
Submissions from 2014

An Improved Query for the Hidden Subgroup Problem, Asif Shakeel

Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XI, Proceedings, Gabriel C. Spalding and Kishan Dholakia


The Dearth of Neutral Hydrogen in Galactic Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies, Kristine Spekkens, Natasha Urbancic, Brian S. Mason, and Beth Willman


Fast Radio Burst Discovered in the Arecibo Pulsar ALFA Survey, L. G. Spitler, James M. Cordes, J. W. T. Hessels, Duncan R. Lorimer, and Fronefield Crawford


Arecibo Pulsar Survey Using ALFA. III. Precursor Survey and Population Synthesis, Joseph K. Swiggum, Duncan R. Lorimer, Maura A. McLaughlin, Stuart D. Bates, and Fronefield Crawford


Cold Molecular Gas in Merger Remnants. I. Formation of Molecular Gas Disks, Junko Ueda, Daisuke Iono, Min S. Yun, Alison F. Crocker, and Desika Narayanan


The flight of the GAPS prototype experiment, Philip Von Doetinchem, Tsuguo Aramaki, Nobutaka Bando, and Kerstin M. Perez


Searching for Pulsars Using Image Pattern Recognition, Weiwei Zhu, Aaron Berndsen, and Fronefield Crawford

Submissions from 2013

Chern-Simons Inflation and Baryogenesis, Stephon Alexander, Antonino Marciano, and David Spergel


The Einstein@Home Search for Radio Pulsars and PSR J2007+2722, Bruce Allen, Benjamin Knispel, James M. Cordes, Julia S. Deneva, and Fronefield Crawford


Mapping the Local Halo: Statistical Parallax Analysis of SDSS Low-Mass Subdwarfs, John J. Bochanski


A Search for RR Lyrae Stars in Segue 2 and Segue 3, Erin Boettcher '12, Beth Willman, Mariah Baker '14, Erica Hopkins '14, Emily Cunningham '12, Tim Douglas '11, Jacob Gilbert '12, and Andrew Sterner '12

Fritz Hasenohrl and E = mc(2), Stephen P. Boughn

A Pedestrian Approach to the Measurement Problem in Quantum Mechanics, Stephen P. Boughn and Marcel Reginatto


Depth-Dependent Resistance of Granular Media to Vertical Penetration, Theodore A. Brzinski III, Patrick Mayor, and Douglas J. Durian


Long-term variability of extragalactic radio sources in the Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue, Xigang Chen, Jörg P. Rachen, Marcos López-Caniego, and Bruce Partridge


CMB spectral distortions from small-scale isocurvature fluctuations, Jens Chluba and Daniel Grin


PSR J1723-2837: An Eclipsing Binary Radio Millisecond Pulsar, Fronefield Crawford


Variability of the Pulsed Radio Emission from the Large Magellanic Cloud Pulsar PSR J0529-6652, Fronefield Crawford


Dressed Return Maps Distinguish Chaotic Mechanisms, Daniel J. Cross


The pre-launch Planck Sky Model: a model of sky emission at millimetre to centimetre wavelengths, Jacques Delabrouille, Marc Betoule, Jean-Baptiste Melin, and Bruce Partridge

Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation X, Kishan Dholakia and Gabriel C. Spalding

Spacetime as a Multicursal Labyrinth in Literature with Application to Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle, J. Everett and Paul Halpern


Cofinite Induced Subgraphs of Impartial Combinatorial Games: An Analysis of CIS-Nim, Scott M. Garrabrant, Eric J. Friedman, and Adam Landsberg

Out of the Darkness into the Darkness: Time Travel in Ernesto Sábato’s El túnel and Connie Willis’ Blackout and All Clear, V. Carpenter and P. Halpern, in Victoria Carpenter, Paul Halpern

The Localized Energy Distribution of Dark Energy Star Solutions, Paul Halpern


Submillimetre Galaxies in a Hierarchical Universe: Number Counts, Redshift Distribution, and Implications for the IMF, C. Hayward and Desika Narayanan


Resolving the Generation of Starburst Winds in Galaxy Mergers, P. F. Hopkins, Dusan Keres, N. Murray, L. Hernquist, and Desika Narayanan


Dense Molecular Gas: A Sensitive Probe of Stellar Feedback Models, P. F. Hopkins and Desika Narayanan


The Meaning and Consequences of Star Formation Criteria in Galaxy Models with Resolved Stellar Feedback, P. F. Hopkins and Desika Narayanan


Star Formation in Galaxy Mergers with Realistic Models of Stellar Feedback and the Interstellar Medium, Philip F. Hopkins, Thomas J. Cox, Lars Hernquist, and Desika Narayanan


Herschel-ATLAS: A Binary HyLIRG Pinpointing a Cluster of Starbursting Protoellipticals, R. J. Ivison, A. M. Swinbank, Ian Smail, A. I. Harris, and Desika Narayanan


Main-Sequence Star Populations in the Virgo Overdensity Region, Helmut Jerjen, Gary S. Da Costa, Beth Willman, and Patrick Tisserand


Einstein@Home Discovery of 24 Pulsars in the Parkes Multi-Beam Pulsar Survey, Benjamin Knispel, Ralph P. Eatough, H. Kim, Evan F. Keane, and Fronefield Crawford


Hierarchical networks, power laws, and neuronal avalanches, Adam Landsberg and Eric J. Friedman


PEACE: Pulsar Evaluation Algorithm for Candidate Extraction - A Software Package for Post-analysis Processing of Pulsar Survey Candidates, K. J. Lee, K. Stovall, F. A. Jenet, J. Martinez, and Fronefield Crawford

The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey of SDDS-III, Andrea Lommen, Kyle S. Dawson, and David J. Schlegel


Limits on the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background from the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Wave, Andrea Lommen, P. B. Ferdman, R. D. Ferdman, and M. E. Gonzalez


Axiverse cosmology and the energy scale of inflation, D. J. Marsh, Daniel Grin, R. Hlozek, and P. G. Ferreira

Galaxy Zoo: Observing Secular Evolution Through Bars, Karen Masters, Edmond Cheung, Evangelina Athanassoula, and Robert C. Nichol

The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey of SDSS-III, Karen Masters, Kyle S. Dawson, David J. Schlegel, and Christopher P. Ahn

Galaxy Zoo: A Catalog of Overlapping Galaxy Pairs for Dust Studies, Karen Masters, William C. Keel, and Anna M. Manning



Morphology in the Era of Large Surveys, Karen Masters, Chris J. Lintott, Brooke Simmons, Steven Bamford, and Sugata Kaviraj


Stellar masses of SDSS-III/BOSS galaxies at z ∼ 0.5 and constraints to galaxy formation models, Karen Masters, Claudia Maraston, and Janine Pforr


Galaxy Zoo: bulgeless galaxies with growing black holes, Karen Masters, Brooke D. Simmons, and Chris J. Lintott


The different star-formation histories of blue and red spiral and elliptical galaxies, Karen Masters, Rita Tojeiro, Joshua Richards, Will J. Percival, and Steven P. Bamford

A Cosmic Growth Spurt in an Infant Galaxy, Desika Narayanan and Chris Carilli

Why is the Milky Way X-factor constant?, Desika Narayanan and P. F. Hopkins

Bounds on Dark Matter Properties from Radio Observations of Ursa Major II using the Green Bank Telescope, A. Natarajan, J. Peterson, T. Voytek, K. Spekkens, and Beth Willman

The Local Luminosity Function of Star-Forming Galaxies Derived from the Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue, Mattia Negrello, Marcel Clemens, Joaquin Gonzalez-Nuevo, and Bruce Partridge


Timing and Interstellar Scattering of Thirty-five Distant Pulsars Discovered in the PALFA Survey, David J. Nice, Emily Altiere, Slavko Bogdanov, James M. Cordes, and Fronefield Crawford


Jet energy measurement with the ATLAS detector in proton-proton collisions at s√=7 TeV, Kerstin M. Perez

Progress on Large-Scale, Low-Cost Si(Li) Detector Fabrication for the GAPS Balloon Mission, Kerstin M. Perez

The GAPS Experiment: Hunting for Dark Matter with Antideuterons, Kerstin M. Perez


The pGAPS experiment: an engineering balloon flight of prototype GAPS, Kerstin M. Perez


The SLUGGS Survey: Kinematics for over 2500 Globular Clusters in Twelve Early-type Galaxies, Vincenzo Pota, Duncan A. Forbes, Aaron J. Romanowsky, Jean P. Brodie, and Jonathan Hargis


Eight New Radio Pulsars in the Large Magellanic Cloud, J. P. Ridley and Fronefield Crawford


A Search for Rapidly Spinning Pulsars and Fast Transients in Unidentified Radio Sources with the NRAO 43 Meter Telescope, D. Schmidt and Fronefield Crawford

The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Relation Between Galaxy Cluster Optical Richness and Sunyaev-Zel'Dovich Effect, Neelima Sehgal, Graeme Addison, Nick Battaglia, and Bruce Partridge


When is a quantum cellular automaton (QCA) a quantum lattice gas automaton (QLGA)?, Asif Shakeel and Peter John Love

The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: cosmological parameters from three seasons of data, J. L. Sievers, R. A. Hlozek, M. R. Nolta, and Bruce Partridge


An improved estimator for non-Gaussianity in cosmic microwave background observations, Tristan L. Smith, Daniel Grin, and Marc Kamionkowski

Mapping out tractor beams: topological angular momentum and reduced axial flux; gradient versus non-conservative forces, Gabriel C. Spalding, Patrick M. Dahl, Christine E.M. Démoré, Zhengyi Yang, and Peter Glynne-Jones


Star Formation and Gas Kinematics of Quasar Host Galaxies at z~6: New Insights from ALMA, Ran Wang, Jeff Wagg, Chris L. Carilli, Fabian Walter, and Desika Narayanan

Submissions from 2012


Integral Field Spectroscopy of 2.0, Susannah Alaghband-Zadeh, Scott C. Chapman, A. Mark Swinbank, Ian Smail, and Desika Narayanan


Horava-Lifshitz theory as a fermionic aether in Ashtekar gravity, Stephon Alexander, Joao Magueijo, and Antonino Marciano


Hidden quantum groups symmetry of super-renormalizable gravity, Stephon Alexander, Antonino Marciano, and Leonardo Modesto

Acoustic Bessel beam with combined optical trapping, Graham Brodie, David Hughes, Christine E.M. Démoré, Gabriel C. Spalding, and Michael P. MacDonald

Quantum Mechanics and Literature: An Analysis of El Túnel by Ernesto Sábato, Victoria Carpenter and Paul Halpern


Four Highly Dispersed Millisecond Pulsars Discovered in the Arecibo PALFA Galactic Plane Survey, Fronefield Crawford


Mechanical evidence of the orbital angular momentum to energy ratio of vortex beams, Christine E.M. Démoré, Zhengyi Yang, Alexander Volovick, Sandy Cochran, Michael P. MacDonald, and Gabriel C. Spalding


Two Millisecond Pulsars Discovered by the PALFA Survey and a Shapiro Delay Measurement, Julia S. Deneva, P. C. C. Freire, James M. Cordes, A. G. Lyne, and Fronefield Crawford

Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation IX, Kishan Dholakia and Gabriel C. Spalding


Star-Galaxy Classification in Multi-Band Optical Imaging, Ross Fadely, David W. Hogg, and Beth Willman


Simultaneous Planck, Swift, and Fermi observations of X-ray and gamma-ray selected blazars, P. Giommi, G. Polenta, A. Lahteenmaki, and Bruce Partridge

Edge of the Universe: A Voyage to the Cosmic Horizon and Beyond, Paul Halpern

Quantum Humor: The Playful Side of Physics at Bohr’s Institute for Theoretical Physics, Paul Halpern


The Globular Cluster Populations of Giant Galaxies: Mosaic Imaging of Five Moderate-Luminosity Early-Type Galaxies, Jonathan Hargis and Katherine L. Rhode


The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A Measurement of the Primordial Power Spectrum, Renée Hlozek, Joanna Dunkley, Graeme Addison, and Bruce Partridge


Why are AGN and Host Galaxies Misaligned?, P. F. Hopkins, L. Hernquist, C. C. Hayward, and Desika Narayanan

Biophysical model of prokaryotic diversity in geothermal hot springs, Anna Klales '09, James Duncan '03, Elizabeth Janus Nett '04, and Suzanne Amador Kane


A Better Presentation of Planck's Radiation Law, Jonathan M. Marr

SYNMAGS: A Fast Tool for Catalog-Level Matched Photometry, Karen Masters, Kevin A. Bundy, David W. Hogg, and Tim D. Higgs


Galaxy Zoo: quantifying morphological indicators of galaxy interaction, Karen Masters, Kevin R.V. Casteels, and Steven P. Bamford


The fraction of early-type galaxies in low-redshift groups and clusters of galaxies, Karen Masters, Ben Hoyle, Robert C. Nichol, and Raul Jimenez

The 2Mass Redshift Survey- Description and Data Release, Karen Masters, John P. Huchra, Lucas M. Macri, and Thomas H. Jarrett


Galaxy Zoo: Dust and molecular gas in early-type galaxies with prominent dust lanes,, Karen Masters, Sugata Kaviraj, Yuan-Sen Ting, and Martin Bureau


Galaxy Zoo and ALFALFA: Atomic Gas and the Regulation of Star Formation in Barred Disc Galaxies, Karen Masters, Robert C. Nichol, Martha P. Haynes, and William C. Keel


Galaxy Zoo: the environmental dependence of bars and bulges in disc galaxies, Karen Masters, Ramin A. Skibba, Robert C. Nichol, and Idit Zehavi


The progenitors of present-day massive red galaxies up to z∼0.7 - finding passive galaxies using SDSS-I/II and SDSS-III, Karen Masters, Rita Tojeiro, Will J. Percival, and David A. Wake


Galaxy Zoo: Building the Low-Mass End of the Red Sequence with Local Post-starburst galaxies, Karen Masters, O. Ivy Wong, K. Schawinski, and S. Kaviraj


The Infrared Light Curve of SN 2011fe in M101 and the Distance to M101, Thomas Matheson, Richard R. Joyce, Lori E. Allen, Abhijit Saha, and Jonathan Hargis


Cosmological Implications of a Stellar Initial Mass Function that Varies with the Jeans Mass in Galaxies, Desika Narayanan


Galaxy Gas Fractions at High-Redshift: The Tension between Observations and Cosmological Simulations, Desika Narayanan


A General Model for the CO-H2 Conversion Factor in Galaxies with Applications to the Star Formation Law, Desika Narayanan, Mark Krumholz, Eve C. Ostriker, and Lars Hernquist

Exploring Uncertainty with Projectile Launchers, Chad Orzel, Gary Reich, and Jonathan Marr


Measurement of inclusive jet and dijet production in pp collisions at √ s = 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector, Kerstin M. Perez


The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: High-Resolution Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array Observations of Act Sze-Selected Clusters from the Equatorial Strip, Erik D. Reese, Tony Mrosckowski, Felipe Menanteau, and Bruce Partridge


Repeatability of the seasonal variations of ozone near the mesopause from Observations of the 11.072-GHz line, A. E. E. Rogers, P. Erickson, V. L. Fish, J. Kittredge, and Jonathan Marr