Submissions from 2004
PSR J0609+2130: A Disrupted Binary Pulsar?, Andrea Lommen, Duncan R. Lorimer, Maura A. McLaughlin, and Zaven Arzoumanian
Review of Christof Teuscher's "The Legacy of Alan Turing: Alan Turing: Life and Legacy of a Great Thinker", Peter John Love
On the Dependence of the Navier Stokes Equations on the Distribution of Molecular Velocities, Peter John Love and Bruce M. Boghosian
Quaternionic Madelung Transformation and Non-Abelian Fluid Dynamics, Peter John Love and Bruce M. Boghosian
Lattice-Gas Simulations of Dynamical Geometry in One-Dimension, Peter John Love, Bruce M. Boghosian, and David A. Meyer
Cell Cytometry with a Light Touch: sorting microscopic matter with an optical lattice, Michael Peter MacDonald, S. Neale, A. Richies, Kishan Dholakia, and Gabriel C. Spalding
All-Optical Sorting, Michael Peter MacDonald, Gabriel C. Spalding, and Kishan Dholakia
The Impact of Distance Uncertainties on Local Luminosity and Mass Functions, Karen Masters, Martha P. Haynes, and Riccardo Giovanelli
Variability Tests for Intrinsic Absorption Lines in Quasar Spectra, Desika Narayanan
Introduction to Cosmology [book review], Bruce Partridge
PSR J2021+3651: A New Gamma-Ray Pulsar Candidate, M. S. E. Roberts, J. W. T. Hessels, S. M. Ransom, V. M. Kaspi, and Fronefield Crawford
Structures and chaotic fluctuations of granular clusters in a vibrated fluid layer, C. C. Thomas and Jerry P. Gollub
Slowly sheared dense granular flows: Crystallization and nonunique final states, J. C. Tsai and Jerry P. Gollub
Pulsar Birthrates from the Parkes Multibeam Survey, Natasa Vranesevic, Richard N. Manchester, Duncan R. Lorimer, George B. Hobbs, and Fronefield Crawford
Defect-free Optically Assisted Assembly of Polystyrene Spheres, G. Wang, J. B. Ketterson, and Gabriel C. Spalding
The Observed and Predicted Spatial Distribution of Milky Way Satellite Galaxies, Beth Willman, Fabio Governato, Julianne J. Dalcanton, and D. Reed
The Origin and Properties of Intracluster Stars in a Rich Cluster, Beth Willman, Fabio Governato, James Wadsley, and Thomas Quinn
Framework for Conceptual Change, Esther Zirbel
Using Historical Misconceptions to Explain Physics Concepts, Esther Zirbel
Bringing Professional Research Experiences into the Class Room, Esther Zirbel, Delores J. Knipp, and Charles J. Myette
Making Connections between Concepts, Formulae, Programming, and Graphs”,, Esther Zirbel, Delores J. Knipp, Evelyn Patterson, Debora Scherrer, and Charles J. Myette
Satellite Orbital Drag, Esther Zirbel, Delores Knipp, and Charles Myette
Submissions from 2003
Noncommutative inflation, Stephon Alexander, Robert Brandenberger, and Joao Magueijo
Galilean Invariant Lattice-Boltzmann Models with H-Theorem, Bruce M. Boghosian, Peter John Love, Peter V. Coveney, and Illya V. Karlin
The Absence of the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect: Constraints on a Cosmological Constant, Stephen P. Boughn and Robert G. Crittenden
Radio/Optical Studies of Extreme GPS and Rising Spectrum Sources, Juan E. Cabanela, E. J. Guerra, and Bruce Partridge
So What IS the Astronomy Major?, Juan E. Cabanela and Bruce Partridge
A Comparison of Measured Crab and Vela Glitch Healing Parameters with Predictions of Neutron Star Models, Fronefield Crawford
Radio Polarization of the Young High-Magnetic-Field Pulsar PSR J1119-6127, Fronefield Crawford
A Search for the Radio Counterpart of the Unidentified Gamma-ray Source 3EG J1410-6147, Michelle Doherty, Simon Johnston, AJ Green, Mallory S. E. Roberts, and Fronefield Crawford
The Emergence of Temporal Correlations in a Study of Global Economic Interdependence, Eric J. Friedman, S. Johnson, and Adam Landsberg
Continuum mechanics in physics education, Jerry P. Gollub
Discrete and continuum descriptions of matter, Jerry P. Gollub
Goals for "Astro 101": Report on Workshops for Department Leaders, George Greenstein and Bruce Partridge
Evolutionary Algorithms on a Self-Organized, Dynamic Lattice, Paul Halpern
The Cyclical Serpent: Prospects for an Ever-Repeating Universe, Paul Halpern
The Mixmaster Universe in Five Dimensions, Paul Halpern
The Quest for Alien Planets: Exploring Worlds Outside the Solar System, Paul Halpern
Course Innovations for Space Science Curriculum, Leon P. Johnson, Shermane A. Austin, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Esther Zirbel
Interdisciplinary Faculty Development Seminars: A Model for Learning Emerging Technologies While Developing Interdisciplinary Partnerships, Suzanne Amador Kane
Introduction to Physics in Modern Medicine, Suzanne Amador Kane
Implementing the Office of Space Science Education/Public Outreach Stategy: A Critical Evaluation at the Six Year Mark, Paul H. Knappenberger, Sandra Begay-Campbell, Andrew Fraknoi, and Bruce Partridge
The Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey - III. Young Pulsars and the Discovery and Timing of 200 Pulsars, Michael Kramer, Jon F. Bell, Richard N. Manchester, Andrew G. Lyne, and Fronefield Crawford
X-ray Observations of the Compact Central Object in Supernova Remnant G347.3-0.5, J. S. Lazendic, P. O. Slane, B. M. Gaensler, P. P. Plucinsky, and Fronefield Crawford
Simulations of Amphiphilic Fluids Using Mesoscale Lattice-Boltzmann and Lattice-Gas Methods, Peter John Love, Maziar Nekovee, and Peter Conovey
Internal Extinction in Spiral Galaxies in the Near Infrared, Karen Masters, Riccardo Giovanelli, and M. P. Haynes
Applications of Spatial Light Modulators in Atom Optics, David McGloin, Gabriel C. Spalding, H. Melville, and Kishan Dholakia
Three-Dimensional Arrays of Optical Bottle Beams, David McGloin, Gabriel C. Spalding, Wilson Sibbett, and Kishan Dholakia
Large B-Fields, Jorge Moreno
Remarks on Non-Commutative Solitons, Jorge Moreno
The OTHER Keck Observatories, Bruce Partridge and Priscilla Benson
The Weyl-Cartan theorem and the naturalness of general relativity, P. Pesic and Stephen P. Boughn
Mechanisms of hole formation in metal-on-metal epitaxial systems: Rh/Ag(001), Lyle D. Roelofs, David A. Chipkin '99, C. J. Rockwell, and Rolf J. Behm
Modulation of Thermoelectric Power of Individual Carbon Nanotubes, J. Small, Kerstin M. Perez, and P. Kim
Internal granular dynamics, shear-induced crystallization, and compaction steps, J. C. Tsai, Greg A. Voth, and Jerry P. Gollub
Mixing rates and symmetry breaking in two-dimensional chaotic flow, Greg A. Voth, T. C. Saint, Greg Dobler, and Jerry P. Gollub
Simple Fabrication of Molecular Circuits by Shadow Mask Evaporation, Y. Zhou, A. T. Johnson, J. Hone, and Walter Fox Smith
The Ultra-Violet Continuum Emission of FR-I and FR-II Radio Galaxies; and a Proposal for a Unified AGN Model for FR-I sources, Esther Zirbel and Stefi A. Baum
A Technique to Promote Deep Learning, Esther Zirbel, Leon P. Johnson, and Shermane A. Austin
Teacher Intern Experiences during a Graduate Level Summer School, Esther Zirbel, Delores J. Knipp, and Charles J. Myette
Faces of the Sun and Cognitive Phases, Esther Zirbel and Charles Myette
Submissions from 2002
Inflation from D-D¯ brane annihilation, Stephon Alexander
Thermal instability for positive brane cosmological constant in the Randall-Sundrum cosmologies, Stephon Alexander, Yi Ling, and Lee Smolin
Granular shear flow dynamics and forces: experiment and continuum theory, Lyderic Bocquet, Wolfgang Losert, David Schalk, and Jerry P. Gollub
Toward the Simplest Hydrodynamic Lattice Gas Model, Bruce M. Boghosian, Peter John Love, and David A. Meyer
Cross correlation of the cosmic microwave background with radio sources: constraints on an accelerating universe, Stephen P. Boughn and Robert G. Crittenden
The Large-scale Structure of the X-ray Background and Its Cosmological Implications, Stephen P. Boughn, Robert G. Crittenden, and Greg Koehrsen '00
Optical Tweezers: the next generation, Kishan Dholakia, Gabriel C. Spalding, and Michael Peter MacDonald
The MicroJansky Sky at 8.4 GHz, E. B. Fomalont, K. I. Kellermann, Bruce Partridge, and E. A. Richards
Learning and Understanding: Improving Advanced Study of Mathematics and Science in U.S. High Schools, NRC Report, Jerry P. Gollub, Meryl W. Bertenthal, Jay B. Labov, and Phillip C. Curtis
Advanced physics in the high schools, Jerry P. Gollub and Robin Spital
VLA-FIRST/GB6 inverted-spectrum radio sources at 20 GHz, E. J. Guerra, S. M. Newlander, D. B. Haarsma, and Bruce Partridge
Exact Solutions of Five Dimensional Anisotropic Cosmologies, Paul Halpern
Diffusion of Vacancies and Adatoms on Stepped Crystalline Surfaces, Gabe Hare and Lyle D. Roelofs
Quintessence and variation of the fine structure constant in the cosmic microwave background radiation, Greg Huey, Stephon Alexander, and Levon Pogosian
An undergraduate biophysics program: Curricular examples and lessons from a liberal arts context, Suzanne Amador Kane
Quantitative Chirality Measures Applied to Domain Formation in Langmuir Monolayers, Suzanne Amador Kane
Evolution of a Colloidal Bean State in an Optical Pinscape, P. T. Korda, Gabriel C. Spalding, and D. G. Grier
PSR J1740+1000: A Young Pulsar well out of the Galactic Plane, Andrea Lommen, Maura A. McLaughlin, Zaven Arzoumanian, and James M. Cordes
A Particulate Basis for a Lattice-Gas Model of Amphiphilic Fluids, Peter John Love
Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Lattice-Gas Simulations of Ternary Amphiphilic Fluids Under Shear Flow, Peter John Love and Peter V. Coveney
The Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey - II. Discovery and Timing of 120 Pulsars, D. J. Morris, George B. Hobbs, A. G. Lyne, Ingrid H. Stairs, and Fronefield Crawford
Cosmology Becomes a Science, Bruce Partridge
The Hot Big Bang: Physics and Cosmology, Bruce Partridge
PSR J2021+3651: A Young Radio Pulsar Coincident with an Unidentified EGRET Gamma-ray Source, M. S. E. Roberts, J. W. T. Hessels, S. M. Ransom, V. M. Kaspi, and Fronefield Crawford
Physics Songs 2002, Walter Fox Smith and M. McKenzie
Two-dimensional granular Poiseuille flow on an incline: multiple dynamical regimes, J. C. Tsai, W. Losert, G. A. Voth, and Jerry P. Gollub
Experimental Measurements of Stretching Fields in Fluid Mixing, G. A. Voth, G. H. Haller, and Jerry P. Gollub
Ordered Clusters and Dynamical States of Particles in a Vibrated Fluid, Greg A. Voth, Ben Bigger, Mark R. Buckley, and Jerry P. Gollub
An SDSS Survey For Resolved Milky Way Satellite Galaxies I: Detection Limits, Beth Willman, Julianne J. Dalcanton, Zeljko Ivezic, and Tom Jackson
SDSS Survey for Resolved Milky Way Satellite Galaxies II: High-Velocity Clouds in the Early Data Release, Beth Willman, Julianne J. Dalcanton, Zeljko Ivezic, and Donald P. Schneider
Astronomy Laboratories, Esther Zirbel
Back to Basics: Using Common Sense to Understand Science, Esther Zirbel
Infusing Professional Astronomy Research into Student Laboratories, Esther Zirbel
Submissions from 2001
Getting at the Join: Integrating Astrophysics and Astronomy in Computer Science Coursework, Shermane A. Austin, Esther Zirbel, and Leon P. Johnson
Mesoscale Modeling of Amphiphilic Fluid Dynamics, Bruce M. Boghosian, Peter V. Coveney, Peter John Love, and Jean-Bernard Maillet
Discovery of Five Binary Radio Pulsars, Fernando Camilo, Andrew G. Lyne, Richard N. Manchester, Jon F. Bell, and Fronefield Crawford
A Radio Supernova Remnant Associated with the Young Pulsar J1119-6127, Fronefield Crawford
Polarization Properties of Nine Southern Radio Pulsars, Fronefield Crawford
Radio Pulsars in the Magellanic Clouds, Fronefield Crawford