Submissions from 2025
Mobilization Politics: Governing Philadelphia in the Early Twenty-First Century, Stephen McGovern
Solidarity Cities: Confronting Racial Capitalism, Mapping Transformation, Maliha Safri, Marianna Pavlovskaya, Stephen Healy, and Craig Borowiak
Submissions from 2024
On the Horizon: The Future of the Jihadi Movement, Barak Mendelsohn
Governance and Intervention in Mali: Elusive Security, Susanna Wing
Submissions from 2023
The Source Code: Revenue Composition and the Adequacy, Equity, and Stability of K-12 School Spending, Bruce D. Baker, Matthew Di Carlo, and Zachary Oberfield
Acerca de las Fronteras: Territorios, legitimidad y los derechos del lugar, Paulina Ochoa Espejo
Apantli’s Centennial, Paulina Ochoa Espejo
On the Object and Subject of Reform Intervention: Comments on Lucia Rafanelli’s Promoting Justice Across Borders, Paulina Ochoa Espejo
Order, justice and inequality: the curious case of jihadist divine justice, Barak Mendelsohn
Paper Tiger: The Enemy Image of America, Barak Mendelsohn and Dominic Tierney
The AKP's 'Embedded Neoliberalism' and the Rise of 'Authoritarian Embeddedness' in Turkey, Yonca Ozdemir
Coups d'État, Political Legitimacy, and Instability in Mali, Susanna Wing
Women seeking justice: claims-making in lower courts in Benin, Susanna Wing
Submissions from 2022
Deconstructing the Divides, Thomas J. Donahue
The Untaken Turn: Transnationalism in Political Theory - Inés Valdez [book review], Thomas J. Donahue
Territorial Rights for Individuals, States, or Pueblos? Answers from Indigenous Land Struggles in Colonial Spanish America, Paulina Ochoa Espejo
Driven from Home: Taking Stock of Central American Migration, Anita Isaacs
Anti-Terrorism Law and Foreign Terrorist Fighters [book review], Barak Mendelsohn
Zawahiri’s Legacy and the Prospects for an al-Qaeda Revival, Barak Mendelsohn and Colin P. Clarke
The Stora Report, Robert Mortimer
The Politics of Progressivity: Court-Ordered Reforms, Racial Difference, and School Finance Fairness, Zachary Oberfield
Locating the territoriality of territory in border studies, Anssi Paasi, Md Azmeary Ferdoush, Reece Jones, Alexander B. Murphy, and Paulina Ochoa Espejo
Submissions from 2021
Algorithm Ethics: Interrogating Incentives in the Age of Uber, Craig Borowiak
Justice for People on the Move: Migration in Challenging Times [book review], Paulina Ochoa Espejo
The state and its alternatives: Comments on Anna Stilz’s Territorial Sovereignty, Paulina Ochoa Espejo
Commoning and the politics of solidarity: Transformational responses to poverty, Stephen Healy, Craig Borowiak, Marianna Pavlovskaya, and Maliha Safri
Litigating Socio-Economic and Women’s Rights in Benin’s Constitutional Court, Alice J. Kang and Sussana Wing
Casting Shadow: Founders and the Unique Challenges of a Terrorist Group's First Leadership Change, Barak Mendelsohn
Al-Qaeda Is Being Hollowed to Its Core, Barak Mendelsohn and Colin Clarke
Racial Discrimination and Street‐Level Managers: Performance, Publicness, and Group Bias, Zachary Oberfield and Matthew Incantalupo
Redistribution under General Decision Rules, Giri Parameswaran and Hunter Rendleman '18
Another Coup in Mali? Here's what you need to know., Susanna Wing
Submissions from 2020
On Borders: Territories, Legitimacy and the Rights of Place, Paulina Ochoa Espejo
The Border Wall as a Populist Challenge, Paulina Ochoa Espejo
The Political Value of Time: Citizenship, Duration, and Democratic Justice [book review], Paulina Ochoa Espejo
Analyzing Urban Politics: A Mobilization-Governance Framework, Stephen McGovern
Ayman al-Zawahiri and the Challenges of Succession in Terrorist Organizations, Barak Mendelsohn
In Limited Demand: The Other Foreign Volunteers in the Syrian Civil War, Barak Mendelsohn
The Limits of Ideologically-Unlikely Partnerships: Syria's Support for Jihadi Terrorist Groups, Barak Mendelsohn
Why Do Armed Nonstate Groups Use Foreign Volunteers? The Case of the Islamic State, Barak Mendelsohn
Parent Engagement and Satisfaction in Public Charter and District Schools, Zachary Oberfield
The Social Context of Charter Schools, Zachary W. Oberfield
The Place of Common Bond: Can Credit Unions Make Place for Solidarity Economy?, Marianna Pavlovskaya, Craig Borowiak, Maliha Safri, Stephen Healy, and Roberto Eletto
Combating Insecurity in Mali, Sussana Wing
Submissions from 2019
Poverty in Transit: Uber, Taxi Coops, and the Struggle over Philadelphia's Transportation Economy, Craig Borowiak
Taxi co‐ops versus Uber: Struggles for workplace democracy in the sharing economy, Craig Borowiak
Unfreedom for All, Thomas J. Donahue
The Battle for Algeria: Explaining Fratricide among Armed Nonstate Actors, Barak Mendelsohn
Change and stability in public workforce development: a 10-year study of new officers in an urban police department, Zachary Oberfield
Unionization and Street-Level Bureaucracy: An Examination of Public School Teachers in the United States, Zachary Oberfield
Discretion From a Sociological Perspective, Zachary W. Oberfield
Submissions from 2018
Navigating the Fault Lines: Race and Class in Philadelphia's Solidarity Economy, Craig Borowiak, Maliha Safri, Stephen Healy, and Marianna Pavlovskaya
Public sector diversity research: Taking stock, Leisha DeHart-Davis, Deneen M. Hatmaker, Zachary Oberfield, and Amy E. Smith
A Political Theory of Territory [book review], Paulina Ochoa Espejo
What Money Can’t Buy: Face-to-Face Cooperation and Local Democratic Life, Paulina Ochoa Espejo
Tear gas and intimidation won’t fix the root causes of migration, Anita J. Isaacs and Anne Preston
Bound to Fail: Transnational Jihadism and the Aggregation Problem, Barak Mendelsohn
Confounding Powers: Anarchy and International Society from the Assassins to Al Qaeda, Barak Mendelsohn
Deadly Clerics: Blocked Ambition and the Path to Jihad [book review], Barak Mendelsohn
Jihadism Constrained: the limits of transitional jihadism and what it means for counterterrorism, Barak Mendelsohn
Terrorism and Protean Power: How Terrorists Navigate Uncertainty, Barak Mendelsohn
The Future of al-Qaeda: Lessons from the Muslim Brotherhood, Barak Mendelsohn
Crisis and Intervention: Combating Terrorism in the Sahel, Sussana D. Wing
Submissions from 2017
Strangers in Our Midst: The Political Philosophy of Immigration, Paulina Ochoa Espejo
The Ethics of Immigration, Paulina Ochoa Espejo
Misunderstanding terrorism [book review], Barak Mendelsohn
Are Charters Different? Public Education, Teachers, and the Charter School Debate, Zachary W. Oberfield
Troubled Waters: Tracing Globalization and Waste in the Delaware River, J. M. Ross, Craig Borowiak, Vicky Funari, and Helen K. White
Mali's Enduring Crisis, Susanna D. Wing
Submissions from 2016
The analytical-Continental divide: Styles of dealing with problems, Thomas J. Donahue and Paulina Ochoa Espejo
Taking Place Seriously: Territorial Presence and the Rights of Immigrants, Paulina Ochoa Espejo
From the outside in: suburban elites, third-sector organizations, and the reshaping of Philadelphia, Stephen J. McGovern
The Streets of San Francisco: Policing and the Creation of a Cosmopolitan Liberal Politics, 1950-1972 [Book Review], Stephen J. McGovern
Israel and Its Messianic Right: Path Dependency and State Authority in International Conflict, Barak Mendelsohn
The al Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of al-Qaeda and Its Consequences, Barak Mendelsohn
A Bargain Half Fulfilled: Teacher Autonomy and Accountability in Traditional Public Schools and Public Charter Schools, Zachary W. Oberfield
Why are Some Agencies Perceived as more Committed to Diversity than Others? An analysis of public-sector diversity climates, Zachary W. Oberfield
French intervention in Mali: strategic alliances, long-term regional presence?, Susanna D. Wing
Bargaining for Women's Rights: Activism in an Aspiring Muslim Democracy, Sussana D. Wing
Submissions from 2015
Mapping Social and Solidarity Economy: the Local and Translocal Evolution of a Concept, Craig Borowiak
Assessing the Past and Promise of the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey for Public Management Research: A Research Synthesis, Sergio Fernandez, William G. Resh, Tima Moldogaziev, and Zachary W. Oberfield
Threat Analysis and the UN's 1267 Sanctions Committee, Barak Mendelsohn
A New Hope for Peace, but Old Challenges Remain in Mali, Susanna D. Wing
Hands off my constitution’: Constitutional reform and the workings of democracy in Mali, Susanna D. Wing
Review of Emily S. Burrill. States of Marriage: Gender,Justice, and Right in Colonial Mali, Susanna D. Wing
States of Marriage: Gender, Justice, and Rights in Colonial Mali [book review], Susanna D. Wing
Submissions from 2014
Al Qaeda's Syria Problem, Ariel I. Ahram and Barak Mendelsohn
Considering the US Constitution through State Amendments:The 2011 and 2012 Elections, Sean Beienburg
Political Theory in the Liberal Arts: How It’s Different and Why It’s Not all the Same, Craig Borowiak
People, Territory and Legitimacy in Democratic States, Paulina Ochoa Espejo
New Bad Old Times for Guatemala, Anita J. Isaacs
Governance and Transparency at PEPFAR, Matthew Kavanagh
The Politics & Epidemiology of Transition: PEPFAR and AIDS in South Africa, Matthew Kavanagh
After Disowning ISIS, al Qaeda is Back On Top: Here's Why That Isn't Necessarily Bad News, Barak Mendelsohn
Al Qaeda and Global Governance: The Constraining Impact of Rigid Ideology, Barak Mendelsohn
Decoding Al-Qaeda's Strategy: The Deep Battle Against America, Barak Mendelsohn
Review of Michael W.S. Ryan, “Decoding Al-Qaeda’s Strategy: The Deep Battle Against America, Barak Mendelsohn
State Authority in the Balance: The Israeli State and the Messianic Settler Movement, Barak Mendelsohn
The Terrorist's Dilemma: Managing Violent Covert Organizations, Barak Mendelsohn
Threat Analysis and the UN’s 1267 Sanctions Committee, Barak Mendelsohn