
Submissions from 2003

Urban policy reconsidered : dialogues on the problems and prospects of American cities, Charles C. Euchner and Stephen J. McGovern

Government and Politics in Ecuador, Anita J. Isaacs

Guatemala's War Crimes, Anita J. Isaacs

Ideology, consciousness, and inner-city redevelopment: The case of Stephen Goldsmith's Indianapolis, Stephen J. McGovern

Neighborhoods, race and the state, Stephen J. McGovern

Response to Goldsmith: Reflections on government activism and community development, Stephen J. McGovern

Israeli self-defeating deterrence in the 1991 Gulf War, Barak Mendelsohn

African union, Robert A. Mortimer

Algeria, Vietnam, and Afro-Asian Solidarity, Robert A. Mortimer

The return of Bouteflika, Robert A. Mortimer

Against Ecofeminism: The Splintered Subject of Agrarian Nationalism in Post-Independent India, T. Roy and Craig Borowiak

Women in Mali, Susanna D. Wing

Submissions from 2002

Los problemas de la consolidacion democratica en Ecuador, Felipe Burbano and Anita J. Isaacs

Questioning the State: Constitutionalism and the Malian Espace d'interpellation democratique., Susanna D. Wing

Women Activists in Mali and the Global Discourse on Human Rights, Susanna D. Wing

Submissions from 2001

World Citizenship vs. State Sovereignty: Decisionism, Political Theology, and the Possibility of Democracy without a State, Paulina Ochoa Espejo

Managing ethnic conflict in Africa: pressures and incentives for cooperation, Harvey Glickman

A Beauty that Hurts: Life and Death in Guatemala [book review], Anita J. Isaacs

Of centaurs and doves: Guatemala's peace process [book review], Anita J. Isaacs


City Against Suburb: The Culture Wars in an American Metropolis [book review], Stephen J. McGovern

Algeria, Robert A. Mortimer

Maghreb, Robert A. Mortimer

Submissions from 2000

Islamism in Sudan's civil war, Harvey Glickman

International assistance for democracy: a cautionary tale, Anita J. Isaacs and Jorge Dominguez

Bouteflika and Algeria's Path from Revolt to Reconciliation , Robert A. Mortimer

From ECOMOG to ECOMOG II: Intervention in Sierra Leone, Robert A. Mortimer

How congress does the difficult, Sidney R. Waldman

Submissions from 1999

Review of Allpanchis 49, Paulina Ochoa Espejo

Arab Maghreb Union: myth and reality, Robert A. Mortimer

Submissions from 1998

Ethnicity, Elections and Constitutional Democracy in Africa, Harvey Glickman

Ecuador, Anita J. Isaacs

Politics of Downtown Development: Dynamic Political Cultures in San Francisco and Washington, DC, Stephen J. McGovern

Submissions from 1997

Tanzania: from disillusionment to guarded optimism, Harvey Glickman


The World Bank and Non-Governmental Organizations: The Limits of Development [book review], Anita J. Isaacs

Cultural Hegemony as an Impediment to Urban Protest Movements: Grassroots Activism and Downtown Development in Washington, DC, Stephen J. McGovern

Mayoral Leadership and Economic Development Policy: The Case of Ed Rendell's Philadelphia, Stephen J. McGovern

Political Culture as a Catalyst for Political Change in American Cities: An Analysis of Competing Models, Stephen J. McGovern

Algeria: the Dialectic of Elections and Violence, Robert A. Mortimer

Resolving identity-based conflict in nations, organizations, and communities, Jay Rothman

The Anthropology of Anger: Civil Society and Democracy in Africa [book review], Susanna D. Wing

Submissions from 1996

Race and Ethnic Relations, Harvey Glickman

Quest for Peace in South Africa: Haverford, Bryn Mawr and Swarthmore Colleges, Peace Mission 1996, Selected Reports, Harvey Glickman and Michael H. Allen

Ecuador [book review], Anita J. Isaacs

Multilateralism and the Promotion and Defense of Democracy and Human Rights: an Interim Report, Anita J. Isaacs

Sustaining democracy in Ecuador, Anita J. Isaacs

Theories of Dependent Foreign Policy and the Case of Ecuador in the 1980s [book review], Anita J. Isaacs

International support for democratization: a map and some policy guidelines derived from the four case studies, Anita J. Isaacs and Tom Farer

ECOMOG, Liberia, and Regional Security in West Africa, Robert A. Mortimer

Islamists, Soldiers, and Democrats: the Second Algerian War, Robert A. Mortimer

Senegal's Role in Ecomog: The Francophone Dimension in the Liberian Crisis, Robert A. Mortimer

Submissions from 1995

Ethnic Conflict and Democratization in Africa, Harvey Glickman

Ethnic Conflict Management in Tanzania, Harvey Glickman

Management of ethnic conflict and democratization in Tanzania, Harvey Glickman

Race and Ethnic Relations , Harvey Glickman

The Menace and Appeal of Algeria's Parallel Economy, Deborah Harrold

Neighborhood Organizations and the Welfare State [book review], Stephen J. McGovern

Racial Politics and Urban Planning: Gary, Indiana, Stephen J. McGovern

Etats-Unis face a la situation algerienne, Robert A. Mortimer

Point devue american sur l' Algerie: Entretien, Robert A. Mortimer

Submissions from 1994

Democratic ethnic conflict management in Africa , Harvey Glickman

Submissions from 1993

Outlook for the Clinton Administration, Harvey Glickman

Political Leaders of Africa South of the Sahara: A Biographical Dictionary, Harvey Glickman

Exiting the Whirlpool: US Foreign Policy Toward Latin America and the Caribbean [book review], Anita J. Isaacs

Military rule and transition in Ecuador, 1972-92, Anita J. Isaacs

Ecuador, Anita J. Isaacs and Joel Krieger

Algeria, Robert A. Mortimer

Algeria, Robert A. Mortimer

Algerian War for Independence, Robert A. Mortimer

Algeria: the clash between Islam, Democracy, and the Military, Robert A. Mortimer

Greater Maghreb and the Western Sahara, Robert A. Mortimer

Regionalism and Geopolitics in the Maghrib, Robert A. Mortimer

Submissions from 1992

Controlling and Ending Conflict: Issues Before and After the Cold War, Stephen J. Cimbala and Sidney R. Waldman

Julius Nyerere, Harvey Glickman

Algerian Foreign Policy in Transition, Robert A. Mortimer

Diallo Telli, Robert A. Mortimer

Terminating an American-Soviet war, Sidney R. Waldman

Submissions from 1991

Problems of democratic consolidation in Ecuador, Anita J. Isaacs

Islam and multiparty politics in Algeria, Robert A. Mortimer

Maghreb at the millennium: prospects for the decade, Robert A. Mortimer

Ousmane Sembene and the cinema of decolonization, Robert A. Mortimer

Submissions from 1990

Reconstructionist strategies in Mozambique, Harvey Glickman

Toward Peace and Security in Southern Africa, Harvey Glickman

Party Politics and Elections in Latin America [book review], Anita J. Isaacs

Algeria after the explosion, Robert A. Mortimer

Una comunita a cinque da Nouakchott a Tripoli, Robert A. Mortimer

Submissions from 1989

Reconsidering African governance, Harvey Glickman

Beyond Nairobi: women's politics and policies, Harvey Glickman and K. Staudt

Maghreb Matters, Robert A. Mortimer

New Jersey: property and the price of Republican politics, Sara Mayhew Shumer

Submissions from 1988

Focus: African Development Revisted, Harvey Glickman

Frontiers of Liberal and Non-Liberal Democracy in Africa, Harvey Glickman

Present and future of the African state in an age of adversity, Harvey Glickman

The Crisis and Challenge of African Development, Harvey Glickman

US-USSR co-operation toward reconstruction in Mozambique, Harvey Glickman

Politics and society in contemporary Africa (1st ed.), Robert A. Mortimer, Naomi Chazan, John Ravenhill, and Donald Rothchild

Submissions from 1987

Reflections on state-centrism as ideology in Africa, Harvey Glickman

Development and autonomy: the Algerian approach, Robert A. Mortimer

Submissions from 1986

Global problems without solutions?, Robert A. Mortimer

Submissions from 1985

Anti-Americanism in Africa: The Constraints of Globalism, Harvey Glickman

Submissions from 1984

The Process of Political Domination in Ecuador [book review], Anita J. Isaacs