
Submissions from 2006

Islamism in Sudan’s Civil War, Harvey Glickman

The Nigerian ‘419’ Advance Fee Scams: Prank or Peril, Harvey Glickman

Patterns and Chaotic Dynamics in Faraday Surface Waves, Jerry P. Gollub

Research in Fluid Dynamics: Meeting National Needs, a report of the U.S. National Committee on theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Jerry P. Gollub


Microscopic Irreversibility and Chaos, Jerry P. Gollub and David Pine

Lauren Bakoian, Glen Cebulash, and John Goodrich, John Goodrich

Summer Light III, John Goodrich

Watercurrents 2006: The Figure, John Goodrich


Forest certification in Africa in Confronting sustainability: Forest certification in developing and transitioning societies, Elizabeth Gordon, Richard Atyi, Cori Ham, Polycarp Mwima, and Felix Njovu

Fiction, Kingship and the Politics of Character in Eighteenth-Century France, Lisa Jane Graham

Review of Katherine Crawford's Perilous Performances: Gender and Regency in Early Modern France, Lisa Jane Graham


Four-Qubit Device with Mixed Couplings, M. Grajcar, A. Izmalkov, S. H. W. van der Ploeg, and Peter John Love

Semi-automated Quantification of Axonal Densities in Labeled CNS Tissue, Michael Grider

Energy Distribution of Black Plane Solutions, Paul Halpern

Energy of the Taub Cosmological Solution, Paul Halpern

Brave New Universe: Illuminating the Darkest Secrets of the Cosmos, Paul Halpern and Paul Wesson

Michael Psellos’s De Daemonibus in the Renaissance, Darin Hayton

Review of Danielle Jacquart and Charles Burnet's Scientia in Margine. Etudes sur les Marginaliia dans les Manuscrits Scientifque du Moyen Âge à la Renaissance, Darin Hayton

Review of Wouter J. Hanegraaf and Ruud M. Bouthoorn's Ludovico Lazzarelli (1447-1500). The Hermetic Writings and Related Documents, Darin Hayton

Growing More Mature: Insights from the Lives of Highly Achieving Men and Women, Douglas Hamilton Heath

Property Theory, Adjectives, and Modification in Chinese, Shi-Zhe Huang

Desde las roturas: memoria, judeidad y extranjería en la obra de Tamara Kamenszain, Ariana Huberman

Paréntesis sobre paréntesis: memoria y escritura en Lenta biografía de Sergio Chejfec, Ariana Huberman

Memoria y Representación: Literatura y Cultura Judía en América Latina, Ariana Huberman and Alejandro Meter

I Smoothed the Way, I Opened the Doors: Women in the Yoruba-Orisha Tradition of Trinidad, Tracey E. Hucks

Applied Calculus, 3rd ed., Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Patti Frazer Lock, Andrew M. Gleason, and Jeffrey Tecosky-Feldman


Confronting the Past: The Challenge of Truth, Justice and Reparations n Guatemala, Anita J. Isaacs

Sonnettina, Heidi Jacob

Democratic Visions from behind the Veil, Terrence Johnson


Hunting for Jobs at Liberal Arts Colleges, Suzanne Amador Kane and Kenneth Laws

At Least Two Populations of Stem Cells are Necessary to Form an Ectopic Skeleton, F. S. Kaplan, D. L. Glaser, E. M. Shore, and Stephen G. Emerson

Bridge Art Fair, Hee Sook Kim

Hee Sook Kim and Marjorie Williams-Smith, Hee Sook Kim

Medicine, Meditation, Metaphor, Hee Sook Kim

Memory Meditation, Hee Sook Kim

Natural Variations and Organic Forms, Hee Sook Kim

Spiritual Medicine, Hee Sook Kim

Spiritual Medicine, Hee Sook Kim

Text, Hee Sook Kim

The 4th Annual Works on Paper, Hee Sook Kim

The Affordable Art Fair, Hee Sook Kim

[CI] 809 GHz Imaging of the NGC 6334 Complex, S. Kim and Desika Narayanan

E Metapolemike Metanastefsi, Alexander Kitroeff

Modern Greek Studies in the United States, Alexander Kitroeff

Post-War Emigration, Alexander Kitroeff

Abraham Geiger's Attitude about the Place and Status of Women in Judaism, Ken Koltun-Fromm

Abraham Geiger's Liberal Judaism: Personal Meaning and Religious Authority, Ken Koltun-Fromm

The Unfolding Tradition: Jewish Law After Sinai, Ken Koltun-Fromm

The Importance of Geography, Vladimir Kontorovich

In Defense of Inner Sense: Commentary on Thomas K. Johansen, Aryeh L. Kosman

Self-assembly of peptide porphyrin complexes: toward the development of smart biomaterials, Brian C. Kovaric '05, Bashkim Kokona, Alexander D. Schwab, and Robert Fairman

The Mobius Strip: A spatial history of colonial society in Guerrero, Mexico, James Krippner

Traces, Images and Fictions: Strand in Mexico, 1932-34, James Krippner

A concise history of euthanasia: Life, death, god and medicine, Roger Lane

Bourgeois nightmares: Suburbia, 1870-1930, Roger Lane

Identification of the dinuclear and tetranuclear air-oxidized products derived from labile phenolate-bridged dimanganese(II) pyridyl-chelate compounds, Frank Bartnik Larsen, Astrid Boisen, Kevin J. Berry, and Robert C. Scarrow


Drug Resistance, Ramanan Laxminarayan, Zulfiqar Bhutta, Adrian Duse, and Iruka N. Okeke

Pocket-sized psychology studies: exploring daily diary software for palm pilots, Benjamin Le, Hat Nim Choi, and Daniel J. Beal

Crystal structure of a glycyl radical enzyme from Archaeoglobus fulgidus, L. Lehtio, J. G. Grossmann, Bashkim Kokona, and Robert Fairman

The Correspondence Between Augmentations and Rulings for Legendrian Knots, L. Ng Lenhard and Joshua Marc Sabloff

Authoring a second chance in life: Emotion and transformational processing within narrative identity., Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl

Constructing the "Springboard Effect": Causal Connections, Self-Making, and Growth Within the Life Story, Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl

Narrative Identity Processing of Difficult Life Experiences: Pathways of Personality Development and Positive Self-Transformation in Adulthood, Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl

A New Big Five: Fundamental Principles for and Integrative Science of Personality, Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl and Dan P. McAdams

Across the Divide, 18 Chinese Artists Who Teach Art in U.S. Colleges, Ying Li and John Goodrich

Conversations in Paint, Ying Li and John Goodrich

Facets of Perception, Ying Li and John Goodrich

Landscape Paintings from Italy, Vermont and Maine, Ying Li and John Goodrich

Valley and Beyond, Ying Li and John Goodrich

The Parallax and Proper Motion of PSR J0030+0451, Andrea Lommen, R. Kipphorn, David Nice, and E. M. Splaver

Arecibo Pulsar Survey Using ALFA. II. The Young, Highly Relativistic Binary Pulsar J1906+0746, Andrea Lommen, Duncan R. Lorimer, H. Stairs, P. C. Freire, and James M. Cordes

Interstellar Plasma Weather Effects in Long Term Multifrequency Timing of Pulsar B1937+21, Andrea Lommen, Rajeshkumar Ramachandran, Paul Demorest, Donald C. Backer, and Ismaël Cognard

Observation and Dynamics of 'Mixed Valence Isomers' and a Thermodynamic Estimate of Electronic Coupling Parameters, Casey H. Londergan, J. Catherine Salsman, Benjamin J. Lear, and Clifford P. Kubiak


Two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy displays signatures of structural odering in peptide aggregates, Casey H. Londergan, Jianping Wang, Paul H. Axelsen, and Robin M. Hochstrasser

Arecibo Pulsar Survey Using ALFA. II. The Young, Highly Relativistic Binary Pulsar J1906+0746, D. R. Lorimer, I. H. Stairs, P. C. C. Freire, J. M. Cordes, and Fronefield Crawford


The Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey: VI. Discovery and Timing of 142 Pulsars and a Galactic Population Analysis, Duncan R. Lorimer, A. J. Faulkner, A. G. Lyne, Richard N. Manchester, and Fronefield Crawford

Type-II Quantum Algorithms, Peter John Love and Bruce M. Boghosian

A Critical Introduction to the Philosophy of Gottlob Frege [book review], Danielle Macbeth

Death of a king, death of a kingdom? Social pluralism and succession to high office in Dagbon, northern Ghana, Wyatt MacGaffey


Discovery of 14 Radio Pulsars in a Survey of the Magellanic Clouds, Richard N. Manchester, G. Fan, A. G. Lyne, V. M. Kaspi, and Fronefield Crawford

SFI++ I: A New I-Band Tully-Fisher Template, the Cluster Peculiar Velocity Dispersion, and H0, Karen Masters, Christopher M. Springob, Martha P. Haynes, and Riccardo Giovanelli

Continuity and change in the life story: A longitudinal study of autobiographical memories in emerging adulthood., Dan P. McAdams, Jack J. Bauer, April Sakaeda, Mary A. Machado, Katie Magrino-Failla, and Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl

Philadelphia's neighborhood transformation initiative: A case study of mayoral leadership, bold planning, and conflict, Stephen J. McGovern

Review of Gender and Memory in Medieval English Romance and Chronicle, Maud Burnett McInerney

Virgin Martyrs, Maud Burnett McInerney

Fall Back or Spring Forward? Labor Market Transitions and the Informal Economy in South Africa, Matthew McKeever

Ethnic Inequalities and Educational Attainment in Taiwan, Matthew McKeever and Jui-Chang Jao

El discurso de la prostitución en Buenos Aires en la primera mitad del siglo XX. El caso de Lorenzo Stanchina, Tanka Charowa, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

El papel de la muger en el tango. La trayectoria de Malena, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

La Otra [Book Review], Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal


Poéticas de lo incesante. Sujeto, materialidad y escritura en Amelia Biagioni y Néstor Perlongher [Book Review], Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

Algeria: Testing Bouteflika's Leadership, Robert A. Mortimer

State and Army in Algeria: the 'Bouteflika Effect', Robert A. Mortimer


Morice's Stories in Attic Greek [book review], Bret Mulligan


Molecular Line Emission from Gravitationally Unstable Protoplanetary Disks, Desika Narayanan


Simulated Molecular Outflows in Galaxy Mergers with Embedded AGN, Desika Narayanan

Poly[bis-(4-amino-pyridinium) deca-oxotrimolybdate(VI)], J. R. Nelson, Amy Narducci Sarjeant, and Alexander J. Norquist

Poly[tetrakis(4-aminopyridinium) [hexadeca-mu-oxo-decaoxooctamolybdate(VI)]], J. R. Nelson, Amy Narducci Sarjeant, and Alexander J. Norquist

Diagnostic insufficiency in Africa, Iruka N. Okeke

Summary remarks: Fundamental physics with the cosmic microwave background radiation, Bruce Partridge