
Submissions from 2015

Oy, My Buenos Aires: Jewish Immigrants and the Creation of Argentine National Identity [Book Review], Ariana Huberman

Roundtable: Woolf and Violence, Mark Hussey, Sarah Cole, J. Ashley Foster, Christine Froula, and Jean Mills

Photoconductivity of Nanofilaments That are Self-Assembled from a Porphyrin with Long Alkyl-Chain Substituents, Patrizia Iavicoli, Julien Menko, Julio C. de Paula, and Walter Fox Smith

Beneath Winter Light: the Music of Heidi Jacob, Heidi Jacob


Reinvigorating Credit Growth in Central, Eastern, and Southern European Economies, Bostjan Jazbec, Cristopher Towe, Marco Pinon, and Biswajit Banerjee

Mediation of effects of a theory-based behavioral intervention on self-reported physical activity in South African men, John B. Jemmott III., Alisa Stephens-Shields, Ann O'Leary, Loretta Sweet Jemott, and Zolani Ngwane


Blasting away a dwarf galaxy: the 'tail' of ESO 324-G024, Megan C. Johnson, Peter Kamphuis, Baerbel S. Koribalski, and Alex S. Hill

Can social preferences explain gender differences in economic behavior?, Linda Kamas and Anne Preston

When Hawks Attack: Animal-borne Video Studies of Goshawk Pursuit and Prey-evasion Strategies, Suzanne Amador Kane


When Hawks Attack: Animal-borne Video Studies of Goshawk Pursuit and Prey-evasion Strategies, Suzanne Amador Kane, A. Harvey Fulton '14, and Lee Rosenthal '15

American Color Print Society, Hee Sook Kim

Encounter, Hee Sook Kim

Enter into Art, Hee Sook Kim

Hee Sook Kim, Hee Sook Kim

Wow, Hee Sook Kim


Oniero [percussion trio and video], Hee Sook Kim and Christopher Shultis

Imagining Jewish Authenticity: Vision and Text in American Jewish Thought, Ken Koltun-Fromm

Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, Ken Koltun-Fromm, Hermann Spieckermann, Barry Dov Walfish, and Choon-Leong Seow

The Military Origins of Soviet Industrialization, Vladimir Kontorovich


The interaction of Saccharomyces paradoxus with its natural competitors on oak bark, Vienna Kowallik, Eric L. Miller, and Duncan Greig

Carlos Chávez and Paul Strand, James Krippner and Leonora Saavedra

Advancing Multiliteracies in World Language Education, Yuri Kumagai and Ana Lopez-Sanchez


Marsh plants mediate the influence of nitrogen fertilization on degradation of oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill, J. Adams Langley, Helen K. White, Reena U. Palanivel, Thomas Shannon, and Samantha K. Chapan

Katherine Howlett Hayes, Slavery Before Race: Europeans, Africans, and Indians at Long Islands's Sylvester Manor, 1651-1884 [book review], Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner

Getting a Life Takes Time and an Open Mind: Remembering to Question Assumptions and Embrace Variations as We Continue to Develop Life Story Theory, Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl


Looking at Difference: Laura Swanson’s Anti-Self-Portraits, Diane Arbus’s Portraits, and the Viewer’s Gaze, Kristin Lindgren, Tobin Siebers, and Alice Hall

Effect of Helix Length on the Stability of the Lac Repressor Antiparallel Coiled Coil, Wheaton Little, James P. Robblee, Caroline L. Dahlberg '01, Bashkim Kokona, and Robert Fairman

You Must Know, Thomas Lloyd

Dynamic Asymmetry and the Role of the Conserved Active-Site Thiol in Rabbit Muscle Creatine Kinase, Casey H. Londergan

Redesigning the Intermediate Level of the Spanish Curriculum Through a Multiliteracies Lens, Ana López Sánchez

Historiography of African religions, Wyatt MacGaffey


Evidence of Lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background by Dark Matter Halos, Matthew Madhavacheril, Neelima Sehgal, Rupert Allison, Nick Battaglia, and Bruce Partridge


Early Observations and Analysis of the Type 1a SN 2014J in M82, G. Howard Marion, David J. Sand, Eric Y. Hsiao, Dipankar P. K. Banerjee, and John J. Bochanski

EQeq plus C: An Empirical Bond-Order-Corrected Extended Charge Equilibration Metho, Geoffrey C. Martin-Noble '17, David Reilly '16, Luis M. Rivas '16, Matthew D. Smith '16, and Joshua Schrier



Radio Galaxy Zoo: host galaxies and radio morphologies derived from visual inspection, Karen Masters, Julie K. Banfield, Oi I. Wong, and Kyle W. Willett


P-MaNGA Galaxies: Emission-lines Properties – Gas Ionization and Chemical Abundances from Prototype Observations, Karen Masters, Francesco Belfiore, Roberto Maiolino, and Daniel Thomas

Overview of the SDSS-IV MaNGA Survey: Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory, Karen Masters, Kevin A. Bundy, Matthew A. Bershady, and David R. Law

Stellar Population of Barred Quiescent Galaxies, Karen Masters, Edmond Cheung, and Charlie Conroy

Defining and Measure Success in Online Citizen Science: A Case Study of Zooniverse Projects, Karen Masters, Joe Cox, and Eun Young Oh


Galaxy Zoo: the effect of bar-driven fuelling on the presence of an active galactic nucleus in disc galaxies, Karen Masters, Melanie A. Galloway, and Kyle W. Willet




Galaxy Zoo: evidence for diverse star formation histories through the green valley, Karen Masters, R. J. Smethurst, Chris J. Lintott, and Brooke D. Simmons


P-MaNGA: full spectral fitting and stellar population maps from prototype observations, Karen Masters, David T. Wilkinson, and Claudia Maraston


Galaxy Zoo: the dependence of the star formation–stellar mass relation on spiral disc morphology, Karen Masters, Kyle W. Willett, and Kevin Schawinski


Misalignment between cold gas and stellar components in early- type galaxies, Karen Masters, O. Ivy Wong, and K. Schawinski


Performing civility : international competitions in classical music, Lisa McCormick

The influence of embodiment on multisensory integration using the mirror box illusion, Jared Medina, Priya Khurana, and H. Branch Coslett

Threat Analysis and the UN's 1267 Sanctions Committee, Barak Mendelsohn

The Most Conservative Dirichlet Prior Distribution for Trinomial Sampling, Weiwen Miao and Paul Chiou


Spore Germination Determines Yeast Inbreeding according to Fitness in the Local Environment, Eric L. Miller and Duncan Grieg

An Irish Motif in Guta saga, Kristen Mills


NuSTAR Hard X-ray Survey of the Galactic Center Region I: Hard X-ray Morphology and Spectroscopy of the Diffuse Emission, Kaya Mori, Charles J. Hailey, Roman Krivonos, and Kerstin M. Perez


Cornelius Nepos, 'Life of Hannibal': Latin Text, Notes, Maps, Illustrations and Vocabulary, Bret Mulligan

Gout, Beasts, and Other Metaphorical Punishments in AP, Bret Mulligan


Mastering the West: Rome and Carthage at War [Review], Bret Mulligan

The formation of submillimetre-bright galaxies from gas infall over a billion years, Desika Narayanan, Matthew Turk, Robert Feldman, and Thomas Robitaille

The role of non-covalent interactions on vanadium tellurite chain connectivities, Anahita Nourmahnad '14, Matthew D. Smith '13, Matthias Zeller, G. M. Gerrence, Joshua Schrier, and Alexander J. Norquist

Associations Between Psychosocial Factors and Incidence of Sexually Transmitted Disease Among South African Adolescents, Ann O'Leary, John B. Jemmott, Loretta S. Jemmott, Anne Teitelman, and Zolani Ngwane


Simulator of Galaxy Millimeter/Submillimeter Emission (SIGAME): The [CII]-SFR Relationship of Massive z=2 Main Sequence Galaxies, Karen P. Olsen, Thomas R. Greve, Robert Thompson '10, and Desika Narayanan


"Watching to banish Care": Sleep and Insomnia in Book 1 of The Faerie Queene, Benjamin Parris

The pocket instructor, literature: 101 exercises for the college classroom, Lindsay V. Reckson, Diana Fuss, and William A. Gleason

The Metamorphosis of Ovid in Retellings of Myth for Children, Deborah H. Roberts

Translating the Forbidden: the Unexpurgated Edition and the Reception of Ancient Obscenity, Deborah H. Roberts, Dorota Dutsch, and Ann Suter


Review of McCoskey's Race: Antiquity and Its Legacy, Sydnor Roy

Bruno Gentili in the Memoir of an American Homerist, Joseph A. Russo

Disinterring Iraq: Writing Silenced Histories of Nation, Nature, and State, Zainab Saleh

Learning from the Diaspora: Toward an Anthropology of Iraqi Exile, Zainab Saleh

The Islamic State in Greater Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Zainab Saleh


Antlia B: A Faint Dwarf Galaxy Member of the NGC 3109 Association, David J. Sand, Kristine Spekkens, Denija Crnojevic, Jonathan Hargis, and Beth Willman

Antlia B: A Faint Dwarf Galaxy Member of the NGC 3109 Association, D. J. Sand, K. Spekkens, Jonathan Hargis, and Beth Willman

Role of Noncovalent Interactions in Vanadium Tellurite Chain Connectivities, Joshua Schrier, Anahita Nourmahnad '14, Matthew D. Smith '13, and Matthias Zeller


Bio-Inspired Electroactive Organic Molecules for Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries. 1. Thiophenoquinones, Joshua Schrier, Sergio D. Pineda Flores '15, Geoffrey C. Martin-Noble '17, and Richard L. Phillips '18

Protein Microgels from Amyloid Fibril Networks, Ulyana Shimanovich, Igor Efimov, Thomas O. Mason, Patrick Flagmeier, and Karin S. Akerfeldt

Trickster Theatre: The Poetics of Freedom in Urban Africa (African Expressive Cultures), Jesse Weaver Shipley

Examining the diversity of microbes in a deep-sea coral community impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, R. L. Simister, E W. Antzis '13, and Helen K. White

Degradation of Oil by Fungi Isolated from Gulf of Mexico Beaches, R. L. Simister, Carolyn M. Poutasse '15, Alana M. Thurston '16, Jen L. Reeve '14, Miranda C. Baker '17, and Helen K. White

Overcoming OCD: A Journey to Recovery, Janet Singer and Seth J. Gillihan

Disgruntled: A Novel, Asali Solomon


Uniform Refraction in Negative Refractive Index Materials, Eric Stachura and Cristian E. Gutirrez

"Gimme Gimme This, Gimme Gimme That”: Listening with, to, and through José Muñoz, Gustavus Stadler, Jeanne Vaccaro, Peter Coviello, and Karen Tongson

Porous PMMA-titania composites: A step towards more sustainable photocatalysis, Benjamin D. Stewart, Lee G. Andrews, Bria S. Pelletier, Clyde Daly, and Joel E. Boyd

Women, family, gender, and sexuality, Susan Mosher Stuard

The Bravyi-Kitaev transformation: Properties and applications, Andre Tranter

Con el puño crispado: la poesía carcelaria de los presos políticos, Aurelia Gómez Unamuno

La imagen del preso político y el preso común en la obra de José Revueltas, Aurelia Gómez Unamuno


The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Lensing of CMB Temperature and Polarization Derived from Cosmic Infrared Background Cross-Correlation, Alexander van Engelen, Blake D. Sherwin, Neelima Sehgal, Graeme E. Addison, and Bruce Partridge

Mutual and Non-Mutual Social Support: Cultural Differences in the Psychological Behavioral, and Biological Effects of Supporting-Seeking, Shu-wen Wang and Anna S. Lau

Enhancement of antibiotic activity against multidrug resistant bacteria by efflux pump inhibitor, 3,4‐dibromo‐2,5‐dione, isolated from a Pseudoalteromonas sp, Kristen E. Whalen, Kelsey L. Poulson-Ellestad, Robert W. Deering, David C. Rowley, and Tracy J. Mincer

Represent: 200 Years of African American Art, William Earle Williams

Take One: Contemporary Photographs, William Earle Williams

Examining relationships between climate change and mental health in the Circumpolar North, Ashlee Cunsolo Willox, Eleanor Stephenson, Jim Allen, Francois Bourque, and Joshua Moses


A New Hope for Peace, but Old Challenges Remain in Mali, Susanna D. Wing

Hands off my constitution’: Constitutional reform and the workings of democracy in Mali, Susanna D. Wing

Review of Emily S. Burrill. States of Marriage: Gender,Justice, and Right in Colonial Mali, Susanna D. Wing

States of Marriage: Gender, Justice, and Rights in Colonial Mali [book review], Susanna D. Wing

A genome-wide screen identifies PAPP-AA-mediated IGFR signaling as a novel regulator of habituation learning, Marc A. Wolman, Roshan A. Jain, and Kurt C. Marsden

Children's emotional expressivity and teacher perceptions of social competence: A cross-cultural comparison, Jennifer Yu and Shu-wen Wang

Quranic Studies and the Literary Turn, Travis Zadeh


An improved method for object detection in astronomical images, Caixia Zheng, Jesus Pulido, and Paul Thorman