika Narayanan
Dense Molecular Gas: A Sensitive Probe of Stellar Feedback Models, P. F. Hopkins and Desika Narayanan
The Meaning and Consequences of Star Formation Criteria in Galaxy Models with Resolved Stellar Feedback, P. F. Hopkins and Desika Narayanan
Star Formation in Galaxy Mergers with Realistic Models of Stellar Feedback and the Interstellar Medium, Philip F. Hopkins, Thomas J. Cox, Lars Hernquist, and Desika Narayanan
Type Theory, Type Shifting, and Studies of Modification in Chinese, Shi-Zhe Huang
Brodsky and Rein's The New Jewish Argentina [Book Review], Ariana Huberman
Los textos de la patria: Nacionalismo, políticas culturales y canon en Argentina [Book Review], Ariana Huberman
Made of Shores: Judeo-Argentinean Fiction Revisited [Book Review], Ariana Huberman
Student-Faculty Partnership for Deeper Learning, Ariana Huberman and Shuning Yan
Calculus 6th ed., Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Andrew Gleason, and Jeffrey Tecosky-Feldman
Vulnerable children's health as described in investigations of reported children, Elin Hultman and Charlotte Alm
In Guatemala, justice after all these years, Anita J. Isaacs
On the Brink of Justice in Guatemala, Anita J. Isaacs
Post-Chavez Venezuela: A Peaceful Transition is Key, Anita J. Isaacs
We Enabled Genocide, but the Elite Committed It, Anita J. Isaacs
Repression Resistance and Indigenous Rights in Guatemala, Anita J. Isaacs and Rachel Schwartz 11
Herschel-ATLAS: A Binary HyLIRG Pinpointing a Cluster of Starbursting Protoellipticals, R. J. Ivison, A. M. Swinbank, Ian Smail, A. I. Harris, and Desika Narayanan
Curt Cacioppo's "Invocation and Dance of the Mountain Gods", Heidi Jacob
The Carbon Isotope Organic Geochemistry of Early Ordovician Rocks from the Annascaul Formation, County Kerry, A. H. Jahren, Brian A. Schubert, Leszek Marynowski, and Jonathan P. Wilson
Main-Sequence Star Populations in the Virgo Overdensity Region, Helmut Jerjen, Gary S. Da Costa, Beth Willman, and Patrick Tisserand
33rd Mini Print Internatinal of Cadaquès, Hee Sook Kim
Berliner Liste, Hee Sook Kim
[Exhibition], Hee Sook Kim
Internationaal Podium Voor Heddaagse Kunst, Hee Sook Kim
Let Flowers Speak, Hee Sook Kim
Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Piccoli Gioelli: Little Treasures, Hee Sook Kim
Association between childhood adversities and adulthood depressive symptoms in South Korea: results from a nationally representative longitudinal study, Seung-Sup Kim, Hyobum Jang, Hyoung Yoon Chang, Young Su Park, and Dong-Woo Lee
Einstein@Home Discovery of 24 Pulsars in the Parkes Multi-Beam Pulsar Survey, Benjamin Knispel, Ralph P. Eatough, H. Kim, Evan F. Keane, and Fronefield Crawford
Formation Principles for Templated Vanadium Selenite Oxalates, Jacob H. Koffer '13, Jacob H. Olshansksy '12, Matthew D. Smith '13, Joshua Schrier, and Alexander J. Norquist
Using a Peptide System to test the Coiled-Coil Model of Polyglutamine Aggregation, Bashkim Kokona, Karl A. Johnson, and Robert Fairman
Jüdische Existenz in der Moderne: Abraham Geiger und die Wissenschaft des Judentums, Ken Koltun-Fromm
In the Image and Likeness of God: From Ancient Rabbis to Modern (Feminist) Jews, Naomi Koltun-Fromm
New Approaches to the Study of Biblical Interpretation, Naomi Koltun-Fromm
Review of Clifford G. Gaddy's and Barry Ickes' Bear Traps on Russia's Road to Modernization, Vladimir Kontorovich
The Preobrazhenskii-Feldman Myth and the Soviet Industrialization, Vladimir Kontorovich
The Activity of Being: an Essay on Aristotle’s Ontology, Aryeh L. Kosman
Flagellar Waveform Dynamics of Freely Swimming Algal Cells, H. Kurtuldu, D. Tam, A. E. Hosoi, and Karl A. Johnson
Hierarchical networks, power laws, and neuronal avalanches, Adam Landsberg and Eric J. Friedman
Plainness and Simplicity, Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner
Relationships, Benjamin Le and Lydia F. Emery '12
PEACE: Pulsar Evaluation Algorithm for Candidate Extraction - A Software Package for Post-analysis Processing of Pulsar Survey Candidates, K. J. Lee, K. Stovall, F. A. Jenet, J. Martinez, and Fronefield Crawford
Legendrian contact homology in Seifert fibered spaces, Joan E. Licata and Joshua Marc Sabloff
Does ego development increase during midlife? The effects of openness and accommodative processing of difficult events, Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl, R. Helson, and O. P. John
When is meaning-making unhealthy for the self? The roles of neuroticism, implicit theories and memory telling in trauma and transgression memories, Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl, Kate C. McLean, and C. D. Mansfield
an Invitational, Artists invite Artists, Ying Li
Creative Hand, Discerning Heart: Form, Rhythm, Song, Ying Li
Ying Li recent Paintings, Ying Li
Eternity’s Disclosure, Thomas Lloyd
The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey of SDDS-III, Andrea Lommen, Kyle S. Dawson, and David J. Schlegel
Limits on the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background from the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Wave, Andrea Lommen, P. B. Ferdman, R. D. Ferdman, and M. E. Gonzalez
Writing Reason, Danielle Macbeth
Meaning and aesthetics in Kongo art, Wyatt MacGaffey
Cholera Outbreaks in Nigeria are Associated with Multidrug Resistant Atypical El Tor and non-O1/non-O139 Vibrio cholerae., M. A. Marin, Cristiane C. Thompson, F. S. Freitas, E. L. Fonseca, and Iruka N. Okeke
Axiverse cosmology and the energy scale of inflation, D. J. Marsh, Daniel Grin, R. Hlozek, and P. G. Ferreira
Galaxy Zoo: Observing Secular Evolution Through Bars, Karen Masters, Edmond Cheung, Evangelina Athanassoula, and Robert C. Nichol
The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey of SDSS-III, Karen Masters, Kyle S. Dawson, David J. Schlegel, and Christopher P. Ahn
Galaxy Zoo: A Catalog of Overlapping Galaxy Pairs for Dust Studies, Karen Masters, William C. Keel, and Anna M. Manning
Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Karen Masters, Chris J. Lintott, Brooke Simmons, Steven Bamford, and Sugata Kaviraj
Stellar masses of SDSS-III/BOSS galaxies at z ∼ 0.5 and constraints to galaxy formation models, Karen Masters, Claudia Maraston, and Janine Pforr
Galaxy Zoo: bulgeless galaxies with growing black holes, Karen Masters, Brooke D. Simmons, and Chris J. Lintott
The different star-formation histories of blue and red spiral and elliptical galaxies, Karen Masters, Rita Tojeiro, Joshua Richards, Will J. Percival, and Steven P. Bamford
Estimating variable effective population sizes from multiple genomes: A sequentially Markov conditional sampling distribution approach, Sara Mathieson, Kelley Harris, and Yun S. Song
Review of “Contemporary Identities of Creativity and Creative Work” by Stephanie Taylor and Karen Littleton, Lisa McCormick
Ambivalence over Participatory Planning within a Progressive Regime: Waterfront Planning in Philadelphia., Stephen J. McGovern
Review of Wellman, James K. and Lombardi, Clark Benner, eds., Religion and Human Security: A Global Perspective, Barak Mendelsohn
SMG-ly Knocking out Gene Expression in Specific Cells; An Educational Primer, Philip M. Meneely and Jordana C. Bloom
Properties of statistical tests appropriate for the analysis of data in disparate impact cases, Weiwen Miao and Joseph L. Gastwirth
Doomed Couple [Book Review], Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal
The Women’s Suffrage Movement and Feminism in Argentina from Roca to Peron, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal and Gregory Hammond
Bad Scorpion : Cacaemphaton and Poetics in Martial's Ligurinus-Cycle, Bret Mulligan
The Bridge, Bret Mulligan, Julie Ta '16, Carman Romano '16, Vanessa Felso '15, and Blair Rush '16
A Cosmic Growth Spurt in an Infant Galaxy, Desika Narayanan and Chris Carilli
Why is the Milky Way X-factor constant?, Desika Narayanan and P. F. Hopkins
Bounds on Dark Matter Properties from Radio Observations of Ursa Major II using the Green Bank Telescope, A. Natarajan, J. Peterson, T. Voytek, K. Spekkens, and Beth Willman
The Local Luminosity Function of Star-Forming Galaxies Derived from the Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue, Mattia Negrello, Marcel Clemens, Joaquin Gonzalez-Nuevo, and Bruce Partridge
Timing and Interstellar Scattering of Thirty-five Distant Pulsars Discovered in the PALFA Survey, David J. Nice, Emily Altiere, Slavko Bogdanov, James M. Cordes, and Fronefield Crawford
Kuby Immunology, Judith A. Owen, Jennifer Punt, Sharon A. Stranford, and Patricia P. Jones
Misinformed Voters and the Politics of the Slippery Slope, Giri Parameswaran
Jet energy measurement with the ATLAS detector in proton-proton collisions at s√=7 TeV, Kerstin M. Perez
Progress on Large-Scale, Low-Cost Si(Li) Detector Fabrication for the GAPS Balloon Mission, Kerstin M. Perez
The GAPS Experiment: Hunting for Dark Matter with Antideuterons, Kerstin M. Perez
The pGAPS experiment: an engineering balloon flight of prototype GAPS, Kerstin M. Perez
The SLUGGS Survey: Kinematics for over 2500 Globular Clusters in Twelve Early-type Galaxies, Vincenzo Pota, Duncan A. Forbes, Aaron J. Romanowsky, Jean P. Brodie, and Jonathan Hargis
Single-Molecule Piezoelectric Deformation: Rational Design from First-Principles Calculations, Xinfeng Quan, Christopher W. Marvin, Leah M. Seebald, and Geoffery R. Hutchinson