Faculty Publications | Psychology | Haverford College


Submissions from 2024


Long-Term Oral Tamoxifen Administration Decreases Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in the Hippocampus of Female Long-Evans Rats, Laura Been, Amanda R. Halliday '23, Sarah M. Blossom '22, Elena M. Bien '24, Anya G. Bernhard '18, Grayson E. Roth '20, Karina J. Domenech Rosario '20, Karlie B. Pollock '20, Patra E. Abramenko '20, Leily M. Behbehani '21, Gabriel J. Pascal '21, and Mary Ellen Kelly


Coping, connection appraisal, and well-being during COVID-19 in the US, Japan, and Mexico, Laurel R. Benjamin '21 and Shu-wen Wang

Perceptions of Falling Behind “Most White People”: Within-Group Status Comparisons Predict Fewer Positive Emotions and Worse Health Over Time Among White (but Not Black) Americans, Nava Caluori, Erin Cooley, Jazmin L. Brown-Iannuzzi, and Ryan F. Lei

Does Early Adversity Predict Executive Functioning Difficulties Among Undergraduates? Dissociations Among Self-Report, Performance, and EEG Measures, Rebecca J. Compton, Eric Kopczynski '22, Keishla Sanchez '22, Katrina Severtson '22, Joanna Gengo '23, Olivia Ahart '23, and Lauren Handler '23

Adversity and error-monitoring: Effects of emotional context, Rebecca J. Compton, Danylo Shudrenko '26, Erin Ng '24, Katelyn Mann '24, and Emil Turdukulov '24


Emotional experiences of ghosting, Gili Freedman, Darcey N. Powell, Benjamin Le, and Kipling D. Williams


Considering How Machine-Learning Algorithms (Re)produce Social Biases in Generated Faces, Matthew Gusdorff '23, Alvin Grissom, Jeova F.S. Rocha Neto, Yikang Lin '22, Ryan Trotter '22, and Ryan F. Lei


Investigating hair cues as a mechanism underlying Black women’s intersectional invisibility, Ryan F. Lei, Aaron J. Cohen '22, Poeny Wong '23, and Sa-Kiera Tiarra Jolynn Hudson


Examining Whether and How Black and Asian Parents Engage in Collective Racial Socialization, Ryan F. Lei, Nicole J. Li '24, Phoebe Tu-Phi Pham, Elizabeth C. Szanton '22, and Zoe Frazer-Klotz '22

Testing Exploratory Narrative Processing as a Mechanism of Change in Identity Status Processes Over 4 Years in College-Going Emerging Adults, Kit Turner, Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl, Moin Syed, and Kate C. McLean


Social Connectedness Protects Against the Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on First-Year Undergraduate Mental Health, Margaret Weisblum '24, Cathy Zhu '23, Trisha Ajila '23, and Shu-wen Wang

Submissions from 2023

Cognitive Neuroscience, Marie T. Banich and Rebecca J. Compton


Effects of task context on EEG correlates of mind-wandering, Rebecca J. Compton, Danylo Shudrenko '26, Katelyn Mann '24, Emil Turdukulov '24, Erin Ng '24, and Lucas Miller '24

Estradiol withdrawal following a hormone simulated pregnancy induces deficits in affective behaviors and increases AFosB in D1 and D2 neurons in the nucleus accumbens core in mice, William B. Foster '18, Katherine F. Beach '18, Paige F. Carson '18, Kagan C. Harris '21, Brandon L. Alonso '22, Leo T. Costa '23, Roy C. Simamora '22, Jaclyn E. Corbin '22, Keegan F. Hoag '22, Sophia I. Mercado '22, Anya G. Bernhard '18, and Laura Been

Positioning Asian Americans in social cognition, Jin X. Goh, Ryan F. Lei, and Linda X. Zou


Elevated estradiol during a hormone simulated pseudopregnancy decreases sleep and increases hypothalamic activation in female Syrian hamsters, Abiola Irvine '20, Maeve Gaffney '20, Erin K. Haughee, Marité A. Horton '21, Hailey C. Morris '21, Kagan C. Harris '21, Jaclyn E. Corbin '22, Clara Merrill '22, Michael L. Perlis, and Laura Been

A sociohistorical model of intersectional social category prototypes, Ryan F. Lei, Emily Foster-Hanson, and Jin X. Goh

Submissions from 2022

Hormones and neuroplasticity: A lifetime of adaptive responses, Laura Been, Paul A.S. Sheppard, Liisa A.M. Galea, and Erica R. Glasper

Beliefs That White People Are Poor, Above and Beyond Beliefs That Black People Are Poor, Predict White (But Not Black This prior work finds) Americans' Attitudes Toward Welfare Recipients and Policy, Erin Cooley, Jazmin L. Brown-Iannuzzi, Ryan F. Lei, William Cipolli III, and Lauren E. Philbrook

The role of gender and safety concerns in romantic rejection decisions, Gili Freedman, Andrew H. Hales, Darcey N. Powell, Benjamin Le, and Kipling D. Williams

Emotional experiences of ghosting, Gili Freedman, Darcey N. Powell, Benjamin Le, and Kipling D. Williams


Coping behavior versus coping style: characterizing a measure of coping in undergraduate STEM contexts, Meredith A. Henry, Shayla Shorter, Louise K. Charkoudian, Jennifer M. Heemstra, and Benjamin Le

Black-Asian solidarity through collective racial socialization, Ryan F. Lei, Zoe Frazer-Klotz '22, and Elizabeth C. Szanton '22


Inclusively Studying Inclusion: Centering Three Modes of Student Partnership in Assessing Equity and Inclusion in an Academic Department, Nicole S. Litvitskiy '20, Guadalupe Torres '20, and Benjamin Le


Exploring Individuals' Descriptive and Injunctive Norms of Ghosting, Darcey N. Powell, Gili Freedman, Benjamin Le, and Kipling D. Williams

Submissions from 2021

Implicit Support Differs Across Five Groups in the US, Taiwan, and Mexico, Laurel Benjamin '21, Xueting Ni '19, and Shu-wen Wang

Investigating the Interplay Between Race, Work Ethic Stereotypes, and Attitudes Toward Welfare Recipients and Policies, Jazmin L. Brown-Iannuzzi, Erin Cooley, Christopher K. Marshburn, Stephanie E. McKee, and Ryan F. Lei

Simultaneous EEG and pupillary evidence for post-error arousal during a speeded performance task, Rebecca J. Compton, Dylan Gearinger '19, Hannah Wild '19, Danielle Rette '18, Elizabeth C. Heaton '18, Stephanie Histon '18, Pablo Thiel '20, and Marc Jaskir '20

Effects of post-response arousal on cognitive control: Adaptive or maladaptive?, Rebecca J. Compton, Marc Jaskir '20, and Jianing Mu '22

The Policy Implications of Feeling Relatively Low Versus High Status Within a Privileged Group, Erin Cooley, Jazmin L. Brown-Iannuzzi, Ryan F. Lei, William Cipolli III, and Lauren E. Philbrook

Racial preferences in sexual attraction among White heterosexual and gay men: Evidence from sexual arousal patterns and negative racial attitudes, Kevin J. Hsu, Ryan F. Lei, and Galen V. Bodenhausen


Research methods & statistics for psychology: OER course packet, Benjamin Le

How Race and Gender Shape the Development of Social Prototypes in the United States, Ryan F. Lei, Rachel A. Leshin, Kelsey Moty, Emily Foster-Hanson, and Marjorie Rhodes

Why Developmental Research on Social Categorization Needs Intersectionality, Ryan F. Lei and Marjorie Rhodes

Who is a typical woman? Exploring variation in how race biases representations of gender across development, Rachel A. Leshin, Ryan F. Lei, Magnolia Byrne, and Marjorie Rhodes

Perceived discrimination and mental health in college students: A serial indirect effects model of mentoring support and academic self-concept, Daniel Mayo '19 and Benjamin Le

Stability and change in autobiographical reasoning: A 4-year longitudinal study of narrative identity development, Kate C. McLean, David Dunlap, Sarah C. Jennings, Nicole S. Litvitskiy, and Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl

Identity Development and Major Choice Among Underrepresented Students Interested in STEM Majors: A Longitudinal Qualitative Analysis, Kate C. McLean, Isabella M. Koepf, and Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl

Blatant Dehumanization in the Mind's Eye: Prevalent Even Among Those Who Explicitly Reject It?, Christopher D. Petsko, Ryan F. Lei, Jonas R. Kunst, Emile Bruneau, and Nour Kteily

A multi-study examination of attachment and implicit theories of relationships in ghosting experiences, Darcey N. Powell, Gili Freedman, Kipling D. Williams, Benjamin Le, and Hayley Green

Find the Silver Lining or Ignore the Cloud? Cognitive Reappraisal Versus Visual Attention Training, Heather Robinson '19, Elisa Sheen '19, Rachel Silwinski '19, Jianing Mu '22, and Rebecca J. Compton

"Taking the empathy to an activist state": Ally development as continuous cycles of critical understanding and aging, Karen L. Suyemoto and Alissa Hochman

Maternal continuous oral oxycodone self-administration alters pup affective/social communication but not spatial learning or sensory-motor function, Giulia Zanni, Patrese A. Robinson-Drummer, Ashlee A. Dougher, Hannah M. Deutsch, and Matthew J. DeSalle

Submissions from 2020

The Complexity of Cultural Mismatch in Higher Education: Norms Affecting First-Generation College Students' Coping and Help-Seeking Behaviors, Janet Chang, Shu-wen Wang, Colin Mancini, Brianna McGrath-Mahrer, and Sujey Orama de Jesus

Type I Error Is Inflated in the Two-Phase Reverse Correlation Procedure, Jeremy Cone, Jazmin L. Brown-Iannuzzi, Ryan F. Lei, and Ron Dotsch


Investigating the Health Consequences for White Americans Who Believe White Americans Are Wealthy, Erin Cooley, Jazmin L. Brown-Iannuzzi, Ryan F. Lei, Lauren E. Philbrook, and William Cipolli III

Estrogen withdrawal increases postpartum anxiety via oxytocin plasticity in the paraventricular hypothalamus and dorsal raphe nucleus, Elizabeth C. Heaton '18, Claudia Amaral '17, Lauren E. Benedetto '18, Clio L. Bodie '17, Breanna I. D'Antonio '17, Dayana R. Davila Portillo '19, Rachel H. Lee '17, M. Taylor Levine '18, Emily C. O'Sullivan '19, Natalie P. Pisch '19, Shantal Taveras '18, Hannah R. Wild '19, and Laura Been

Evaluating and dismantling an intervention aimed at increasing white people’s knowledge and understanding of racial justice issues, Alissa Hochman and Karen L. Suyemoto

The Development of Intersectional Social Prototypes, Ryan F. Lei, Rachel A. Leshin, and Marjorie Rhodes

The meaning of scientific objectivity and subjectivity: From the perspective of methodologists, Heidi M. Levitt, Francisco I. Surace, Max B. Wu, Brad Chapin, and Alissa Hochman

Narrative Identity Processes and Patterns of Adjustment Across the Transition to College: A Developmentally Contextualized Approach, Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl and Kate C. McLean

The Empirical Structure of Narrative Identity: The Initial Big Three, Kate C. McLean, Moin Sayed, Monisha Pasupathi, Jonathan M. Adler, and Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl

Becoming and fostering allies and accomplices through authentic relationships: choosing justice over comfort, Karen L. Suyemoto, Alissa Hochman, Roxanne A. Donovan, and Lizabeth Roemer

Lifestyle Modification Approaches for the Treatment of Obesity in Adults, Thomas A. Wadden, Jena S. Tronieri, and Meghan L. Butryn

Submissions from 2019

Sex Experience Increases Delta FosB in Male and Female Hamsters, but Facilitates Sex Behavior Only in Females, Luis Acaba '16, David Sidibe '16, John Thygesen '16, Harrison Van der Kloot '16, and Laura Been

Towards a neurobiology of female aggression, Laura Been, Alisson Gibbons '19, and Robert L. Meisel

The wandering mind oscillates: EEG alpha power is enhanced during moments of mind-wandering, Rebecca J. Compton, Dylan Gearinger '19, and Hannah Wild '19

Complex intersections of race and class: Among social liberals, learning about White privilege reduces sympathy, increases blame, and decreases external attributions for White people struggling with poverty, Erin Cooley, Jazmin L. Brown-Iannuzzi, Ryan F. Lei, and William Cipolli III

Personal prejudice, other guilt: Negative affect toward Black people predicts guilty verdicts for White officers who kill Black men, Erin Cooley, Ryan F. Lei, Jazmin I. Brown-Iannuzzi, and Taylor Grace Ellerkamp

Ghosting and destiny: Implicit theories of relationships predict beliefs about ghosting, Gili Freedman '09, Darcey N. Powell, Benjamin Le, and Kipling D. Williams

The Acquisition of Gender Stereotypes about Intellectual Ability: Intersections with Race, Jilana Jaxon, Ryan F. Lei, Reut Sachnai, Eleanor K. Chestnut, and Andrei Cimpian

How I Learned to Embrace the Awkward Silences to Promote Class Participation, Benjamin Le and Maya Gorstein

Children lose confidence in their potential to “be scientists”, but not in their capacity to “do science”, Ryan F. Lei, Emily R. Green, Sarah-Jane Leslie, and Marjorie Rhodes

Dopamine, Robert L. Meisel and Laura Been


Glutamate Afferents From the Medial Prefrontal Cortex Mediate Nucleus Accumbens Activation by Female Sexual Behavior, Kelsey M. Moore, Wyatt L. Oelberg, Rose Glass '17, Matthew D. Johnson, and Laura Been

Social attitudes in preschool-aged children: Bias at the intersection of race and gender, Danielle R. Perszyk, Ryan F. Lei, Galen V. Bodenhausen, and Jennifer A. Richeson

Submissions from 2018

Cognitive Neuroscience, 4th Edition, Marie T. Banich and Rebecca J. Compton

The myth that only brilliant people are good at math and its implications for diversity, Eleanor K. Chestnut, Ryan F. Lei, Sarah-Jane Leslie, and Andrei Cimpian

Is attention enhanced following performance errors? Testing the adaptive control hypothesis, Rebecca J. Compton, Elizabeth C. Heaton '18, and Averi Gaines

The mixed outcomes of taking ownership for implicit racial biases, Erin Cooley, Ryan F. Lei, and Taylor Ellerkamp

Economic instability selectively disadvantages female (but not male) political candidates, Ryan F. Lei and Galen V. Bodenhausen

“So Now, I Wonder, What Am I?”: A Narrative Approach to Bicultural Identity Integration, Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl, Margaret Bishop '10, Katharine Gilson '10, Lindsay Festa '09, Chloe Levenson '09, and Rena Rosenblum '09

Identity development in cultural context: The role of deviating from master narratives, Kate C. McLean, Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl, Chelsea Fordham, Elizabeth Alpert '13, Emma Marsden '13, Kathryn Szymanowski '13, and Dan P. McAdams

The effects of digital platforms on news audience behavior, Jacob L. Nelson and Ryan F. Lei


Many Analysts, One Data Set: Making Transparent How Variations in Analytic Choices Affect Results, R. Silberzahn, Eric Luis Uhlmann, Dan P. Martin, Pasquale Anselmi, and Ryan F. Lei

Ethnicity moderates the benefits of perceived support and emotional expressivity on stress reactivity for Asian Americans and Euro Americans, Shu-wen Wang and Anna S. Lau

Submissions from 2017

Research Methods for Studying Narrative Identity: A Primer, Jonathan M. Adler, William L. Dunlop, Robyn Fivush, Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl, and Jennifer Lodi-Smith

The Effects of Brief Contact on Mental Illness Stigma: Preliminary Evidence from an Italian Vocational Rehabilitation Center, Zara Atal, Shu-wen Wang, and Roberto Biella-Battista

Strategies for Transforming a Classroom into a Brave and Trusting Learning Community: A Dialogic Approach, Laura Been and Clara Abbott '18

Auditory Driving in Cinematic Art, Marilyn Gail Boltz

Facial Biases on Vocal perception and Memory, Marilyn Gail Boltz

Memory for vocal tempo and pitch, Marilyn Gail Boltz

Reductions in Negative Parenting Practices Mediate the Effect of a Family-School Intervention for Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Genery D. Booster, Jennifer A. Mautone, Jenelle Nissley-Tsiopinis, and Devin Van Dyke '14

Intertrial interval duration affects error monitoring, Rebecca J. Compton, Elizabeth C. Heaton '18, and Emily Ozer '16


Racial assumptions color the mental representation of social class, Ryan F. Lei and Galen V. Bodenhausen

Digital democracy in America: A look at civic engagement in an Internet age, Jacob L. Nelson, Dan A. Lewis, and Ryan F. Lei

Psychological distress, attachment, and conflict resolution in romantic relationships, Julie Petersen '16 and Benjamin Le


Effects of job stress on family relationships, Rena L. Repetti and Shu-wen Wang

Cultural Experiences, Social Ties, and Stress: Focusing on the HPA axis., Shu-wen Wang and Belinda Campos

Submissions from 2016

Intracranial Hypertension Without Papilledema in Children, Shawn C. Aylward, Steve E. Roach, and Catherine Aronowitz 15

Mindfulness-of-breathing exercise modulates EEG alpha activity during cognitive performance, Hanaan Bing-Canar '15, Jacquelyne Pizzuto '15, and Rebecca J. Compton

Phonetic Symbolism and Memory for Advertisements, Marilyn Gail Boltz, Grace M. Mangigian '16, and Molly B. Allen '16

Adoption Beyond Borders: How International Adoption Benefits Children, Rebecca J. Compton


Moral judgment in episodic amnesia, Carl F. Craver, Nazim Keven, Donna Kwan, Jake Kurczek, and Melissa C. Duff

A new method for assessing the impact of medial temporal lobe amnesia on the characteristics of generated autobiographical events, Ariella Lenton-Brym, Jake Kurczek, R. Shayna Rosenbaum, and Signy Sheldon

Using a Pop-Science Book to Teach Introductory Neuroscience: Advantages for Science Majors and Non-Science Majors Alike, Paul G. Mermelstein, Robert L. Meisel, and Laura Been

Who Gives to Whom? Testing the Support Gap Hypothesis With Naturalistic Observations of Couple Interactions, Rena L. Repetti and Shu-wen Wang

Implications of Emotion Expressivity for Daily and Trait Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Functioning Across Cultural Groups, William Tsai, Micheal Sun, Shu-wen Wang, and Anna S. Lau

"Social" Neuroscience: Leveraging Social Media to Increase Student Engagement and Public Understanding of Neuroscience, Alissa Valentine '19 and Jake Kurczek