
Submissions from 2019


User Comfort with Android Background Resource Accesses in Different Contexts, Daniel Votipka, Seth M. Rabin, Kristopher Micinski, Thomas Gilray, and Michelle L. Mazurek


The Data Analysis Pipeline for the SDSS-IV MaNGA IFU Galaxy Survey: Overview, Kyle B. Westfall, Michele Cappellari, Matthew A. Bershady, and Karen Masters


Bacterial alkylquinolone signaling contributes to structuring microbial communities in the ocean, Kristen E. Whalen, Jamie W. Becker, Anna M. Schrecengost '18, Yongjie Gao '20, and Nicole Giannetti '18

Examining Inputs of Biogenic and Oil-Derived Hydrocarbons in Surface Waters Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Helen K. White, Charles T. Marx '20, David L. Valentine, and Charles Sharpless

“The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me”: Bourdieuan Multiform Capital and Dickensian Characterization, Rosetta Young

Enlightening force chains: a review of photoelasticimetry in granular matter, Aghil Abed Zadeh, Jonathan Barés, Theodore A. Brzinski III, Karen E. Daniels, and Joshua Djiksman

Provenance. Kinnara Ensemble: J. D. Burnett, Conductor [concert review], Nathan Zullinger

Submissions from 2018


Planck intermediate results LIII. Detection of velocity dispersion from the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect, Nabila Aghanim, Yashar Akrami, Mark Ashdown, Jonathan Aumont, and Bruce Partridge

Planck intermediate results LIV. The Planck multi-frequency catalogue of non-thermal sources, Yashar Akrami, Francisco Argueso, Mark Ashdown, and Bruce Partridge

Smell Detectives: An Olfactory History of Nineteenth-Century Urban America [book review], Eli O. Anders

Local Geometry of the k-Curve Graph, Tarik Aougab

Counting Curve Types, Tarik Aougab and Juan Souto

Sonata for Piano [Recording], Ingrid Arauco

The NANOGrav 11 Year Data Set: Pulsar-timing Constraints on the Stochastic Gravitational-wave Background, Zaven Arzoumanian, Paul T. Baker, Adam Brazier, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, and Andrea Lommen


The NANOGrav 11-year Data Set: High-precision Timing of 45 Millisecond Pulsars, Zaven Arzoumanian, Adam Brazier, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, and Andrea Lommen

Bhubaneswar Art Trail, Markus Baenziger

Sign of the Times, Markus Baenziger

Semi Queer: Inside the World of Gay, Trans, and Black Truck Drivers, Anne Balay

Cognitive Neuroscience, 4th Edition, Marie T. Banich and Rebecca J. Compton

Mathematical and statistical model misspecifications in modelling immune response in renal transplant recipients, Harvey Thomas Banks, Rebecca Everett, Shuhua Hu, Neha Murad, and Hien T. Tran

Optimal Design for Dynamical Modelling of Pest Populations, Harvey Thomas Banks, Rebecca Everett, Neha Murad, Rebekah D. White, and John E. Banks

Recursion versus tail recursion over F¯p, Siddharth Bhaskar

Inflation expectations and the price at the pump, Carola Binder

Interest Rate Prominence in Consumer Decisionmaking, Carola Binder

Household Informedness and Long‐Run Inflation Expectations: Experimental Evidence, Carola Binder and Alex Rodrigue '17

The FOMC versus the staff, revisited: When do policymakers add value?, Carola Binder and Samantha Wetzel '18

Dinner Theatre/Dinner Theatricality, Elizabeth Blake

Auditory driving and affective influences, Marilyn Gail Boltz


Tactile Universe makes outreach feel good, Nicolas Bonne, Jennifer Gupta, Coleman Krawczyk, and Karen Masters

Navigating the Fault Lines: Race and Class in Philadelphia's Solidarity Economy, Craig Borowiak, Maliha Safri, Stephen Healy, and Marianna Pavlovskaya


Another look through Heisenberg's microscope, Stephen P. Boughn and Marcel Reginatto

Modeling Carbon Dioxide Vibrational Frequencies in Ionic Liquids: III. Dynamics and Spectroscopy, Thomas Brinzer, Clyde Daly, Cecelia Allison, Sean Garrett-Roe, and Steven A. Corcelli


Sounds of Failure: Passive Acoustic Measurements of Excited Vibrational Modes, Theodore A. Brzinski III and Karen E. Daniels

Moors Dressed as Moors: Clothing, Social Distinction and Ethnicity in Early Modern Iberia [book review], Israel Burshatin

Studying the Solar system with the International Pulsar Timing Array, R. Nicholas Caballero, Y. J. Guo, Kejia J. Lee, and Andrea Lommen


Strict Locality and Phonological Maps, Jane Chandlee and Jeffrey Heinz

Input Strictly Local opaque maps, Jane Chandlee, Jeffrey Heinz, and Adam Jardine


A Likelihood-Free Inference Framework for Population Genetic Data using Exchangeable Neural Networks, Jeffrey Chan, Valerio Perrone, Jeffrey P. Spence, Paul A. Jenkins, and Sara Mathieson


Collaborating with Undergraduates To Contribute to Biochemistry Community Resources, Louise K. Charkoudian, Kathyn Haas, Jennifer Heemstra, and Marnix Medema

The myth that only brilliant people are good at math and its implications for diversity, Eleanor K. Chestnut, Ryan F. Lei, Sarah-Jane Leslie, and Andrei Cimpian

A precise extragalactic test of General Relativity, Thomas E. Collet, Lindsay J. Oldham, Russel J. Smith, Matthew W. Auger, and Karen Masters

Is attention enhanced following performance errors? Testing the adaptive control hypothesis, Rebecca J. Compton, Elizabeth C. Heaton '18, and Averi Gaines

The mixed outcomes of taking ownership for implicit racial biases, Erin Cooley, Ryan F. Lei, and Taylor Ellerkamp

Non-Gaussianity of secondary anisotropies from ACTPol and Planck, William R. Coulton, Simone Aiola, Nick Battaglia, Erminia Calabrese, and Bruce Partridge

Cyanylated Cysteine Reports Site-Specific Changes at Protein-Protein-Binding Interfaces Without Perturbation, Shannon R. Dalton, Alice R. Vienneau '12, Shana R. Burstein '15, Rosalind J. Xu '18, Sara Linse, and Casey Londergan

Enthalpic Driving Force for the Selective Absorption of CO2 by an Ionic Liquid, Clyde Daly, Thomas Brinzer, Cecelia Allison, Sean Garrett-Roe, and Steven A. Corcelli

Public sector diversity research: Taking stock, Leisha DeHart-Davis, Deneen M. Hatmaker, Zachary Oberfield, and Amy E. Smith


An Urban Palimpsest: Philadelphia: Finding the Hidden City [Book Review], Thomas Devaney

Raccoon, Thomas Devaney

The Book of Jonah, Thomas Devaney

Where in the great glare was I, Thomas Devaney


Decision making with limited feedback: Error bounds for recidivism prediction and predictive policing, Danielle Ensign, Sorelle Friedler, Scott Neville, Carlos Scheidegger, and Suresh Venkatasubramanian


Runaway Feedback Loops in Predictive Policing, Danielle Ensign, Sorelle Friedler, Scott Neville, Carlos Scheidegger, and Suresh Venkatasubramanian

A standardized workflow for submitting data to the Minimum Information about a Biosynthetic Gene cluster (MIBiG) repository: prospects for research-based educational experiences, Samuel C. Epstein '19, Louise K. Charkoudian, and Marnix H. Medema

A Political Theory of Territory [book review], Paulina Ochoa Espejo


What Money Can’t Buy: Face-to-Face Cooperation and Local Democratic Life, Paulina Ochoa Espejo

Constructivism in Ethics: A View from Hegelian Semantics, Molly Farneth

Iterator-Based Optimization of Imperfectly-Nested Loops, Daniel Fesbach '20, Mary Glaser '18, Michelle Strout, and David Wonnacott

Enumerations relating braid and commutation classes, Susanna Fishel, Elizabeth Milićević, Rebecca Patrias, and Bridget Eileen Tenner

Comics and sacred texts : reimagining religion and graphic narratives, Assaf Gamzou and Ken Koltun-Fromm


Guided Meditations to Source Life [video series], Ashok K. Gangadean

What does the yield curve imply about investor expectations?, Eric Gaus and Arunima Sinha

At Home in Bengal: Paṭa, Paṭuā, and the Performance of Kṛṣṇa’s Līlā, Pika Ghosh

Hypergeometric properties of genus 3 generalized Legendre curves, Heidi Goodson

What Made Reading Dangerous in Eighteenth-Century France?, Lisa Jane Graham

Music, Myron Gray

Singing Sedition: Piety and Politics in the Music of William Billings [book review], Myron Gray

Pelagic tar balls collected in the North Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea from 1988 to 2016 have natural and anthropogenic origins, Hilary S. Green, Sarah A. Fuller, Audrey W. Meyer, and Helen K. White

Hui Muslims in China [book review], Guangtian Ha

Interpreting Islam in China: Pilgrimage, Scripture, and Language in Han Kitab, Guangtian Ha

Community-Based Global Learning: The Theory and Practice of Ethical Engagement at Home and Abroad, Eric Hartman, Richard C. Kiely, Christopher Boettcher, and Jessica Friedrichs

Galaxy Zoo: constraining the origin of spiral arms, Ross E. Hart, Steven P. Bamford, William C. Keel, Sandor J. Kruk, and Karen Masters

On the cover, Darin Hayton

Health-Promotion Intervention Increases Self-Reported Physical Activity in Sub-Saharan African University Students: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study, Anita G. Heeren, John B. Jemmott, Show C. Marange, Arnold R. Gwaze, and Zolani Ngwane

Effect of the Heating Rate on the Stability of the Three-phase Interstellar Medium, Alex S. Hill, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Andrea Gatto, and Juan C. Ibáñez-Mejía


The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: The Two-season ACTPol Sunyaev–Zel'dovich Effect Selected Cluster Catalog, Matt Hilton, Matthew Hasselfield, Cristóbal Sifón, and Bruce Partridge


Using the full power of the cosmic microwave background to probe axion dark matter, Renee Hlozek, David J.E. Marsh, and Daniel Grin

Evolving Images: Jewish Latin American Cinema, Ariana Huberman and Nora Glickman


Drosophila Insulin receptor regulates the persistence of injury-induced nociceptive sensitization, Seol Hee Im, Atit A. Patel, Daniel N. Cox, and Michael J. Galko


Tear gas and intimidation won’t fix the root causes of migration, Anita J. Isaacs and Anne Preston

A Forward Genetic Screen in Zebrafish Identifies the G-protein coupled receptor CaSR as a modulator of Sensorimotor Decision-making, Roshan A. Jain, Christina Szi '18, Amy Zamora '18, Keisuke Sawada '17, and Emilia Cobbs '17


Effect of a Behavioral Intervention on Perpetrating and Experiencing Forced Sex Among South African Adolescents: A Secondary Analysis of a Cluster Randomized Trial, John Barton Jemmott III, Ann O'Leary, Loretta Sweet Jemmott, Zolani Ngwane, and Anne Marie Teitelman

Competing with confidence: The ticket to labor market success for college-educated women, Linda Kamas and Anne Elizabeth Preston


Biomechanics of the peafowl’s crest reveals frequencies tuned to social displays, Suzanne Amador Kane, Daniel Van Beveren '20, and Roslyn Dakin

Courtship display dynamics and iridescent structural color in peacocks and related ocellated pheasant species, Suzanne Amador Kane, Roslyn Dakin, Y. Lu, and R. Fang

Biomechanics of the peafowl's crest: a potential mechanosensory role for feathers during social displays, Suzanne Amador Kane, D. Van Beveren, and Roslyn Dakin

16 times ART, Hee Kim

American Color Print Society Board Members Exhibition, Hee Kim

American Color Print Society & Spring Forward Exhibition, Hee Kim

Artbox Project, Hee Kim

Inauguration Exhibition, Hee Kim

Welcome to Art Garden,, Hee Kim

Wind Challenge 3, Hee Kim

The Greek Exodus from Egypt: Diaspora Politics and Emigration, 1937-1962 [book review], Alexander Kitroeff

Masculinity and the Making of American Judaism [book review], Ken Koltun-Fromm

Jerusalem temples to Jerusalem rocks before the coming of Islam, Naomi Koltun-Fromm

Letter 62, Naomi Koltun-Fromm

The Activity of Being: A reply to my critics, Mary Louise Gill, Jonathan Beere, and David Charles, Aryeh L. Kosman

Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl and His Legacy [book review], James Krippner

Microbiological quality and antimicrobial resistance characterization of Salmonella spp. in fresh milk value chains in Ghana, Angela Parry-Hanson Kunadu, Mark Holmes, Eric L. Miller, and Andrew J. Grant