Submissions from 2018
Deadly Clerics: Blocked Ambition and the Path to Jihad [book review], Barak Mendelsohn
Jihadism Constrained: the limits of transitional jihadism and what it means for counterterrorism, Barak Mendelsohn
Terrorism and Protean Power: How Terrorists Navigate Uncertainty, Barak Mendelsohn
The Future of al-Qaeda: Lessons from the Muslim Brotherhood, Barak Mendelsohn
Case comment: estimating the economic value of the loss of a chance: a re-examination of Chaplin v. Hicks, Weiwen Miao and Joseph L. Gastwirth
Calvino’s snails: Fiction, reality and memory in Bamboleho, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal
Eavesdropping and crosstalk between secreted quorum sensing peptide signals that regulate bacteriocin production in Streptococcus pneumoniae, Eric L. Miller, Morten Kjos, Monica I. Abrudan, Ian S. Roberts, and Jan-Willem Veening
Chemical characterization of natural and anthropogenic-derived oil residues on Gulf of Mexico beaches, Alexandra E. Morrison '18, Charvanaa Dhoonmoon '19, and Helen K. White
Routledge Handbook on Jerusalem, Suleiman A. Mourad, Naomi Koltun-Fromm, and Bedross Der Matossian
Epigrams, Occasional Poetry, and Poetic Games, Bret Mulligan
Tales of Troy, Bret Mulligan
The effects of digital platforms on news audience behavior, Jacob L. Nelson and Ryan F. Lei
Predictors and psychological pathways for binge drinking among South African men, Zolani Ngwane, J. B. Jemmott, Larry D. Icard, G. A. Heeren, M. Makiwane, and A. O'Leary
Aggregative Adherence and Intestinal Colonization by Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli Are Produced by Interactions among Multiple Surface Factors, Iruka N. Okeke, Laura V. Blanton, Lawrence T. Wang, Joshua DuBow '11, Alexander Lafrance '16, Stephen Kwak '12, Levi Bowers '17, Mandara C. Levine '18, Charles O. Hale '17, and Philip Meneely
Signatures of the Galactic bar on stellar kinematics unveiled by APOGEE, Pedro A. Palicio, Inma Martinez-Valpuesta, Carlos Allende Prieto, Claudio Dalla Vecchia, and Karen Masters
Bargaining and Bicameralism, Giri Parameswaran
Endogenous cases and the evolution of the common law, Giri Parameswaran
Seizures of Sleep in Early Modern Literature, Benjamin Parris
Interpretable Active Learning, Richard L. Phillips, Kyu Hyun Chang, and Sorelle Friedler
Cosmological implications of ultralight axionlike fields, Vivian Poulin, Tristan L. Smith, Daniel Grin, Tanvi Karwal, and Marc Kamionkowski
Improving the generation and selection of virtual populations in quantitative systems pharmacology models, Theodore R. Rieger, Richard J. Allen, Lucas Bystricky, Yuzhou Chen, and Rebecca Everett
The effect of divalent cations on the thermostability of type II polyketide synthase acyl carrier proteins, Marco A. Rivas '18, Valentine C. Courouble '17, Miranda C. Baker '17, David L. Cookmeyer '16, Kristen E. Fiore '17, Alexander J. Frost '17, Kerilyn N. Godbe '16, Michael R. Jordan '17, Emily N. Krasnow '17, Aurelio Mollo '17, Stephen T. Ridings '17, Keisuke Sawada '17, Kavita D. Shroff '17, Bradley Studnitzer '17, Grace A. R. Thiele '17, Ashley C. Sisto '20, Saadia Nawal '16, Robert Fairman, Karl A. Johnson, Bashkim Kokona, and Louise K. Charkoudian
A Room with No Exit, Naomi Safran-Hon
JINGLE, a JCMT legacy survey of dust and gas for galaxy evolution studies – I. Survey overview and first results, Amélie Saintonge, Christine D. Wilson, Tings Xiao, and Karen Masters
Interpreters of Occupation: Gender and the Politics of Belonging in an Iraqi Refugee Network, Zainab Saleh
“Toppling” Saddam Hussein in London: Media, Meaning, and the Construction of an Iraqi Diasporic Community, Zainab Saleh
Japanese Modernism Across Media, Erin Schoneveld
Shirakaba and Japanese Modernism: Art Magazines, Artistic Collectives, and the Early Avant-garde, Erin Schoneveld
Shirakaba and Rodin: A Transnational Dialogue between Japan and France, Erin Schoneveld
Representation, Adaptation, and Preservation at the Frontiers in East Asian Art, Erin Schoneveld and Sarah Laursen
Many Analysts, One Data Set: Making Transparent How Variations in Analytic Choices Affect Results, R. Silberzahn, Eric Luis Uhlmann, Dan P. Martin, Pasquale Anselmi, and Ryan F. Lei
NSF BIGDATA PI Meeting – Domain-Specific Research Directions and Data Sets, Lisa Singh, Amol Deshpande, Wenchao Zhou, Arindam Banerjee, and Sorelle Friedler
Military Thought in Early China, Paul Jakov Smith
Taylor Mac’s 24-Decade History of Popular Music:Merriam Theater, Philadelphia, June 2 & 9, 2018, Gustavus Stadler
SDSS IV MaNGA: Characterizing Non-Axisymmetric Motions in Galaxy Velocity Fields Using the Radon Transform, David V. Stark, Kevin A. Bundy, Kyle Westfall, and Karen Masters
Nonlocal rheology of dense granular flow in annular shear experiments, Zhu Tang, Theodore A. Brzinski III, Michael Shearer, and Karen E. Daniels
Planck observations of M33, C. T. Tibbs, F. P. Israel, R. J. Laurejis, J. A. Tauber, and Bruce Partridge
Quantifying the impact of simple DNA parameters on the cyclization J-factor for single-basepair-addition families, Yunjin Tong and Robert S. Manning
Beyond two worlds: Identity narratives and the aspirational futures of Alaska Native youth, Lucas Trout, Lisa Wexler, and Joshua Moses
The Bend+Libration Combination Band Is an Intrinsic, Collective, and Strongly Solute-Dependent Reporter on the Hydrogen Bonding Network of Liquid Water, Pramod Kumar Verma, Matthew S. Puretz '13, Charvanaa Dhoonmoon '19, Oriana S. Chegwidden '11, and Casey Londergan
SIGCSE Filk Circle: CS Parody Songs for Learning, Engagement, and Fun, Patrick Virtue, Steven A. Wolfman, and John Dougherty
Ethnicity moderates the benefits of perceived support and emotional expressivity on stress reactivity for Asian Americans and Euro Americans, Shu-wen Wang and Anna S. Lau
Determinantal Generalizations of Instrumental Variables, Luca Weihs, Bill Robinson, and Reginald L. McGee II
New understandings of communities and ourselves: community-based participatory research with Alaska Native and Lower 48 youth, Hannah Weinronk, Lisa Wexler, Lucas Trout, Kathryn Rowlett, and Joshua Moses
The chemical cue tetrabromopyrrole induces rapid cellular stress and mortality in phytoplankton, Kristen E. Whalen, Christopher Kirby, Russell M. Nicholson '18, and Mia O'Reilly '18
Vergil, Octavian and Erigone: Admiration and admonition in the proem to Georgics 1, Katheryn Whitcomb
Integrating GC/TOF Exposome Profiling and Genetic Disease Screening to Provide a Holistic Perspective on Honey Bee Health, Helen K. White, Robert L. Broadrup, Sassicaia J. Schick, Colin MacKay, and A. Macherone
A Stirring Song Sung Heroic: African Americans from Slavery to Freedom, William Earle Williams
Complete Set II, William Earle Williams
People, Places and Things, William Earle Williams
The Pennsylvania Landscape in Impressionism and Contemporary Art, William Earle Williams
Crisis and Intervention: Combating Terrorism in the Sahel, Sussana D. Wing
A Direct, Quantitative Connection between Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Vibrational Probe Line Shapes, Rosalind J. Xu '18, Bartosz Blasiak, Minhaeng Cho, Joshua P. Layfield, and Casey H. Londergan
Understanding structural adaptability: a reactant informatics approach to experiment design' involves the use of machine learning to better understand structural and electronic adaptability in a vanadium selenite later topology, Rosalind J. Xu 18, Jacob H. Olshansksy '12, Yuheng Huang '19, Matthew D. Smith '16, Joshua Schrier, and Alexander J. Norquist
Method Evaluations for Adsorption Free Energy Calculations at the Solid/Water Interface through Metadynamics, Umbrella Sampling, and Jarzynski's Equality, Yang Yang, Quichao Wei, Weilong Zhao, Beiliang Cui, and Zhijun Xu
Structure analysis of collagen fibril at atomic-level resolution and its implications for intra-fibrillar transport in bone biomineralization, Yang Yang, Zhijun Xu, Weilong Zhao, Ziqui Wang, and Nita Sahai
Temporal Effects: Trauma, Margaret Fuller, and “Graphicality” in Poe, Christina Zwarg
Submissions from 2017
Research Methods for Studying Narrative Identity: A Primer, Jonathan M. Adler, William L. Dunlop, Robyn Fivush, Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl, and Jennifer Lodi-Smith
Auditing black-box models for indirect influence, Phillip Adler, Casey Falk '16, Sorelle Friedler, Tionney Nix '17, and Gabriel Rybeck '16
Pulling back stability with applications to Out(Fn) and relatively hyperbolic groups, Tarik Aougab, Matthew Gentry Durham, and Samuel J. Taylor
Curves intersecting exactly once and their dual cube complexes, Tarik Aougab and Jonah J. Gaster
Building hyperbolic metrics suited to closed curves and applications to lifting simply, Tarik Aougab, Jonah J. Gaster, Priyam Patel, and Jenya J. Sapir
The Effects of Brief Contact on Mental Illness Stigma: Preliminary Evidence from an Italian Vocational Rehabilitation Center, Zara Atal, Shu-wen Wang, and Roberto Biella-Battista
Three Sculptors, Markus Baenziger, Matt Blackwell, and Billy Copley
Rednecks, Queers, and Country Music by Nadine Hubbs (Review), Anne Balay
Sex and Surveillance on the Highway, Anne Balay
Anti-isomorphisms in Classical Hypothesis Testing and Children's Literature, Richard J. Ball
Violations of monotonicity in evolutionary models with sample-based beliefs, Richard J. Ball
Dynamic Modeling of Problem Drinkers Undergoing Behavioral Treatment, Harvey Thomas Banks, Kidist Bekele-Maxwell, Rebecca Everett, Lyric Stephenson, and Sijing Shao
Revealing the Ionization Properties of the Magellanic Stream Using Optical Emission, Kathleen A. Barger, Gregory J. Madsen, Andrew J. Fox, Bart P. Wakker, and Alex S. Hill
Strategies for Transforming a Classroom into a Brave and Trusting Learning Community: A Dialogic Approach, Laura Been and Clara Abbott '18
Modeling Carbon Dioxide Vibrational Frequencies in Ionic Liquids: I. Ab Initio Calculations, Eric J. Berquist, Clyde Daly, Thomas Brinzer, Krista K. Bullard, and Zachary M. Campbell
Consumer Forecast Revisions: Is Information Really So Sticky?, Carola Binder
Economic Policy Uncertainty and Household Inflation Uncertainty, Carola Binder
Federal Reserve Communication and the Media, Carola Binder
Fed speak on main street: Central bank communication and household expectations, Carola Binder
Interest-Rate Neglect Among Millennials Could Bring Monetary-Policy Challenges, Carola Binder
Measuring Uncertainty Based on Rounding: New Method and Application to Inflation Expectations, Carola Binder
Vibrational Probes: From Small Molecule Solvatochromism Theory and Experiments to Applications in Complex Systems, Bartosz Blasiak, Casey H. Londergan, Lauren J. Webb, and Minhaeng Cho
Auditory Driving in Cinematic Art, Marilyn Gail Boltz
Facial Biases on Vocal perception and Memory, Marilyn Gail Boltz
Memory for vocal tempo and pitch, Marilyn Gail Boltz
Making Sense of Bell's Theorem and Quantum Nonlocality, Stephen P. Boughn
Narratives of the Islamic conquest from medieval Spain, Israel Burshatin
Hominids adapted to metabolize ethanol long before human-directed fermentation, Mathew Carrigan
El diablo cojo, Roberto Castillo-Sandoval
Muriendo por la dulce patria mía [2nd ed.], Roberto Castillo-Sandoval
Computational Locality in Morphological Maps, Jane Chandlee
Acyl Carrier Protein Cyanylation Delivers a Ketoacyl Synthase–Carrier Protein Cross-Link, Louise K. Charkoudian, Grace Thiele '17, Connie Friedman '15, Katie Tsai '16, and Casey H. Londergan
Intertrial interval duration affects error monitoring, Rebecca J. Compton, Elizabeth C. Heaton '18, and Emily Ozer '16
Uncovering Protein-Protein Interactions through a Team-based Undergraduate Biochemistry Course, David L. Cookmeyer '16, Emily S. Winesett '16, Bashkim Kokona, Adam R. Huff, Sabina Aliev '16, Noah B. Bloch '16, Joshua A. Bulos '16, Irene L. Evans '16, Christian R. Fagre '16, Kerilyn N. Godbe '16, Maryna Khromava '16, Daniel M. Konstantinovsky '16, Alexander E. Lafrance '16, Alexandra J. Lamacki '16, Robert C. Parry '16, Jeanne M. Quinn '16, Alana M. Thurston '16, Kathleen J.S. Tsai '16, Aurelio Mollo '17, Max J. Cryle, Robert Fairman, and Louise K. Charkoudian
Crisis, Credit, and Resource Misallocation: Evidence from Europe During the Great Recession, Fabrizio Coricelli and Biswajit Banerjee
Decomposition of the Experimental Raman and Infrared Spectra of Acidic Water into Proton, Special Pair, and Counterion Contributions, Clyde Daly, Louis M. Streacker, Yuchen Sun, Shannon R. Pattenaude, and Ali A. Hassanali
Commentary: In 'Paterson,' a snippet of the poet's life, Thomas Devaney
Five, Thomas Devaney
Best and Worst Case Permutations for Random Online Domination of the Path, Jonathan Dewitt, Christopher Coscia, Fan Yang, and Yiguang Zhang
Let's talk about sets, John Dougherty
Where mathematics meets software engineering, John Dougherty
Assessment of a problem-based learning activity in a high performance scientific computing course, John P. Dougherty
A deep ALMA image of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, James S. Dunlop, Ross J. McLure, Andrew D. Biggs, James E. Geach, and Desika Narayanan