
Submissions from 1992

NMDA antagonist MK-801 prevents long-lasting non-associative morphine tolerance in the rat, Shamgar Ben-Eliyahu, Przemyslaw Marek, Anthony L. Vaccarino, and Wendy Faith Sternberg

Temporal accent structure and the remembering of filmed narratives, Marilyn Gail Boltz

The incidental learning and remembering of event durations, Marilyn Gail Boltz

The remembering of auditory event durations, Marilyn Gail Boltz

N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor antagonist MK-801 blocks non-opioid stress induced analgesia. II. Comparison across three swim stress paradigms in selectively bred mice., P. Marek, Jeffrey S. Mogil, Wendy Faith Sternberg, and I. Panocka

Exploring the boundary between the minds of monkeys and humans, Sidney Irwin Perloe

Male mating competition, female choice and dominance in a free ranging group of Japanese Macaques, Sidney Irwin Perloe

Knowing Thyself, Knowing the Other- They're Not the Same, Jonathan I. Schull and J. D. Smith

Successful father's argument for sex: a model for the evolution of sexual reproduction, Jonathan I. Schull and Illmanen Thomas

NMDA antagonist MK-801 blocks stress-induced analgesia in the formalin test, A. L. Vaccarino, P. Marek, Wendy Faith Sternberg, and J. C. Liebeskind

Submissions from 1991

Some structural determinants of melody recall, Marilyn Gail Boltz

Time estimation and attentional perspective, Marilyn Gail Boltz

Psychmuse: A Macintosh system for psychomusicology research, Marilyn Gail Boltz, Mitesh Kapadia, and Ronald Joyner

Effects of background music on the remembering of filmed events, Marilyn Gail Boltz, Matthew Schulkind, and Suzanne Kantra

The View from the Adaptive Landscape, Jonathan I. Schull

Submissions from 1990

Freud's unwritten case, Douglas A. Davis

Are Species Intelligent- Not a Yes or No Question- Response, Jonathan I. Schull

When Functions Are Causes, Jonathan I. Schull

Submissions from 1989

Perceiving the end: effects of tonal relationships on melodic completion, Marilyn Gail Boltz

Rhythm and "good endings": effects of temporal structure on tonality judgments, Marilyn Gail Boltz

Time judgments of musical endings: effects of expectancies on the "filled interval effect", Marilyn Gail Boltz

Adolescence in a Moroccan Town: Making Social Sense, Susan S. Davis and Douglas A. Davis

Dynamic attending and responses to time, Mari R. Jones and Marilyn Gail Boltz

Effects of Sex, Thyro-Parathyroidectomy, and Light Regime on Levels and Circadian Rhythms of Wheel-Running Rat, Jonathan I. Schull, J. Walker, K. Fitzgerald, and L. Hiilivirta

The Midilab Auditory Research System, Robert E. Todd, Marilyn Gail Boltz, and Mari R. Jones

Submissions from 1988

Formal operational thought and the Moroccan adolescent, Douglas A. Davis

Single-sign Rorschach suicide indicators: A validity study using a depressed inpatient population., Andrea G. Hansell, Howard D. Lerner, Randy S. Milden, and Pamela S. Ludolph

Rorschach profiles of depressives: Clinical case illustrations, Howard D. Lerner, Randy S. Milden, and Pamela S. Ludolph

The Rorschach and affective disorders: The role of projective testing in a descriptive psychiatric model., Howard D. Lerner, Randy S. Milden, and Pamela S. Ludolph

Episodic mood disorders in women, Randy S. Milden

Monkeys of Minoo. Part I Social Organization and Mating Behavior. VHS videotape documentary [videorecording], Sidney Irwin Perloe

In Defense of Innateness, and Of Its Critics, Jonathan I. Schull

Effects of Sex, Thyro-Parathyroidectomy, and Lithium and Circadian Rhythms of Wheel-Running Rat, Jonathan I. Schull, Donald L. McEachron, Norman T. Adler, and Lizabeth Fiedler

Submissions from 1987

Synchronous nocturnal activity and gregarious roostings in the neotropical skipper butterfly celaenorrhinus-fritzgaertneri (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae), Philip James Devries, Jonathan I. Schull, and Nancy Greig

Loneliness at the top: Mating failure among high status Japanese macaque males, Sidney Irwin Perloe

Submissions from 1986

Does rule recursion make melodies easier to reproduce? If not, what does?, Marilyn Gail Boltz and M. R. Jones

Conflict affiliation and mating and the effects of spatial confinement in a captive group of squirrel monkeys., Sidney Irwin Perloe

Submissions from 1985

Serial pattern structure and temporal order recognition, Marilyn Gail Boltz, Elizabeth Marshburn, Mari R. Jones, and Walter W. Johnson

Submissions from 1984

Some effects of rhythmic context on melody recognition, Gary Kidd, Marilyn Gail Boltz, and Mari R. Jones

Submissions from 1982

Controlled attending as a function of melodic and temporal context, Mari R. Jones, Marilyn Gail Boltz, and Gary Kidd