Submissions from 1988
Fred Dallmayr's critique of Habermas, Richard J. Bernstein
Habermas y la Modernidad, Richard J. Bernstein
Hermeneutics and Its Anxieties, Richard J. Bernstein
Metaphysics, critique, and utopia, Richard J. Bernstein
Interpretation and Its Discontents: The Choreography of Critique, Richard J. Bernstein, Stanley B. Messer, Louis Arnorsson Sass, and Robert L. Woolfolk
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes mediate graft rejection following bone marrow transplantation, Barbara E. Bierer, Stephen G. Emerson, Joseph Harry Antin, and Richard T. Maziarz
A Sky Temperature Survey at 19. 2 GHz for Anisotropy Tests of the Cosmic Microwave Background, Stephen P. Boughn, David A. Cottingham, David T. Wilkinson, and Edward S. Cheng
Toward a quantum-limited resonant-mass gravitational radiation detector, Stephen P. Boughn, P. F. Michelson, M. Bassan, and R. P. Giffard
Diffuse infrared emission from rich clusters: constraints of dark matter, Stephen P. Boughn and J. M. Uson
How good is the Earth as a gravitational wave detector?, Stephen P. Boughn, Stephen Van Hook '90, C. M. O'Neill, and R. Raghaven
Selectivity of the anthracyclines for negatively charged model membranes: role of the amino group, Thomas G. Burke, Alan C. Sartorelli, and Thomas R. Tritton
Cid de Quevedo: 'Esclavo de su vientre y de su lengua', Israel Burshatin
El Cid de Quevedo: ‘esclavo de su vientre y de su lengua’, Israel Burshatin
Ciclo Metamorfico sul Nome d'un Maestro = [Metamorphic Cycle on the Name of a master]: Undici Pezzi per Pianoforte, Curt Cacioppo
Echoes Returning to Song: Melodies from a New England Powwow, Curt Cacioppo
Interactive program system for integration of reaction rate equations, John P. Chesick
Cell Surface Dynamics, Robert E. Cone and Stephen G. Emerson
Tentative Assignment of the 1440-nm Absorption Band in the Near-Infrared Spectrum of Crystalline Sucrose, Anthony M. C. Davies and Charles E. Miller
Formal operational thought and the Moroccan adolescent, Douglas A. Davis
The Songs of Robert Burns, John Davison, John Ashmead, and Robert Burns
Steady state dendritic growth of NH4Br from solution, Andrew Dougherty and Jerry P. Gollub
Erythroid Helper Cell Dysfunction Following Bone Marrow Trans-plantation, Stephen G. Emerson
Human recombinant granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor and interleukin 3 have overlapping but distinct hematopoietic activities, Stephen G. Emerson, Yu-Chang Yang, Steven C. Clark, and M. W. Long
Evelina's Deceptions: The Letter and the Spirit, Julia J. Epstein
Expression of the drosophila type II topoisomerase is developmentally regulated, Robert Fairman and Douglas L. Brutlag
Meditation, metaphor and meaning, Ashok K. Gangadean
Is Hexaamminecobalt (III/II) Electron Self-Exchange Forbbiden-- Analogy to Photochemical Processes, Daniel A. Geselowitz
Focus: African Development Revisted, Harvey Glickman
Frontiers of Liberal and Non-Liberal Democracy in Africa, Harvey Glickman
Present and future of the African state in an age of adversity, Harvey Glickman
The Crisis and Challenge of African Development, Harvey Glickman
US-USSR co-operation toward reconstruction in Mozambique, Harvey Glickman
Advances in experimental nonlinear dynamics: space-time patterns, Jerry P. Gollub, F. Simonelli, and J. D. Goldberg
Drawing Invitational, John Goodrich
Small Works, John Goodrich
Class of lattices with Mobius function pm 1,0, Curtis Greene
Posets of shuffles, Curtis Greene
Single-sign Rorschach suicide indicators: A validity study using a depressed inpatient population., Andrea G. Hansell, Howard D. Lerner, Randy S. Milden, and Pamela S. Ludolph
Powers of silence: the case of the clerk's Griselda , Elaine Tuttle Hansen
Solomon Complex: Reading Wisdom in Old English Poetry, Elaine Tuttle Hansen
Wife of Bath and the Mark of Adam: Feminism as discussed in literature , Elaine Tuttle Hansen
Competitiveness of U.S. manufactured goods: recent changes and prospects, Susan Hickok, Linda Bell, and Janet Ceglowski
Reply to Viola or toward historical analysis with fuller understanding, Holland Hunter
Soviet agriculture with and without collectivization, 1928-1940, Holland Hunter
Ira De Augustine Reid, Paul Jefferson
Documents: Cyprus, 1950-1954; The prelude to the crisis, part I: 1950, Alexander Kitroeff
Greeks in Egypt, 1919-1937, Alexander Kitroeff
Lessons of the 1965 Soviet Economic Reform, Vladimir Kontorovich
Organizational innovation in a command economy, Vladimir Kontorovich
Prototype statistics as indicators of Soviet R&D priorities in civilian and military machinebuilding, Vladimir Kontorovich
Soviet investment process and capital-labor substitution, Vladimir Kontorovich
A Trip Through Riot, Rout, and Tumult in New York, Roger Lane
[book review] Maria W. Stewart: America's First Black Woman Political Writer: Essays and Speeches, Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner
Rorschach profiles of depressives: Clinical case illustrations, Howard D. Lerner, Randy S. Milden, and Pamela S. Ludolph
The Rorschach and affective disorders: The role of projective testing in a descriptive psychiatric model., Howard D. Lerner, Randy S. Milden, and Pamela S. Ludolph
MacFunction (software package), H. Lewis and Jeffrey Tecosky-Feldman
Invitational, Ying Li
Small Works, Invitational Show, Ying Li
Lymphocyte Regulation of Human Megakaryocyte Development, Michael W. Long, Raymond J. Hutchinson, Linda L. Gragowski, and Stephen G. Emerson
Synergistic Regulation of Human Megakaryocyte Development, Michael W. Long, Raymond J. Hutchinson, Linda L. Gragowski, and Stephen G. Emerson
Complexity, astonishment and power: the visual vocabulary of Kongo nkisi, Wyatt MacGaffey
Science and theatre: the script of African studies, Wyatt MacGaffey
A Search for Small Scale Structure in the Background Radiation at 6 cm, H. M. Martin and Bruce Partridge
Microinjected DNA from the X chromosome affects sex determination in Caenorhabditis elegans, W. K. McCoubrey, K. D. Nordstrom, and Philip M. Meneely
Virginity and subversion: Norea against the powers in the Hypostasis of the Archons, Anne Marie McGuire
X chromosome duplications affect a region of the chromosome they do not duplicate in Caenorhabditis elegans, Philip M. Meneely and K. D. Nordstrom
Episodic mood disorders in women, Randy S. Milden
Effect of two genes on anesthetic response in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, Phil G. Morgan, Margaret M. Sedensky, Philip M. Meneely, and Helmut F. Cascorbi
Politics and society in contemporary Africa (1st ed.), Robert A. Mortimer, Naomi Chazan, John Ravenhill, and Donald Rothchild
Disaggregating the Dollar Index: Trade in Textiles and Apparel, Shannon Mudd
Liberty in African and western thought, V. Y. Mudimbe
The invention of Africa: gnosis, philosophy, and the order of knowledge, V. Y. Mudimbe
Kinetics of generation of influenza-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte precursor cells, Judith A. Owen, Karla I. Dudzik, Lisa Klein, and Douglas R. Dorer
Characterization of cucumber mosaic virus. Molecular heterogeneity mapping of RNA 3 in eight CMV strains., Judith A. Owen and P. Palukaitis
Angular Distribution of the Cosmic Background Radiation, Bruce Partridge
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and the Dog in the Night, Bruce Partridge
Imprint of Large Scale Structure on the Cosmic Background Radiation, Bruce Partridge
La Formazione delle Galassie, Bruce Partridge
Contributions to the Microwave Background Dipole from Galaxies, and Constraints on the Anisotropy of the Far-infrared Background, Bruce Partridge and O. Lahav
Linear Polarized Fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background, Bruce Partridge, J. Nowakowski, and H. M. Martin
Monkeys of Minoo. Part I Social Organization and Mating Behavior. VHS videotape documentary [videorecording], Sidney Irwin Perloe
Effects of Property Rights on Labor Costs of Nonprofit Firms: An Application to the Day Care Industry, Anne Elizabeth Preston
Nonprofit Firm: A Potential Solution to Inherent Market Failures, Anne Elizabeth Preston
Active sites of binuclear iron-oxo proteins, Lawrence Que Jr. and Robert C. Scarrow
Fate in Oedipus Tyrannus: A Textual Approach, Arethusa Monographs XI [book review], Deborah H. Roberts
Ritual Irony [book review], Deborah H. Roberts
Sophoclean Endings: Another Story, Deborah H. Roberts
Lyric and Elegaic Poetry: Greece in Civilization of the Ancient Mediterranean, Joseph A. Russo
Ferric ion sequestering agents. 19. Synthesis of N-alkyl-3-hydroxy-2(1H)-pyridinones and coordination complexes with iron(III)., Robert C. Scarrow and Kenneth N. Raymond
Synthesis of N-alkyl-3-hydroxy-2(1H)-pyridinones and coordination complexes with iron(III), Robert C. Scarrow and Kenneth N. Raymond
Vom Affen zur Maschine: Kafkas Erzählung 'Bericht für eine Akademie' im Spiegel der Machttheorien von Hegel und Foucault, Ulrich Schonherr
In Defense of Innateness, and Of Its Critics, Jonathan I. Schull
Effects of Sex, Thyro-Parathyroidectomy, and Lithium and Circadian Rhythms of Wheel-Running Rat, Jonathan I. Schull, Donald L. McEachron, Norman T. Adler, and Lizabeth Fiedler
Ibn 'Arabi's Polished Mirror: Perspective Shift and Meaning Event, Michael Anthony Sells
Theodicy in Islamic Thought: The Dispute over al-Ghazali's "Best of all Possible Worlds", Michael Anthony Sells
Circular Dichroism Measurement of Peptide Helix Unfolding, Kevin R. Shoemaker, Robert Fairman, Eunice J. York, and John M. Stewart
What, Ron Silliman
Stability boundaries and phase-space measurement for spatially extended dynamical systems, F. Simonelli and Jerry P. Gollub
An Introduction to the Civil Service of Sung China, Journal of Asian Studies [book review], Paul Jakov Smith
Commerce, agriculture, and core formation in the Upper Yangzi, 2 A.D. to 1948, Paul Jakov Smith