Submissions from 1998
Processing of temporal and nontemporal information in the remembering of event duration and musical structure, Marilyn Gail Boltz
Task predictability and remembered duration, Marilyn Gail Boltz
Tempo discrimination of musical patterns: effects due to pitch and rhythmic structure, Marilyn Gail Boltz
The relationship between internal and external determinants of time estimation behavior, Marilyn Gail Boltz
The role of learning in remembered duration, Marilyn Gail Boltz, Cara Kupperman, and Jessica Dunne
A Search for Correlations Between the Microwave and the X-Ray Backgrounds, Stephen P. Boughn
Cross-correlation of the 2-10 keV XRB with radio sources: constraining the large-scale structure of the x-ray background, Stephen P. Boughn
X-Ray Emission from the Local Supercluster: Possible Evidence for Hot, Diffuse Gas, Stephen P. Boughn
Correlations between the cosmic x-ray and microwave backgrounds: constraints on a cosmological constant, Stephen P. Boughn, Robert G. Crittenden, and Neil Turok
Radio and X-ray Emission from Galactic Nuclei: Estimating the Masses of Central Black Holes, Stephen P. Boughn and Insu Yi
Radio/x-ray luminosity relation for advection-dominated accretion: implications for emission line galaxies and the x-ray background, Stephen P. Boughn and Insu Yi
Dominion of gender: women's fortunes in the high middle ages, Renate Bridenthal, Claudia Koonz, and Susan Mosher Stuard
Interrogating Hermaphroditism in sixteenth-century Spain, Israel Burshatin
Extensions: Aspects of the Figure: the Third International Distinguished Artists Symposium and Exhibition : 12 November 1998-17 January 1999, R. Christopher Cairns, Donald B. Kuspit, and Magdalena Abakanowicz
Muriendo por la Dulce Patria Mia [1st ed.], Roberto Castillo-Sandoval
Interactions between mood and left-right asymmetries in attention., Rebecca J. Compton
Hematopoietic Expansion of Umbilical Cord Blood Cells: In Vitro and In Vivo Models, Patricia M. Conrad and Stephen G. Emerson
Lymphoid hyperplasia, autoimmunity, and intestinal intraepithelial colitis, in germ free gnotobiotic IL-2-deficient mice, Nikhat V. Contractor, Hamid Bassiri, Tannishtha Reya, and Stephen G. Emerson
Altered functional responsiveness of thymocyte subsets from CD3d-deficient mice to TCR-CD3 engagement, Vibhuti P. Dave, Robert Keefe, Marc Adam Berger, and Jennifer Punt
Elementary Properties of the Finite Ranks, Anuj Dawar, Kees Doets, Steven Lindell, and Scott Weinstein
Allegorical reading and the embodiment of the soul in Origen, John David Dawson
Figural reading and the fashioning of Christian identity in Boyarin, Auerbach and Frei, John David Dawson
Why are we so indifferent about our spiritual lives?, John David Dawson
Peptide models of local and long-range interactions in the molten globule state of human alpha-lactalbumin, Stephen J. Demarest, Robert Fairman, and Daniel P. Raleigh
Galatic emission at 19 GHz, Angelica de Oliveira-Costa, Max Tegmark, Lyman A. Page, and Stephen P. Boughn
Destruction of the Soviet Economic System: an Insiders' History, M. Ellman and Vladimir Kontorovich
Hematopoiesis: The Development of Blood Cells, Stephen G. Emerson
Noncommutative Schur functions and their applications, Sergey Fomin and Curtis Greene
Lassus chansons and their Protestant listeners in the late sixteenth century, Richard Freedman
Review of Jean de Castro's Chansons, odes, et sonetz de Pierre Ronsard, Richard Freedman
Words and Tones in Du Chemin’s Sixiesme Livre, Richard Freedman
Between Worlds: the Emergence of Global Reason, Ashok K. Gangadean
Masao Abe and Nishida's logic of place, Ashok K. Gangadean
Foreword, Linda Groves Gerstein
Talking to the Russians: Glimpses of History by a Voice of America Pioneer [Introduction], Linda Groves Gerstein and Victor Franzusoff
Ethnicity, Elections and Constitutional Democracy in Africa, Harvey Glickman
One Thing on Top of Another, John Goodrich
Zeuxis, John Goodrich
Biochemical characterization of WrbA, founding member of a new family of multimeric flavodoxin-like proteins, R. Grandori, P. Khalifah, Judith A. Boice, and Robert Fairman
Radio wavelength constraints on the sources of the far-infrared background, D. B. Haarsma and Bruce Partridge
Composition Space of the (CdO, 0.5Nb2O5)/ (HF)x-Pyridine/H2O System. Structure and Synthesis of CdNb(py)4OF5, P. Shiv Halasyamani, Kevin R. Heier, Alexander J. Norquist, and Charlotte L. Stern
Countdown to Apocalypse: Asteroids, Tidal Waves and the End of the World, Paul Halpern
The Cosmos by Radio: Dellinger's Vision of Space Exploration, Paul Halpern
Duco van Oostium's 'Male Authors, Female Subjets. The Woman Within/Beyond the Borders of Henry Adams, Henry Adams and Others', Richard Hardack
[pyH]2[Cu(py)4(MX6)2] (MX6=ZrF62-, NbOF52-; MoO2F42-; py=Pyridine): Rarely Observed Ordering of Metal Oxide Fluoride Anions, Kevin R. Heier, Alexander J. Norquist, Christopher G. Stern, and Charlotte L. Stern
Calculus (2nd ed.), Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Patti Frazer Lock, Andrew M. Gleason, and Jeffrey Tecosky-Feldman
Calculus : single and multivariable, Deborah Hughes-Hallett and Jeffrey Tecosky-Feldman
Tracking economic change with ambiguous tools: Soviet planning, 1928-1991, Holland Hunter
Ecuador, Anita J. Isaacs
Notes from Philadelphia, Heidi Jacob
Personality prototypes and ego development: Conceptual similarities and relations in adult women, Oliver P. John, Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl, and P. Michiel Westenberg
Axonemal microtubules of the Chlamydomonas flagellum differ in tubulin isoform content, Karl A. Johnson
The 69 Millisecond Radio Pulsar Near the Supernova Remnant RCW 103, V. M. Kaspi and Fronefield Crawford
Yugoslavia and After: A study in Fragmentation, Despair and Rebirth [book review], Alexander Kitroeff
Environmental Concern: It Does Make a Difference How It’s Measured, Stephen Klineberg, Matthew McKeever, and Bert Rothenback
Psalm 22's Christological Interpretive Tradition in Light of Christian Anti-Jewish Polemic, Naomi Koltun-Fromm
About the study, Vladimir Kontorovich
What we learn from the insiders, Vladimir Kontorovich
The World's History, James Krippner
Superlattice patterns in surface waves, A. Kudrolli, B. Pier, and Jerry P. Gollub
Structure and stability of the N-terminal domain of the ribosomal protein L9: Evidence for rapid two-state folding, Brian Kuhlman, Judith A. Boice, Robert Fairman, and Daniel P. Raleigh
Stability and persistence of relative equilibria at singular values of the moment map, E. Lerman and Stephanie Frank Singer
How are dimensions of adult personality related to ego development? An application of the typological approach, Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl and Oliver P. John
Paintings and Works on Paper, Ying Li
Reconstruct the Landscape, Ying Li
Dynamic model of hormonal systems coupled by negative feedback , Casey H. Londergan and Enrique Peacock-López
Am I myself? Identities in Zaire then and now, Wyatt MacGaffey
Bakongo cosmology, Wyatt MacGaffey
Magic, or as we usually say, Art. A framework for comparing European and African art, Wyatt MacGaffey
Thymic function in young/old chimeras: substantial thymic T cell regenerative capacity despite irreversible age-associated thymic involution, C. L. Mackall, Jennifer Punt, P. Morgan, and A. G. Farr
Balloon-borne measurements of the atmospheric emission at 94 GHz, Nazzareno Mandolesi, M. R. Attolini, Carlo Burigana, and Bruce Partridge
Observations of the diffuse near-IR sky emission with a balloon-borne infrared telescope (TRIP), Nazzareno Mandolesi, M. R. Attolini, Stefano Cortiglioni, and Bruce Partridge
Isoperimetric conjugate points with application to the stability of DNA minicircles, Robert S. Manning, Kathleen A. Rogers, and John H. Maddocks
Politics of Downtown Development: Dynamic Political Cultures in San Francisco and Washington, DC, Stephen J. McGovern
Hildegard of Bingen: A Book of Essays, Maud Burnett McInerney
Introduction: Hildegard of Bingen, Prophet and Polymath, Maud Burnett McInerney
Like a virgin: the problem of male virginity in the Symphonia, Maud Burnett McInerney
Race, Class, and the Changing Division of Labour Under Apartheid [Book Review], Matthew McKeever
"Reproduced Inequality: Participation and Success in the South African Informal Economy, Matthew McKeever
The pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase of the protist, Trichomonas vaginalis, and the evolutionary relationships of protist phospho-fructokinases, E. Mertens, U. Ladror, J. Lee, and Andrea R. Morris
Eva Peron: Mujer, personaje, mito, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal
Feminism, Marginality, and Political Praxis: Leila Khaled's Subversive Bodily Acts, Rajeswari Mohan
Time-resolved studies of stick-slip motion in sheared granular layers, Satoru Nasuno, Arshad Kudrolli, Anthony Bak '99, and Jerry P. Gollub
Regulation of SNARE complex assembly by an N-terminal domain of the t-SNARE Sso1p, K. L. Nicholson, M. Munson, R. B. Miller, and Robert Fairman
Composition Space Diagrams for Mixed Transition Metal Oxide Fluorides, Alexander J. Norquist, Kevin R. Heier, Charlotte L. Stern, and Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier
Cultural Hermeneutics and Racialized Life-Worlds: Unfinished Work, Lucius Outlaw
Multiculturalism, Citizenship, Education, and American Liberal Democracy, Lucius Outlaw
Depolarized resonance light scattering by porphyrin and chlorophyll a aggregates, Jai Parkash, John H. Robblee, John Agnew, and Julio C. de Paula
Statistical Search for Ghost Images in the NVSS, Bruce Partridge and J. M. Eppley '98
Flux Measurements at 20GHz of FIRST/GB6 Inverted Spectrum Sources, Bruce Partridge, E. J. Guerra, and D. B. Haarsma
Non-conventional approach to supramolecular formation dynamics: the kinetics of assembly of DNA-bound porphyrins, Robert F. Pasternack, Esther J. Gibbs, Peter J. Collings, and Julio C. de Paula
Constraint-based array dependence analysis, William Pugh and David Wonnacott
Abnormal myelocytic cell development in IL-2-deficient mice: Evidence for the involvement of IL-2 in myelopoiesis, TTannishtha Reya, Nikhat V. Contractor, Matthew S. Couzens, Mariusz A. Wasik, Stephen G. Emerson, and Simon R. Carding
The Radio Properties of galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field, E. A. Richards, K. I. Kellermann, E. B. Fomalont, and Bruce Partridge
Musical Design in Sophoclean Theater [book review], Deborah H. Roberts
X-ray Spectroscopy of Nitric Oxide Binding to Iron in Inactive Nitrile Hydratase and a Synthetic Model Compound, Robert C. Scarrow, Brent S. Stickler, Jeffrey J. Ellison, and Steven C. Shoner
'Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen': Zum Ort der Musik im Erzählwerk Gert Jonkes, Ulrich Schonherr
Lieder, Ulrich Schonherr
Topophony of Fascism: On Marcel Beyer's 'The Karnau Tapes', Ulrich Schonherr
Sublimity and skepticism in Montaigne, David Louis Sedley