Submissions from 2011
Planck early results. XVI. The Planck view of nearby galaxies, Peter Ade, Nabila Aghanim, Monique Arnaud, and Bruce Partridge
Planck early results. XX. New light on anomalous microwave emission from spinning dust grains, Peter Ade, Nabila Aghanim, Monique Arnaud, and Bruce Partridge
Planck early results. XIII. Statistical properties of extragalactic radio sources in the Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue, Peter A. R. Ade, Nabila Aghanim, Francisco Argueso, and Bruce Partridge
Using Infrared Spectroscopy of Cyanylated Cysteine To Map the Membrane Binding Structure and Orientation of the Hybrid Antimicrobial Peptide CM15, Katherine N. Alfieri '10, Alice R. Vienneau '12, and Casey H. Londergan
The Dissociation of Vibrationally Excited CH3OSO Radicals and Their Photolytic Precurson, Methoxysulfinyl Chloride, Bridget W. Alligood, Caroline C. Womack, Daniel B. Straus, and Frances Rose Blase
Treatment patterns among offenders with mental health problems and substance use problems, Charlotte Alm
Ignoring power : knowing leakage in Mumbai's water supply, Nikhil Anand
Pressure: The PoliTechnics of Water Supply in Mumbai, Nikhil Anand
Towards an Anthropology of Water in Mumbai, Nikhil Anand
Housing in the Urban Age: Inequality and Aspiration in Mumbai, Nikhil Anand and Anne Rademacher
Birago Diop, memorialist, Koffi Anyinefa
Emmanuel B. Dongala, Koffi Anyinefa
Peace-Corps voyageurs en Afrique: Autobiographie, pseudo-ethnographie et géographisme, Koffi Anyinefa, Adjaï P. Oloukpona-Yinnon, and Dotsé G. Yigbé
Florescence, Ingrid Arauco
Vistas for Flute and Piano, Ingrid Arauco
Invocation: Solo Piano and Chamber Music (CD), Ingrid Arauco, Paul R. Demers, Hirono Oka, and Burchard Tang
Preverbal error-monitoring in stutterers and fluent speakers, Daniel Arnstein '09, Brian Lakey '09, Rebecca J. Compton, and Jennifer Kleinow
Field Guide: Markus Baenziger, curated by John Muse, Markus Baenziger
Garden as Muse, curated by Andrea Packard, Markus Baenziger
Midnight Party, curated by Joan Rothfuss, Markus Baenziger
Outsight Inn: 28 Solo Projects, Markus Baenziger
Sculpture Key West 2011, Markus Baenziger
Sexual Disorientation, Anne Balay
Bank Profitablity Performance in EU: Cross-country analysis, Biswajit Banerjee
The road to euro adoption: a comparison of Slovakia and Slovenia, Biswajit Banerjee, Damjan Kozamernik, and L'Udovit Odor
ompVerify: Polyhedral Analysis for the OpenMP Programmer, Vamshi Basupalli, Tomofumi Yuki, Sanjay Rajopadhye, and David Wonnacott
Chemosensory and hormone information are relayed directly between the medial amygdala, posterior bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and medial preoptic area in male Syrian hamsters, Laura Been and A. Petrulis
FIRE Spectroscopy of the Ultra-Cool Brown Dwarf, UGPS J072227.51–054031.2: Kinematics, Rotation, and Atmospheric Parameters, John J. Bochanski, Adam J. Burgasser, Robert A. Simcoe, and Andrew A. West
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 Spectroscopic M Dwarf Catalog. II. Statistical Parallax Analysis, John J. Bochanski, Suzanne L. Hawley, and Andrew A. West
Illusory Tempo Changes Due To Musical Characteristics, Marilyn Gail Boltz
Accountability and Democracy: The Pitfalls and Promise of Popular Control, Craig Borowiak
Globalization and Popular Sovereignty [book review], Craig Borowiak
A distorted view of the early universe, Stephen P. Boughn
Commentary on Genberg et al. : The structural vulnerability imposed by hypersegregated US inner-city neighborhoods - a theoretical and practical challenge for substance abuse research, Philippe Bourgois and Laurie Kain Hart
Spatial Turns: Space, Place, and Mobility in German Literary and Visual Culture [book review], Imke Brust
The Crisis of an Old Order: Gender, Sexual Relations, and Reproduction in Lessing's The Cleft, Imke Brust
Radio Bursts with Extragalactic Spectral Characteristics Show Terrestrial Origins, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, Matthew Bailes, Ronaled Elkers, Jean-Pierre Macquart, and Fronefield Crawford
Optimizing of Pulsar Timing Arrays to Gravitational Wave Single Sources: A First Cut, Brian J. Burt, Andrea Lommen, and Lee S. Finn
Heavy Pedal, Curt Cacioppo
Restriction of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1 to the Peptidergic Subset of Primary Afferent Neurons Follows its Developmental Downregulation in Nonpeptidergic Neurons, Daniel J. Cavanaugh
Trpv1 reporter mice reveal highly restricted brain distribution and functional expression in arteriolar smooth muscle cells, Daniel J. Cavanaugh
Probing the interactions of an acyl carrier protein domain from the 6-deoxyerythronolide B synthase, Louise K. Charkoudian, Corey W. Liu, Stephania Capone, and Shiven Kapur
Enteroaggregative E. coli O104 from an outbreak of HUS in Germany 2011, could it happen again?, Marie Anne Chattaway, Tim Dallman, Iruka N. Okeke, and John Wain
Product Structures for Legendrian Contact Homology, Gokhan Civan, John B. Etnyre, Paul Koprowski, Joshua Marc Sabloff, and Alden Walker
Cognitive control in the inter-trial interval: Evidence from EEG alpha power, Rebecca J. Compton, Daniel Arnstein '09, Gili Freedman '09, Justin Dainer-Best '09, and Alison Liss '10
Neural and behavioral measures of error-related cognitive control predict daily coping with stress, Rebecca J. Compton, Daniel Arnstein 09, Gili Freedman '09, Justin Dainer-Best 09, and Alison Liss '10
Targeted translational regulation using the PUF protein family scaffold, Amy Cooke, Andrew Priggie, Laura Opperman, and Marvin Wickens
Albert Camus et Rene Char ou la Posterite de la Resistance, Christophe Corbin
Indochine S.O.S.: The ‘Naked Testimony’ and Grand Reportage of Andrée Viollis, Kathryne A. Corbin
Predicting women’s and men’s coping strategies: Interdependence type matters, Erin E. Crockett, Timothy J. Loving, Benjamin Le, and Miriam S. Korn '07
Issues in Differential Diagnosis: Phobias and Phobic Conditions, Marjorie Crozier, Seth J. Gillihan, and Mark B. Powers
GSK3-mediated instability of tubulin polymers is responsible for the failure of immature CD4+CD8+thymocytes to polarize their MTOC in response to TCR stimulation, Nicole R. Cunningham, Emily M. Hinchcliff '08, Vassily I. Kutyavin '11, and Jennifer Punt
Inequalities for symmetric means, Allison Cuttler '06, Curtis Greene, and Mark Skandera
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Power Spectrum at 148 and 218 GHz from the 2008 Southern Survey, Sudeep Das, Tobias A. Marriage, Peter A. R. Ade, and Bruce Partridge
Building a model of commitment to the natural environment to predict ecological behavior and willingness to sacrifice, Jody L. Davis, Benjamin Le, and Anthony E. Coy
The Vaccinia Virus A56 protein: A Multifunctional Transmembrane Glycoprotein that Anchors Two Secreted Viral Proteins, Brian DeHaven
Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation VIII, Kishan Dholakia and Gabriel C. Spalding
Filling the Gaps: Report on "Restituer la polyphonie lacunaire: enjeux methodologie et perspectives," 25-29 October 2010, Centre d'etudes superieurs de la Renaissance (CESR), Tours, Theodor Dumitrescu and Richard Freedman
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Cosmological Parameters from the 2008 Power Spectrum, Joanna Dunkley, Renée A. Hlozek, Jonathan L. Sievers, and Bruce Partridge
The Time of Popular Sovereignty: Process and the Democratic State, Paulina Ochoa Espejo
Segue 3: An Old, Extremely Low Luminosity Star Cluster in the Milky Way's Halo, Ross Fadely, Beth Willman, Marla Geha, and Shane Walsh
Listening to the Psalms among the Huguenots: Simon Goulart as Music Editor, Richard Freedman
The Chansonniers of Nicolas Du Chemin: A Digital Forum for Renaissance Music Books, Richard Freedman and P. Vendrix
Review of Judy Green and Jeanne LaDuke's Pioneering Women in American Mathematics: the Pre-1940 PhD’s, Sorelle A. Friedler
The Mountain and the Shell, Andrew Friedman
Some Important Statistical Issues Courts Should Consider in Their Assessment of Statistical Analyses Submitted in Class Certification Motions: Implications for Dukes v. Wal-mart, Joseph L. Gastwirth, Efstathia Bura, and Weiwen Miao
Roman Comedy of Letters [book review], Robert Germany
New Solid Acids in the Triple-Layer Dion-Jacobson Layered Perovskite Family, Margret J. Geselbracht, Helen K. White, Jeanette M. Blainea, and Miranda J. Diaz
Imperfect Asset Substitutability and Current Account Dynamics, Indradeep Ghosh
Process and Product in Collaborative Media: Making Neighbors and Nature in Harmony, Maris Boyd Gillette
Neural substrates associated with weather-induced mood variability: An exploratory study using ASL perfusion fMRI, Seth J. Gillihan, John A. Detre, Martha J. Farah, and Hengyi Rao
The effect of anxiety sensitivity on alcohol consumption among individuals with comorbid alcohol dependence and posttraumatic stress disorder, Seth J. Gillihan, Samantha G. Farris, and Edna B. Foa
Fear extinction and emotional processing theory: A critical review, Seth J. Gillihan and Edna B. Foa
Should we expect "neural signatures" for DSM diagnoses?, Seth J. Gillihan and Erik Parens
Serotonin transporter genotype modulates the association between depressive symptoms and amygdala activity among psychiatrically healthy adults, Seth J. Gillihan, Hengyi Rao, Lauretta Brennan, and Danny J. Wang
Contrasting roles for lateral and ventromedial prefrontal cortex in transient and dispositional affective experience, Seth J. Gillihan, Chengie Xia, Alisa A. Padon, and Andrea S. Heberlein
[R-C7H16N2][V2Te2O10] and [S-C7H16N2][V2Te2O10]; new polar templated vanadium tellurite enantiomers, Ethan C. Glor '11, Samuel M. Blau '12, J. Yeon, Alexander J. Norquist, and Joshua Schrier
Treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder in U.S. combat veterans: a meta-analytic review., Jason Goodson, Amy Helstrom, Jacqueline M. Halpern, and Seth J. Gillihan
More Than Just Social Structure: The Poverty of Cultur(al) Analysis, Mark Gould
Review of Charles Walton's Policing Public Opinion in the French Revolution: The Culture of Calumny and the Problem of Free Speech, Lisa Jane Graham
Compensated Isocurvature Perturbations and the Cosmic Microwave Background, Daniel Grin, Olivier Doré, and Marc Kamionkowski
Do baryons trace dark matter in the early universe?, Daniel Grin, Olivier Doré, and Marc Kamionkowski
Measuring oscillatory velocity fields due to swimming algae, J. S. Guasto, Karl A. Johnson, and Jerry P. Gollub
Sociality of losing? Speculations on the Beijing Olympics and emergent forms of Chinese capitalism, Guangtian Ha
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Calibration with the Wilkinson Microwave Anistropy Probe Using Cross-Correlations, Amir Hajian, Viviana Acquaviva, Peter A. R. Ade, and Bruce Partridge
Fast localized wavefront correction using area-mapped phase-shift interferometry, Gunnsteinn Hall, Gabriel C. Spalding, Paul J. Campagnola, John G. White, and Kevin W. Eliceiri
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Detection of Sunyaev-Zel'Dovich Decrement in Groups and Clusters Associated with Luminous Red Galaxies, Nick Hand, John W. Appel, Nick Battaglia, and Bruce Partridge
The transcription factor NR4A1 (Nur77) controls bone marrow differentiation and the survival of Ly6C(-) monocytes, Richard N. Hanna, Leo M. Carlin, Harper G. Hubbeling, and Jennifer Punt
The Globular Cluster Population of NGC 7457: Clues to the Evolution of Field S0 Galaxies, Jonathan Hargis, Katherine L. Rhode, J. Strader, and Jean P. Brodie
Flow [Commentary], Laurie Kain Hart
Cattle for Wives and Extramarital Trysts for Husbands? Lobola, Men, and HIV/STD Risk Behavior in Southern Africa., Anita G. Heeren, John B. Jemmott, Joanne C. Tyler, Sonwabo Tshabe, and Zolani Ngwane
A Phase 1 Dose Escalation Study of Infusion of Ex Vivo CD3/CD28 Costimulated Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived T Cells in Adults Undergoing Transplanation for Advanced Hematologic Malignancies , E. O. Hexner, S. M. Luger, J. K. Mangan, and Stephen G. Emerson
How the Hox Gene Ubx Specifies Two Different Segment Identities, Rachel E. Hoang
Hox Genes And The Evolution Of The Vertebrate Body Plan, Rachel E. Hoang
Interactions Between Vertebrate Hox Genes, Rachel E. Hoang
The Dynamics and Mechanics of Apical Constriction, Rachel E. Hoang
Salome Revisited. Electroacoustic work, Heidi Jacob
Molecular-genetic mapping of zebrafish mutants with variable phenotypic penetrance, Roshan A. Jain, Marc A. Wolman, and Lauren A. Schmidt