Submissions from 2005
Linearity, Symmetry, and Prediction in the Hydrogen Atom, Stephanie Frank Singer
Determination of microbial carbon sources in petroleum contaminated sediments using molecular radiocarbon analysis, Gregory F. Slater, Helen K. White, Timothy I. Eglinton, and Christopher M. Reddy
Pumping Irony: The Construction of Masculinity in a Post-feminist Advertising Campaign, R. Tyson Smith
The Hidden Discourse of Masculinity in Gender Discrimination Law, R. Tyson Smith and Michael Kimmel
Black Fuzzy Thing, Asali Solomon
Review of Damned If I Do by Percival Everett, Asali Solomon
Prints and Drawings from the Time of Napoleon and Josephine, Carol Solomon
Symbolist and Art Nouveau Prints, Carol Solomon
The Empress Joséphine: Art and Royal Identity, Carol Solomon
Queer Guy for the Straight "I", Gustavus Stadler
The Sense of Things [book review], Gustavus Stadler
[Group Exhibition], Charles Stegeman
Long-term effects of neonatal surgery on adulthood pain behavior, Wendy Faith Sternberg, L. Scorr 06, L. D. Smith 04, and C. G. Ridgway 06
Nociception and antinociception during the first week of life in mice: Sex differences and test dependence, Wendy Faith Sternberg, L. D. Smith '04, and L. Scorr '06
Eleanor Shipley Duckett (1880-1976) Historian of the Latin Middle Ages, Susan Mosher Stuard
Latent Feminist Loosed on Medieval History (1935-), Susan Mosher Stuard
Marriage Gifts and Fashion Mischief, Susan Mosher Stuard
(C4H14N2)(2)[Mo8O26]center dot 2H(2)O: A new molybdate salt, Katherine J. Thorn '05, Amy Narducci Sarjeant, and Alexander J. Norquist
Granular packings sheared in an annular channel: Flow localization and grain size dependence, J. C. Tsai and Jerry P. Gollub
A chiral granular gas, J. C. Tsai, Fangfu Ye, Juan Rodriguez, and Jerry P. Gollub
Deamidation and Disulfide Bridge Formation in Human Calbindin D28k with Effects on Calcium Binding, Christophe Vanbelle, Frederic Hagland, Tommy Cedervall, and Karin S. Akerfeldt
Towards the Development of Peptide Nanfilaments and Nanoropes as Smart Materials, Daniel E. Wagner '02, Charles L. Phillips '01, Wasif M. Ali '99, Grant E. Nybakken '99, Emily D. Crawford '02, Walter Fox Smith, and Robert Fairman
Isotopic constraints on the fate of petroleum residues sequestered in salt marsh sediments, Helen K. White, Christopher M. Reddy, and Timothy I. Eglinton
Abundance, composition, and vertical transport of PAHs in marsh sediments, Helen K. White, Li Xu, Ana Lúcia C. Lima, Timothy I. Eglinton, and Christopher M. Lima
Group Show, William Earle Williams
Group Show, William Earle Williams
A New Milky Way Companion: Unusual Globular Cluster or Extreme Dwarf Satellite?, Beth Willman
A New Milky Way Dwarf Galaxy in Ursa Major, Beth Willman, Julianne J. Dalcanton, David Martinez-Delgado, and Andrew A. West
J’y crois – I believe in it: the road to decentralization in Mali [book review], Susanna D. Wing
Mali, Susanna D. Wing
Mauritania, Susanna D. Wing
Pluralisme juridique et droits de la femme au Mali et au Benin, Susanna D. Wing
CD44hi Memory-phenotype CD8 T Cells are responsible for persistent GVHD in vivo, Yi Zhang, G. Joe, E. Hexner, and Stephen G. Emerson
Post-Mitotic CD44lo CD8 T Cells in GVHD are Memory Stem Cells, Yi Zhang, G. Joe, E. Hexner, and Stephen G. Emerson
NF-Ya Activates Multiple Hematopoietic Stem Cell (HSC) Regulatory Genes and Promotes HSC Self-Renewal, J. Zhu, J. Zhang, Gerard Joe, and Stephen G. Emerson
Submissions from 2004
Thinking close: Measuring relational closeness as perceived self-other inclusion, Christopher R. Agnew, Timothy J. Loving, Benjamin Le, and W. Goodfriend
Quantum gravity and inflation, Stephon Alexander, Justin Malecki, and Lee Smolin
Bound to Mobility? Identity and Purpose at the World Social Forum, Nikhil Anand
The role of electrostatic interactions in calmodulin-peptide complex formation, Ingemar Andre, Tõnu Kesvatera, Bo Jonsson, and Karin S. Akerfeldt
Dreamdances, Ingrid Arauco
Triptych for solo piano , Ingrid Arauco, Curt Cacioppo, Marino Baratello, and Joseph Hudson
Greetings from Chelsea, Markus Baenziger
Touch and Temperature, Markus Baenziger
Patrolling borders: Hybrids, hierarchies and the challenge of Mestizaje, Cristina Beltram
Entropic Lattice-Boltzmann Model for Burgers Equation, Bruce M. Boghosian, Peter John Love, and Jeffrey Yepez
Galilean Invariant Multi-Speed Entropic Lattice-Boltzmann Models, Bruce M. Boghosian, Peter John Love, and Jeffrey Yepez
Rhodobacter capsulatus porphobilinogen synthase, a high activity metal ion independent hexamer, David W. Bollivar, Cheryl Clauson, Rachel Lighthall, and Robert Fairman
The cognitive processing of film and musical soundtracks, Marilyn Gail Boltz
Farmers Rights: Intellectual Property and the Struggle Over Seeds, Craig Borowiak
A correlation between the cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure in the universe, Stephen P. Boughn and Robert G. Crittenden
Further Evidence for Dark Energy in the Universe, Stephen P. Boughn and Robert G. Crittenden
The large-scale bias of the hard X-ray background, Stephen P. Boughn and Robert G. Crittenden
Mixed Valence Clusters, Brian K. Breedlove, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Tasuku Ito, Casey H. Londergan, and Clifford P. Kubiak
Good People in an Evil Time: portraits of complicity and resistance in the Bosnian War, Svetlana Broz, Laurie Kain Hart, and Ellen Elias-Bursac
Millennium Crossings, Curt Cacioppo, Ingrid Arauco, Marino Baratello, and Joseph Hudson
Protein dissection experiments reveal key differences in the equilibrium folding of alpha-lactalbumin and the calcium binding lysozymes, Farhana A. Chowdhury, Robert Fairman, Yuan Bi, Daniel J. Rigotti, and Daniel P. Raleigh
Interhemispheric integration during the menstrual cycle: failure to confirm progesterone-mediated interhemispheric decoupling, Rebecca J. Compton, Caitlin Costello, and Julia Diepold
Mind the gap: Interhemispheric communication about emotional faces, Rebecca J. Compton, Kristen Wilson '03, and Kate Wolf
Association between positive affect and attentional shifting, Rebecca J. Compton, Derrick Wirtz, Golnaz Pajoumand, Eric Claus, and Wendy Heller
The orbiting carbon observatory (OCO) mission, David Crisp, Robert M. Atlas, Francois-Marie Breon, and Charles E. Miller
Cello and Piano Sonatas, John Davison and Heidi Jacob
Christian teaching., John David Dawson
Tailored Optical Landscapes for Biological and Colloidal Sciences Proceedings, Kishan Dholakia, Michael Peter MacDonald, and Gabriel C. Spalding
Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation Proceedings, Kishan Dholakia and Gabriel C. Spalding
The Effects of Hydrofluoric Acid Addition on the Hydrothermal Synthesis of Templated Uranium Sulfates, Michael B. Doran, Ben E. Cockbain, Alexander J. Norquist, and Dermot O'Hare
[N2C6H14](2)[(UO2)(6)(H2O)(2)F-2(PO4)(2)(HPO4)(4)]center dot 4H2O: A new microporous uranium phosphate fluoride, Michael B. Doran, C. L. Stuart, Alexander J. Norquist, and Dermot O'Hare
Beowulf cluster computing with Linux [book review], John P. Dougherty
Turbo codes: desirable and designable [book review], John P. Dougherty
Designer Stromal Cells for Hematopoietic Support versus Gene Therapy, Stephen G. Emerson
Releasing the Brake on Stem Cell Cycling: HSC Expansion by Inhibiting p21, Stephen G. Emerson
Remembering to Forget: Memory T Cells & GVHD, Stephen G. Emerson
Stem Cell Transplantation (Cord Blood Transplants), Stephen G. Emerson
Tanning before transplant: Lancing the Langherhans cell, Stephen G. Emerson
Temporal complexity within a translational control element in the nanos mRNA, Kevin M. Forrest, Ira E. Clark, Roshan A. Jain, and Elizabeth R. Gavis
More than Mozart: Listening to and Appreciating Classical Music; Portable Professor Series, Richard Freedman
Review of Christelle Cazaux's La Musique à la cour de François, Richard Freedman
Review of Robert Weeda's Le Psautier de Calvin., Richard Freedman
Cellular Phantasmagoria: Stealth Towers, Roaming Borders and Global Cities in the Air, Andrew Friedman
Testing of Java Web Services for Robustness, C. Fu, B. G. Ryder, A. Milanova, and David Wonnacott
The Behavior of Coupled Automata, R. Gaan, J. Venable, Eric J. Friedman, and Adam Landsberg
Sexuality, Hank Glassman
Tennô to chûsei bunka [book review], Hank Glassman
Watercurrents, John Goodrich
Zeuxis: Tabletop Arenas, John Goodrich
The Formation of a Realistic Disk Galaxy in Lambda Dominated Cosmologies, Fabio Governato, L. Mayer, J. Wadsley, and Beth Willman
Lettre de Cachet, Lisa Jane Graham
Review of Carol Blum's Strength in Numbers, Lisa Jane Graham
[C5H14N2][(MoO3)(3)(SO4)]center dot H2O: Sulfated alpha-molybdena chains, Jesse R. Gutnick '04, Eric A. Muller '06, Amy Narducci Sarjeant, and Alexander J. Norquist
Madame de Sevigne, classique a son insu, Marcel Marc Gutwirth
Faraway Worlds: Planets Beyond Our Solar System, Paul Halpern
Nordström, Ehrenfest and the Role of Dimensionality in Physics, Paul Halpern
The Luminosity Function and Color-Magnitude Diagram of the Globular Cluster M12, Jonathan Hargis
Work, Labor, and Artisans in the Modern World [book review], Laurie Kain Hart
The Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey - IV. Discovery of 180 Pulsars and Parameters for 281 Previously Known Pulsars, George B. Hobbs, Andrew J. Faulkner, Ingrid H. Stairs, Fernando Camilo, and Fronefield Crawford
Faith Leaders and Mental Health Professionals: Forging Linkages for Improved Mental Health Services, Kim Hopper and Joshua Moses
Indefinite NP Subjects and the Event Variables in Mandarin Chinese, Shi-Zhe Huang
Memoria Colectiva y Judía en El Libro de los Recuerdos de Ana María Shua [Book Review], Ariana Huberman
Threading Layers of Memory into Family Trees: Family Collective Memory and Jewish Memory by Two Contemporary Latin American Writers, Ariana Huberman
Authenticity and Authority in the Shaping of Trinidad Orisha Identity: Toward an African-Derived Religious Theory, Tracey E. Hucks and D. M. Stewart
Observation and dynamics of "charge-transfer isomers", T. Ito, N. Imai, T. Yamaguchi, and Casey H. Londergan