
Submissions from 2025


Laplace approximation of J factors for rigid base and rigid basepair models of DNA cyclization, Robert S. Manning

Submissions from 2024

Representations of free products of semisimple algebras via quivers, Andrew Buchanan, Ivan Dimitrov, Olivia Grace, Charles Paquette, and Tianyuan Xu

Comparison of integral structures on the space of modular forms of full level N, Anthony Kling


Laplace approximation of J factors for rigid base and rigid basepair models of DNA cyclization, Robert S. Manning


Energy-minimizing configurations for an elastic rod with self-contact energy close to the inextensible–unshearable and hard-contact limits, Robert S. Manning, Kathleen Hoffman, Michael Merkle, Li Fan '23, and Anubhav Sharma '23


Topological Structures in the Space of Treatment-Naïve Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Reginald L. McGee II, Jake Reed, Caitlin E. Coombes, Carmen D. Herling, and Michael J. Keating


Upper bounds for the Lagrangian cobordism relation on Legendrian links, Joshua Marc Sabloff, David Shea Vela-Vick, and C-M Michael Wong

Submissions from 2023

Characterizing covers via simple closed curves, Tarik Aougab, Max Lahn, Marissa Loving, and Yang Xiao


Non-Orientable Lagrangian Fillings of Legendrian Knots, Linyi Chen, Grant Crider-Phillips, Braedon Reinoso, Joshua Marc Sabloff, and Leyu Lao


Data driven mixed effects modeling of the dual process framework of addiction among individuals with alcohol use disorder, Rebecca Everett, Allison L. Lewis, Alexis Kuerbis, Angela Peace, and Jing Li

2-roots for Simply Laced Weyl Groups, Richard M. Green and Tianyuan Xu


Scalable Gromov–Wasserstein Based Comparison of Biological Time Series, Natalia Kravtsova, Reginald L. McGee II, and Adriana T. Dawes

The Application of the Likelihood Ratio Test and the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Test to Discrimination Cases, Weiwen Miao and Joseph L. Gastwirth


Dead or alive: carbon as a currency to integrate disease and ecosystem ecology theory, Eric W. Seabloom, Angela Peace, Lale Asik, Rebecca Everett, and Thijs Frenken


Reconciling contrasting effects of nitrogen on host immunity and pathogen transmission using stoichiometric models, Dedmer B. Van de Waal, Lauren A. White, Rebecca Everett, and Lale Asik

Submissions from 2022


Thermodynamic metrics on outer space, Tarik Aougab, Matt Clay, and Yo'av Rieck


Curves on the torus intersecting at most k times, Tarik Aougab and Jonah Gaster

Origamis associated to minimally intersecting filling pairs, Tarik Aougab, William Menasco, and Mark Nieland

An Equivariant Quantum Pieri Rule for the Grassmannian on Cylindric Shapes, Anna Bertiger, Dorian Ehrlich, Elizabeth Milićević, and Kaisa Taipale

Disease-mediated nutrient dynamics: Coupling host-pathogen interactions with ecosystem elements and energy, Elizabeth T. Borer, Rachel E. Paseka, Angela Peace, Lale Asik, and Rebecca Everett

On the interplay between practical and statistical significance in equal employment cases, Joseph L. Gastwirth, Weiwen Miao, and Qing Pan

Legendrian satellites and decomposable cobordisms, Roberta Guadagni, Joshua Marc Sabloff, and Matthew Yacavone

A Gallery Model for Affine Flag Varieties via Chimney Retractions, Elizabeth Milićević, Yusra Naqvi, Petra Schwer, and Anne Thomas

A Comparison of Mathematical and Statistical Modeling with Longitudinal Data: An Application to Ecological Momentary Assessment of Behavior Change in Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorder, Sijing Shao, Judith E. Canner, Rebecca Everett, Kidist Bekele-Maxwell, and Alexis Kuerbis

From low to high-and lower-optimal regularity of the SMGTJ equation with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary control, and with point control, via explicit representation formulae, Roberto Triggiani and Xiang Wan

Submissions from 2021

Isometry groups of infinite-genus hyperbolic surfaces, Tarik Aougab, Priyam Patel, and Nicholas G. Vlamis

Homology Groups of Cubical Sets with Connections, Helene Barcelo, Curtis Greene, Abdul Salam Jarrah, and Volkmar Welker

On the Vanishing of Discrete Singular Cubical Homology for Graphs, Helene Barcelo, Curtis Greene, Abdul Salam Jarrah, and Volkmar Welker

Elements of disease in a changing world: modelling feedbacks between infectious disease and ecosystems, Elizabeth T. Borer, Lale Asik, Rebecca A. Everett, Thijs Frenken, and Angelica L. Gonzalez

An Affine Approach to Peterson Comparison, Linda Chen, Elizabeth Milićević, and Jennifer Morse

Maximal Newton Points and the Quantum Bruhat Graph, Elizabeth Milićević

Stoichiometric Ecotoxicology for a Multisubstance World, Angela Peace, Paul C. Frost, Nicole D. Wagner, Michael Danger, and Rebecca Everett

Submissions from 2020

Letters to the Editor: Boycott collaboration with police, Tarik Aougab, Federico Ardila, Jayadev Athreya, Edray Goins, and Christopher Hoffman


Agent-based and continuous models of hopper bands for the Australian plague locust: How resource consumption mediates pulse formation and geometry, Andrew J. Bernoff, Michael Culshaw-Maurer, Rebecca Everett, Maryann E. Hohn, and W. Christopher Strickland


A tutorial review of mathematical techniques for quantifying tumor heterogeneity, Rebecca Everett, Kevin B. Flores, Nick Henscheud, John Lagergren, and Kamila Larripa


Generic Newton points and the Newton poset in Iwahori-double cosets, Elizabeth Milićević and Eva Viehmann

Disease-mediated ecosystem services: Pathogens, plants, and people, Rachel E. Paseka, Lauren A. White, Dedmer B. Van de Waal, Alex T. Strauss, and Rebecca Everett

The relative Gromov width of Lagrangian cobordisms between Legendrians, Joshua Marc Sabloff and Lisa Traynor

Submissions from 2019

Isolas Versus Snaking of Localized Rolls, Tarik Aougab, Margaret Beck, Paul Carter, Surabhi Desai, and Bjorn Sandstede

Determining the finite subgraphs of curve graphs, Tarik Aougab, Ian Biringer, and Jonah Gaster

Packing Curves on Surfaces with Few Intersections, Tarik Aougab, Ian Biringer, and Jonah Gaster

Ordinary points mod p of GL(n) ( R ) -locally symmetric spaces, Mark Goresky and Yung-Sheng Tai

Ordinary points mod p of GL(n) (R)-locally symmetric spaces, Mark Goresky and Yung-Sheng Tai

Real structures on polarized Dieudonné modules, Mark Goresky and Yung-Sheng Tai

Lagrangian fillings of Legendrian 4-plat knots, Erin R. Lipman and Joshua Marc Sabloff

Dimensions of Affine Deligne-Lusztig Varieties: A New Approach via Labeled Folded Alcove Walks and Root Operators, Elizabeth Milićević, Petra Schwer, and Anne Thomas

Immunosuppressant treatment dynamics in renal transplant recipients: An iterative modeling approach, Neha Murad, Hien Tran, Harvey Thomas Banks, Rebecca A. Everett, and Eric S. Rosenberg

Immunosuppressant Treatment Dynamics in Renal Transplant Recipients: An Interactive Modeling Approach, Neha Murad, Hien T. Tran, Harvey Thomas Banks, and Rebecca Everett

Submissions from 2018

Local Geometry of the k-Curve Graph, Tarik Aougab

Counting Curve Types, Tarik Aougab and Juan Souto

Mathematical and statistical model misspecifications in modelling immune response in renal transplant recipients, Harvey Thomas Banks, Rebecca Everett, Shuhua Hu, Neha Murad, and Hien T. Tran

Optimal Design for Dynamical Modelling of Pest Populations, Harvey Thomas Banks, Rebecca Everett, Neha Murad, Rebekah D. White, and John E. Banks

Enumerations relating braid and commutation classes, Susanna Fishel, Elizabeth Milićević, Rebecca Patrias, and Bridget Eileen Tenner

Hypergeometric properties of genus 3 generalized Legendre curves, Heidi Goodson


Maximally informative next experiments for nonlinear models, Reginald L. McGee II and Gregery T. Buzzard

Case comment: estimating the economic value of the loss of a chance: a re-examination of Chaplin v. Hicks, Weiwen Miao and Joseph L. Gastwirth

Improving the generation and selection of virtual populations in quantitative systems pharmacology models, Theodore R. Rieger, Richard J. Allen, Lucas Bystricky, Yuzhou Chen, and Rebecca Everett


Quantifying the impact of simple DNA parameters on the cyclization J-factor for single-basepair-addition families, Yunjin Tong and Robert S. Manning


Determinantal Generalizations of Instrumental Variables, Luca Weihs, Bill Robinson, and Reginald L. McGee II

Submissions from 2017

Pulling back stability with applications to Out(Fn) and relatively hyperbolic groups, Tarik Aougab, Matthew Gentry Durham, and Samuel J. Taylor

Curves intersecting exactly once and their dual cube complexes, Tarik Aougab and Jonah J. Gaster

Building hyperbolic metrics suited to closed curves and applications to lifting simply, Tarik Aougab, Jonah J. Gaster, Priyam Patel, and Jenya J. Sapir

Dynamic Modeling of Problem Drinkers Undergoing Behavioral Treatment, Harvey Thomas Banks, Kidist Bekele-Maxwell, Rebecca Everett, Lyric Stephenson, and Sijing Shao


Best and Worst Case Permutations for Random Online Domination of the Path, Jonathan Dewitt, Christopher Coscia, Fan Yang, and Yiguang Zhang

Sequence-Dependent Persistence Lengths of DNA, Jonathan S. Glowacki, Jaroslaw Glowacki, Alexandre E. Grandchamp, and Robert S. Manning

A Complete Hypergeometric Point Count Formula for Dwork Hypersurfaces, Heidi Goodson

The minimal length of a Lagrangian cobordism between Legendrians, Joshua Marc Sabloff and Lisa Traynor

Existence of weak solutions to refraction problems in Negative Refractive Index Materials, Eric Stachura

Existence of weak solutions to refraction problems in Negative Refractive Index Materials, Eric Stachura

The time dependent Maxwell system with measurable coefficients in Lipschitz domains, Eric Stachura

General refraction problems with phase discontinuities on nonflat metasurfaces, Eric Stachura, Cristian E. Gutierrez, and Luca Pallucchini

Submissions from 2016

An Adaptive Feedback Methodology for Determining Information Content in Stable Population Studies, Harvey Thomas Banks, John E. Banks, Rebecca Everett, and John D. Stark

Bounds on the maximum number of minimum dominating sets, Samuel Connolly, Anant Godbole, Bill Kay, and Zachary Gabor '15


Locally Convex Words and Permutations, Jonathan Dewitt and Christopher Coscia

Dynamics of a Data Based Ovarian Cancer Growth and Treatment Model with Time Delay, Rebecca Everett, J. D. Nagy, and Y. Kuang

Statistical issues arising in class action cases: a reanalysis of the statistical evidence in Dukes v. Wal-Mart II, Joseph L. Gastwirth and Weiwen Miao

Using Hybrid Schedules to Safely Outperform Classical Polyhedral Schedules, Tian Jin '17

Case comment-Briscoe v. City of New Haven: a statistical analysis of the effect of different written/oral exam weightings in disparate impact claims, Weiwen Miao


Families of Legendrian Submanifolds via Generating Families, Joshua Marc Sabloff and Michael G. Sullivan

Metamaterial lens design, Eric Stachura and Cristian E. Gutierrez

Submissions from 2015

Minimally intersecting filling pairs on surfaces, Tarik Aougab and Shinnyih Huang

On Curves and Polygons with the Equiangular Chord Property, Tarik Aougab, Xidian D. Sun, Serge Tabachnikov, and Yuwen Wang


Lagrangian cobordisms via generating families: Construction and geography, Frederic Bourgeois, Joshua Marc Sabloff, and Lisa Traynor

Positive Knots and Lagrangian Fillability, Kyle Hayden '13 and Joshua Marc Sabloff

The Most Conservative Dirichlet Prior Distribution for Trinomial Sampling, Weiwen Miao and Paul Chiou


Uniform Refraction in Negative Refractive Index Materials, Eric Stachura and Cristian E. Gutirrez

Submissions from 2014

Constructing large k-systems on surfaces, Tarik Aougab

Large collections of curves pairwise intersecting exactly once, Tarik Aougab

Small intersection numbers in the curve graph, Tarik Aougab and Samuel J. Taylor


Computational Modeling of Interventions and Protective Thresholds to Prevent Disease Transmission in Deploying Populations, Colleen Burgess, Angela Peace, Rebecca Everett, Buena Allegri, and Patrick Garman

Applied Calculus 5th ed., Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Patti Frazer Lock, Andrew M. Gleason, Daniel E. Flath, and Jeff Tecosky-Feldman

A Catalogue of Stable Equilibria of Planar Extensible or Inextensible Elastic Rods for All Possible Dirichlet Boundary Conditions, Robert S. Manning


A Computational Study of the Effects of Syk Activity on B Cell Receptor Signaling Dynamics, Reginald L. McGee II, Mariya O. Krisenko, and Robert L. Geahlen

New Statistical Tests for Detecting Disparate Impact Arising From Two-Stage Selection Processes, Weiwen Miao

Mechanisms of Resistance to Intermittent Androgen Deprivation in Patients with Prostate Cancer Identified by a Novel Computational Method, Jason D. Morken, Aaron Packer, Rebecca Everett, John D. Nagy, and Yang Kuang

Topologically Distinct Lagrangian and Symplectic Fillings, Joshua Marc Sabloff, Chang Cao '13, Nate Gallup '13, and Kyle Hayden '13

Submissions from 2013

Uniform hyperbolicity of the graphs of curves, Tarik Aougab

Laplacians on a Family of Quadratic Julia Sets II, Tarik Aougab, Stella Chuyue Dong, and Robert S. Strichartz

The Distribution of Annual Maximum Earthquake Magnitude in Southern California, Paul Chiou and Weiwen Miao

Data and Implication Based Comparison of Two Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Models, Rebecca Everett, Y. Zhao, K. B. Flores, and Y. Kuang