Submissions from 2025
The Island of Doctor Moreau: A Norton Critical Edition, H. G. Wells and Kimberly W. Benston
Submissions from 2024
The Matter of Black Living: The Aesthetic Experiment of Racial Data, 1880-1930 [book review], Lindsay V. Reckson
Introduction, Asali Solomon
'Beyond this Narrow Now'; or, Delimitations, of W. E. B. Du Bois. By Nahum Dimitri Chandler. Durham [book review], Christina L. Zwarg
Submissions from 2023
Remembering the Electric Factory: New Drexel show gives a front-row seat to 50 years of rock, Thomas Devaney
Up on the Roof & Other Poems, Thomas Devaney
George Gissing Goes Out in Style: The Syntax of Class after 1890, Alexander Millen
Submissions from 2022
American Literature in Transition, 1876–1910, Lindsay V. Reckson
On Similitude, Lindsay V. Reckson
French Texts and English Literary History: The Reception of Christine de Pizan in Fifteenth-Century England, Sarah Watson
Submissions from 2021
Translation and Temporality in Benoît de Sainte-Maure's Roman de Troie, Maud Burnett McInerney
Delandria, Asali Solomon
The Days of Afrekete: A Novel, Asali Solomon
This Land Is … whose land?: The history of Woody Guthrie’s song, Gustavus Stadler
The Writer's Gift or the Patron's Pleasure?: The Literary Economy in Late Medieval France [book review], Sarah Watson
Submissions from 2020
Art helps democracy. Mayor Kenney's plan to zero out Philly's arts office hurts us all., Thomas Devaney
Riddling Words: the Prophetiae Merlini, Maud Burnett McInerney
Sugar, Smoke, Song: A Novel, Reema Rajbanshi
Realist Ecstasy: Religion, Race, and Performance in American Literature, Lindsay V. Reckson
Woody Guthrie: An Intimate Life, Gustavus Stadler
Female Authorship, Patronage, and Translation in Late Medieval France: From Christine de Pizan to Louise Labe, Sarah Watson
The Archive of Fear: White Crisis and Black Freedom in Douglass, Stowe, and Du Bois, Christina L. Zwarg
Submissions from 2019
Conversations with Microaggressions and the Spirit World, Asali Solomon
Delandria, Asali Solomon
In Search of Lost Chords: Joni Mitchell, The Last Waltz, and the Refuge of the Road, Gustavus Stadler
Submissions from 2018
An Urban Palimpsest: Philadelphia: Finding the Hidden City [Book Review], Thomas Devaney
Raccoon, Thomas Devaney
The Book of Jonah, Thomas Devaney
Where in the great glare was I, Thomas Devaney
Seizures of Sleep in Early Modern Literature, Benjamin Parris
Taylor Mac’s 24-Decade History of Popular Music:Merriam Theater, Philadelphia, June 2 & 9, 2018, Gustavus Stadler
Temporal Effects: Trauma, Margaret Fuller, and “Graphicality” in Poe, Christina Zwarg
Submissions from 2017
Commentary: In 'Paterson,' a snippet of the poet's life, Thomas Devaney
Five, Thomas Devaney
Geoffrey of Monmouth and the Feminist Origins of the Arthurian Legend, Maud Burnett McInerney
Middle English Romance and the Craft of Memory, Maud Burnett McInerney
Submissions from 2016
Harper and Trane: Modal Enactments of A Love Supreme, Kimberly W. Benston
Touching a Button, Lindsay V. Reckson
Laying Down The Rails Scared and Secular Groundwork in Zora Neale Hurston's Jonah's Gourd Vine and King Vidor's Hallelujah, Leslie Wingard
Submissions from 2015
A Week in the Childhood of W.C. Fields, Thomas Devaney
First Instrument, Thomas Devaney
On Seeing William Larson's "Figure in Motion", Thomas Devaney
Runaway Goat Cart, Thomas Devaney
The Best Styles, Thomas Devaney
An Irish Motif in Guta saga, Kristen Mills
The pocket instructor, literature: 101 exercises for the college classroom, Lindsay V. Reckson, Diana Fuss, and William A. Gleason
Asali Solomon Recommends, Asali Solomon
Black History, Asali Solomon
Disgruntled: A Novel, Asali Solomon
"Gimme Gimme This, Gimme Gimme That”: Listening with, to, and through José Muñoz, Gustavus Stadler, Jeanne Vaccaro, Peter Coviello, and Karen Tongson
O My Swineherd [review of Amit Chaudhuri's Odysseus Abroad], Christina Zwarg
Quotation, Simile, Photograph: Margaret Fuller on 'The French in Algiers', Christina Zwarg
Who’s Afraid of Virginia’s Nat Turner? Mesmerism, Stowe, and the Terror of Things, Christina Zwarg
Submissions from 2014
Preface to a Twenty Volume Critical Note: For Amiri, Ghost of the Future, Kimberly W. Benston
The Norton Anthology of African American Literature, Kimberly W. Benston
The Picture That Remains, Will Brown and Thomas Devaney
Calamity Jane, Thomas Devaney
The Envelope Poems of Emily Dickinson, Thomas Devaney
The Norton Anthology of African-American Literature (3rd ed.), Henry Louis Gates Jr., Valerie A. Smith, and Kimberly W. Benston
News and Material Culture in Early Modern and Restoration England: Using and Making Digital Archives, Laura McGrane
Gauvain and Gringalet: Comic Masculinities in Paien de Maisières, Maud Burnett McInerney
"When Elephants Are in Must": Peggy Shaw, Acts of Trans/fer, and the Present Future of Queer Desire, Jaclyn Pryor
The Weather in Hemingway, Lindsay V. Reckson
Black Women Academics and Their White Male Partners: A Study in Seamless Contradictions, Asali Solomon
'My Wife': The Tape Recorder and Warhol's Queer Ways of Listening, Gustavus Stadler
The Pete Seeger Reader, Gustavus Stadler
Submissions from 2013
Cold Water for Blood Stains, Asali Solomon
Secret Pool, Asali Solomon
Submissions from 2012
Doing Genre, Laura McGrane
Fantasies of Failing Empire in La Belle Helène de Constantinople, Maud Burnett McInerney
A ‘Reg’lar Jim-Dandy’: Archiving Ecstatic Performance in Stephen Crane, Lindsay V. Reckson
Each Attitude a Syllable: the Linguistic Turn in William James’s Varieties of Religious Experience, Lindsay V. Reckson
Review of Colin Dickey's Afterlives of the Saints, Lindsay V. Reckson
Review of Jane Shaw's Octavia, Daughter of God, Lindsay V. Reckson
Absolute Music, Mechanical Reproduction [book review], Gustavus Stadler
Art Music and the Machine, Gustavus Stadler
Submissions from 2011
Anita Desai, Rajeswari Mohan
The Excavation of History in Michelle Cliff's Fiction, Rajeswari Mohan
Wharf Hypothesis, Ron Silliman
Strategic Naivete, Gustavus Stadler
Easy A, or Who's Your Daddy?: The Scarlet Letter Once More, Christina Zwarg
The Poetics and Politics of the American Gothic: Gender and Slavery in Nineteenth-Century American Literature [book review], Christina Zwarg
Twain's Idiomatic Gun, Christina Zwarg
Submissions from 2010
The Veil of Black: (Un)Masking the Subject of African-American Modernism's Native Son, Kimberly W. Benston
Review of Tison Pugh and Marcia Smith Marzac, Men and Masculinties in Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde, Maud Burnett McInerney
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, Maud Burnett McInerney
Breaking Sound Barriers , Gustavus Stadler
Never Heard Such a Thing: Lynching and Phonographic Modernity, Gustavus Stadler
Vigorous Currents, Painful Archives: The Production of Affect and History in Poe's "Tale of the Ragged Mountains", Christina Zwarg
Submissions from 2009
Experimenting at the Threshold: Sacrifice, Anthropomorphism, and the Aims of (Critical) Animal Studies, Kimberly W. Benston
Colleague-Criticism: Performance, Writing, and Queer Collegiality, Jill Dolan, Paul Bonin-Rodriguez, and Jaclyn Pryor
Encylopedia of Medieval Pilgrimage, Maud Burnett McInerney
A Mercy by Toni Morrison [book review], Asali Solomon
Blues for a Semester Abroad, Asali Solomon
Queer and Disorderly, Gustavus Stadler
Crossing the Lines: Graphic (Life) Narratives and Co-Laborative Political Transformations, Theresa M. Tensuan
Submissions from 2008
Review of Simon Gaunt, Love and Death in Medieval French and Occitan Courtly Literature: Martyrs to Love, Maud Burnett McInerney
The Alphabet, Ron Silliman
Difference, Asali Solomon
Submissions from 2007
The Unbearable Learness of Being; Or, ‘Why Should a Dog, a Rat, a Horse Have Life, and Thou No Breath At All?', Kimberly W. Benston