
Submissions from 2013

Calculus 6th ed., Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Andrew Gleason, and Jeffrey Tecosky-Feldman

Legendrian contact homology in Seifert fibered spaces, Joan E. Licata and Joshua Marc Sabloff

Multivariable Calculus 6th ed., William McCallum, Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Andrew M. Gleason, Selin Kalayciglu, and Jeff Tecosky-Feldman

Properties of statistical tests appropriate for the analysis of data in disparate impact cases, Weiwen Miao and Joseph L. Gastwirth

Obstructions to Lagrangian cobordisms between Legendrians via generating families, Joshua Marc Sabloff and Lisa Traynor

Analyzing Angular Distributions for Two-Step Dissociation Mechanisms in Velocity-Map Imaging, Daniel B. Straus and Lynne M. Butler

Submissions from 2012

Affine Deligne–Lusztig varieties associated to additive affine Weyl group elements, Elizabeth T. Beazley

Maximal Newton polygons via the quantum Bruhat graph (extended abstract), Elizabeth T. Beazley

On the Choice of a Beta Prior Distribution for Binomial Sampling, Paul Chiou and Weiwen Miao

The Annual Maximum Wind Speed at Pisa Airport in Italy, Paul Chiou, Weiwen Miao, and T. C. Ho

Rational Seifert Surfaces in Seifert Filtered Spaces, Joan E. Licata and Joshua Marc Sabloff

Spectral Properties of the Reflection Operator in Two Dimensions, Eric Stachura, I. Mitrea, and K. Ott

Submissions from 2011

Product Structures for Legendrian Contact Homology, Gokhan Civan, John B. Etnyre, Paul Koprowski, Joshua Marc Sabloff, and Alden Walker

Inequalities for symmetric means, Allison Cuttler '06, Curtis Greene, and Mark Skandera

Some Important Statistical Issues Courts Should Consider in Their Assessment of Statistical Analyses Submitted in Class Certification Motions: Implications for Dukes v. Wal-mart, Joseph L. Gastwirth, Efstathia Bura, and Weiwen Miao

Thermodynamic Analysis of Self-Assembly in Coiled-Coil Biomaterials, Betty P. Tsang '07, Heidi S. Bretscher '09, Bashkim Kokona, and Robert S. Manning

Submissions from 2010

Optimizing a fin ray for stiffness, Silas Alben and Reginald L. McGee II

Dp-Minimality: Basic Facts and Examples, Alfred Dolich, John Goodrick, and David Lippel

An Introduction to Statistical Inference and Its Applications with R [book review], Weiwen Miao

Did the Results of Promotion Exams Have a Disparate Impact on Minorities?: Using Statistical Evidence in Ricci v. DeStefano , Weiwen Miao

Submissions from 2009

Infinitesimal rigidity of a compact hyperbolic 4-orbifold with totally geodesic boundary, Tarik Aougab and Peter A. Storm

Codimensions of Newton strata for SL3(F) in the Iwahori case, Elizabeth T. Beazley


A Duality Exact Sequence for Legendrian Contact Homology, Tobias Ekholm, John B. Etnyre, and Joshua Marc Sabloff


The Impact of Levene's Test of Equality of Variances on Statistical Theory and Practice., Joseph L. Gastwirth, Yulia R. Gel, and Weiwen Miao

Formal Statistical Analysis of the Data in Disparate Impact Cases Provides Sounder Inferences than the Government's "Four-Fifths" Rule: Examining the Statistical Evidence in Ricci v. DeStephano, Joseph L. Gastwirth and Weiwen Miao

The Effect of dependence between observations on the proper interpretation of statistical evidence, Yulia R. Gel, Weiwen Miao, and Joseph L. Gastwirth

An extended conjugate point theory with application to the stability of planar buckling of an elastic rod subject to a repulsive self-potential , Kathleen A. Hoffman and Robert S. Manning

Conjugate Points revisited and Neumann-Neumann Problems, Robert S. Manning

Ineffective perturbations in a planar elastica, Robert S. Manning and Kaitlyn M. Peterson

A New two-stage adaptive nonparametric test for paired difference , Weiwen Miao and Joseph L. Gastwirth


Cross Sections of Graphs of Functions of Two Variables, Joshua Marc Sabloff


Second-order Partial Derivatives, Joshua Marc Sabloff


What is a Legendrian Knot?, Joshua Marc Sabloff

Submissions from 2008

A partial ordering on slices of planar Lagrangians, Phil Eiseman '10, Jonathan D. Lima '10, Joshua Marc Sabloff, and Lisa Traynor

Confidence Intervals for the difference between two means, Weiwen Miao and Paul Chiou

Obstructions to the Existence and Squeezing of Lagrangian Cobordisms, Joshua Marc Sabloff and Lisa Traynor

Submissions from 2007

A note on log-convexity of q-Catalan numbers, Lynne M. Butler and Patrick Flanigan

Robust directed tests of normality against heavy-tailed alternatives, Yulia R. Gel, Weiwen Miao, and Joseph L. Gastwirth


Closed form summation of C-finite sequences, Curtis Greene and Herbert S. Wilf

Human embryonic, fetal, and adult hemoglobin have different subunit interface strengths. Correlation with lifespan in the red cell, L. R. Manning, J. E. Russell, J. C. Padovan, and Robert S. Manning

A New Test of Symmetry about an Unknown Median, Weiwen Miao, Yulia R. Gel, and Joseph L. Gastwirth

Submissions from 2006

Shrinkage Estimation for the Difference between a Control and Treatment Mean, Paul Chiou and Weiwen Miao

The Moment Generating Function of the Logistic Distribution through Residue Theory, Paul Chiou and Weiwen Miao


Words avoiding a reflexive acyclic relation, John Dollhopf, Ian Goulden, and Curtis Greene

Applied Calculus, 3rd ed., Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Patti Frazer Lock, Andrew M. Gleason, and Jeffrey Tecosky-Feldman

The Correspondence Between Augmentations and Rulings for Legendrian Knots, L. Ng Lenhard and Joshua Marc Sabloff

Duality for Contact Homology of Legendrian knots, Joshua Marc Sabloff

Submissions from 2005

Shrinkage estimation for the difference between exponential guarantee time parameters, Paul Chiou and Weiwen Miao

The Importance of Checking the Assumptions Underlying Statistical Analysis: Graphical Methods for Assessing Normality, Yulia R. Gel, Weiwen Miao, and Joseph L. Gastwirth

“Remarks on a 25 year old theorem on two-dimensional cellular automata, J. M. Greenberg, Curtis Greene, and Stuart P. Hastings

Finitely Axiomatizable ω-categorical Theories and the Mazoyer Hypothesis, David Lippel

Stability of an elastic rod buckling into a soft wall, Robert S. Manning and George B. Bulman

Interval Estimation for the Difference between Exponential Guarantee Time Parameters, Weiwen Miao and Paul Chiou

Updating and downdating for parameter estimation with bounded uncertain data, Weiwen Miao and J. Zhao

The Community Math Teaching Project, J. Morse and Joshua Marc Sabloff

Quantitative atomic force microscopy image analysis of unusual filaments formed by the Acanthamoeba castellanii myosin II rod domain, Daniel J. Rigotti, Bashkim Kokona, Theresa Horne '03, Karl A. Johnson, Robert S. Manning, Suzanne Amador Kane, Walter Fox Smith, and Robert Fairman

Augmentations and rulings of Legendrian knots, Joshua Marc Sabloff

Linearity, Symmetry, and Prediction in the Hydrogen Atom, Stephanie Frank Singer

Submissions from 2004

The effect of dependence on confidence intervals for a population proportion, Weiwen Miao and Joseph L. Gastwirth

Submissions from 2003

On the Use of the Shapiro-Wilk Test in Two-Stage Adaptive Inference for Paired Data from Moderate to Very Heavy Tailed Distributions, B. Friedlin, Weiwen Miao, and Joseph L. Gastwirth

Statistical Issues Arising in Disparate Impact Cases and the Use of the Expectancy Curve in Assessing the Validity of Pre-Employment Tests, Joseph L. Gastwirth and Weiwen Miao

Anti-holomorphic multiplication and a real algebraic modular variety, Mark Goresky and Yung-sheng Tai

The moduli space of real Abelian varieties with level structure, Mark Goresky and Yung-sheng Tai

Link, twist, energy, and the stability of DNA minicircles, Kathleen A. Hoffman, Robert S. Manning, and John H. Maddocks

Invariants of Legendrian knots in circle bundles, Joshua Marc Sabloff

Submissions from 2002


A Beautiful mind [movie review], Lynne M. Butler

Invariants of Legendrian knots and coherent orientations, J. B. Etnyre, L. L. Ng, and Joshua Marc Sabloff

The Potential Effect of Statistical Dependence in the Analysis of Data in Jury Discrimination Cases: Moultrie v. Martin Reconsidered, Joseph L. Gastwirth and Weiwen Miao


Calculation of the stability index in parameter-dependent calculus of variations problems: Buckling of a twisted elastic strut, Kathleen A. Hoffman, Robert S. Manning, and Randy C. Paffenroth

Test Bank to Accompany Calculus 3rd ed., Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Patti Frazer Lock, Andrew M. Gleason, and Jeffrey Tecosky-Feldman

Submissions from 2001

Characterization of convexity-preserving maps from a subset of a vector space into another vector space, William C. Davidon and Ari Ariyawansa

On a characterization of convexity-preserving maps, Davidon's collinear scalings and Karmarkar's projective transformations, William C. Davidon, Ari Ariyawansa, and K. D. McKenna

Stability of n-covered circles for elastic rods with constant planar intrinsic curvature, Robert S. Manning and K. A. Koffman

Symmetry in mechanics: a gentle, modern introduction, Stephanie Frank Singer

Submissions from 2000

Generalized flags in p-groups, Lynne M. Butler and Alfred W. Hales


DNA Rings with Multiple Energy Minima, Patrick B. Furrer, Robert S. Manning, and John H. Maddocks

Shonubi case as an example of the legal system's failure to appreciate statistical evidence, Joseph L. Gastwirth, Boris Freidlin, and Weiwen Miao

Submissions from 1999

New Perspectives in Algebraic Combinatorics, Louis J. Billera, Curtis Greene, and Anders Bjorner

Bears in Space: Activities to Introduce Basic Ideas of Design, George W. Cobb and Weiwen Miao

Toroidal and reductive Borel-Serre compactifications of locally symmetric spaces, Mark Goresky and Yung-sheng Tai

Symmetry Breaking and the Twisted Elastic Ring, Robert S. Manning and John H. Maddocks


Nontoric Hamiltonian circle actions on four-dimensional symplectic orbifolds, Stephanie Frank Singer, J. Talvacchia, and N. Watson

Peirce domains, Yung-sheng Tai

Submissions from 1998

Noncommutative Schur functions and their applications, Sergey Fomin and Curtis Greene

Calculus (2nd ed.), Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Patti Frazer Lock, Andrew M. Gleason, and Jeffrey Tecosky-Feldman

Calculus : single and multivariable, Deborah Hughes-Hallett and Jeffrey Tecosky-Feldman

Stability and persistence of relative equilibria at singular values of the moment map, E. Lerman and Stephanie Frank Singer

Isoperimetric conjugate points with application to the stability of DNA minicircles, Robert S. Manning, Kathleen A. Rogers, and John H. Maddocks

Classifying [aleph]o-Categorical Theories II: The Existence of Finitely Axiomatizable Proper Class II Theories, George Weaver and David Lippel

Submissions from 1997

Note on a combinatorial application of Alexander duality, Anders Bjorner, Lynne M. Butler, and Andrey O. Matveev

A seminar on linear optimization, Lynne M. Butler

Balanced labellings and Schubert polynomials, Sergey Fomin, Curtis Greene, Victor Reiner, and Mark Shimozono

Multivariable calculus, Sheldon P. Gordon, Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Andrew M. Gleason, and Jeffrey Tecosky-Feldman

Interactive computation, parameter continuation, and visualization, J. H. Maddocks, Robert S. Manning, Randy C. Paffenroth, and K. A. Rogers

Existence of Maximum Likelihood Estimates for Multi-Dimensional Exponential Families, Weiwen Miao and Marjorie Hahn

Loop algebras, gauge invariants and a new completely integrable system, M. Quinn and Stephanie Frank Singer

Submissions from 1996

Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, Louis J. Billera, Curtis Greene, and Rodica Simion

Order analogues and Betti polynomials, Lynne M. Butler

Conjugate directions in perspective, William C. Davidon


Uniform regularized semiclassical propogator for the 1/x^2 potential, Robert S. Manning and Gregory S. Ezra