Faculty Publications | Spanish | Haverford College


Submissions from 2024

Tratado de la redondez de la tierra [book review], Luis Rodriguez-Rincon

Submissions from 2023


Liminal Bodies: Boundaries, Transgression, and Gender in Pan-Mediterranean Chapbooks, Roxanna Colón-Cosme

Revolutionary Visions: Jewish Life and Politics in Latin American Film [book review], Ariana Huberman


Viajeros a la sombra de Darwin. Fotografías de la Patagonia a fines del siglo XIX. & Historias latentes. Perspectivas de la fotografía en América Latina [book reviews], Ariana Huberman


‘Ícaros de discursos racionales’: The Comet of 1680-1, Sor Juana’s Neptuno alegórico, and the Enduring Function of Myths in an Age of Enlightenment.”, Luis Rodriguez-Rincon

Pagan Nature and the Naturalization of Empire in the New World epyllions of Bento Teixeira and Silvestre de Balboa, Luis Rodriguez-Rincon

Submissions from 2022

La novela del corazón, Roberto Castillo-Sandoval


El dibuk-Entre dos mundos. Un siglo de metáforas. [book review], Ariana Huberman

Keeping the Mystery Alive: Jewish Mysticism in Latin American Cultural Production, Ariana Huberman


Kugel and Frijoles: Latino Jews in the United States [book review], Ariana Huberman

Berganza's "Buen Natural" and the Theriophily of El Casamiento Enganoso and Coloquio de los Perros, Luis Rodriguez-Rincon

Cervantes after the material turn: river gods, lakes of blood, and other personified bodies of water in Numancia, Luis Rodriguez-Rincon

Submissions from 2021

“Amor de voluntad”/“Love freely given”: Homonormativity in Alfonso X, el Sabio’s Legislation on Captives, Israel Burshatin

The Transgressive Force of the Erotic: Boi Neon's Sensual Speculation In The Brazilian Northeast, Dana Khromov

Submissions from 2020

Muertes Imaginarias (an obituary novel), Roberto Castillo-Sandoval


La distopía en las novelas de Ana María Shua [book review], Ariana Huberman

Staging Frontiers. The Making of Modern Popular Culture in Argentina and Uruguay [book review], Ariana Huberman

Entre fuegos, memoria y violencia de Estado: Los textos literarios y testimoniales del movimiento armado en México, Aurelia Gómez Unamuno


From English pirate to Spanish republic. Life and industries of Antonio Sherley (1565-1633) [book review], Almudena Vidorreta

Panorama neoyorquino de la poesía reciente en lengua española, con algunas notas sobre su traducción, Almudena Vidorreta

Submissions from 2019


Cabello/Carceller, Israel Burshatin, Helena Cabello, Ana Carceller, and Manuel Segade

The Laws of Motion, Roberto Castillo-Sandoval

Wakefield, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Roberto Castillo-Sandoval

The New Ethnic Studies in Latin America [book review], Ariana Huberman

Rosana's house, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

Submissions from 2018

Moors Dressed as Moors: Clothing, Social Distinction and Ethnicity in Early Modern Iberia [book review], Israel Burshatin

Evolving Images: Jewish Latin American Cinema, Ariana Huberman and Nora Glickman

Poéticas, archivos y apuestas: estudios del Caribe, Lina Martinez Hernandez and G. R. Medina

Calvino’s snails: Fiction, reality and memory in Bamboleho, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

Submissions from 2017

Narratives of the Islamic conquest from medieval Spain, Israel Burshatin

El diablo cojo, Roberto Castillo-Sandoval

Muriendo por la dulce patria mía [2nd ed.], Roberto Castillo-Sandoval

Bartleby, el escribano. Una historia de Wall Street, Herman Melville and Roberto Castillo-Sandoval

Submissions from 2016

Parricide on the Pampa?: A New Study and Translation of Alberto Gerchunoff's Los Gauchos Judios [Book Review], Ariana Huberman

Multiliteracies in world language education, Yuri Kumagai, Ana Lopez-Sanchez, and Sujane Wu

Identity Work and Literacy Development in the Creation of Digital Narratives, Ana López Sánchez

Submissions from 2015

Harbinger of Modernity: Marcos Aguinis and the Democratization of Argentina [Book Review], Ariana Huberman

Oy, My Buenos Aires: Jewish Immigrants and the Creation of Argentine National Identity [Book Review], Ariana Huberman

Advancing Multiliteracies in World Language Education, Yuri Kumagai and Ana Lopez-Sanchez

Redesigning the Intermediate Level of the Spanish Curriculum Through a Multiliteracies Lens, Ana López Sánchez

Con el puño crispado: la poesía carcelaria de los presos políticos, Aurelia Gómez Unamuno

La imagen del preso político y el preso común en la obra de José Revueltas, Aurelia Gómez Unamuno

Submissions from 2014


Bodies and Borders in Francisco Delicado’s Retrato de la Lozana Andaluza, Israel Burshatin


Rome As Andalusia: Bodies and Borders in Franscisco Delicado's Retrato de la Andaluza, Israel Burshatin


Un palmeral es su yo, Israel Burshatin

Antípodas. Crónicas y Ensayos, Roberto Castillo-Sandoval

Towards a pedagogy for the multiliteracies: The design of a teaching unit inspired by the proposals of the New London Group, Ana López-Sánchez

Con las armas de la ficción. El imaginario novelesco de la guerrilla en México [Book Review], Aurelia Gómez Unamuno

Submissions from 2013

Brodsky and Rein's The New Jewish Argentina [Book Review], Ariana Huberman

Los textos de la patria: Nacionalismo, políticas culturales y canon en Argentina [Book Review], Ariana Huberman

Made of Shores: Judeo-Argentinean Fiction Revisited [Book Review], Ariana Huberman


Student-Faculty Partnership for Deeper Learning, Ariana Huberman and Shuning Yan

Doomed Couple [Book Review], Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

The Women’s Suffrage Movement and Feminism in Argentina from Roca to Peron, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal and Gregory Hammond

And They Didn’t Shut Up: Prison Narratives of the Mexican Dirty War, Aurelia Gómez Unamuno

Submissions from 2012

Para recordar a Ana María Barrenechea--Recuerdos de la profesora (Anita), por un su alumno, Israel Burshatin

Made of Shores: Judeo-Argentinean Fiction Revisited [Book Review], Ariana Huberman

Returning to Babel: Jewish Latin American Experiences, Representations, and Identity [Book Review], Ariana Huberman

Viaje - Traducción y transición: Flores de un solo día de Anna Kazumi Stahl, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal and Sara Guardia

Cine y memoria: La teta asustada. Contar la memoria, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal, Bernardita Ramos, and Ana Maria Goetschel

Muertes de Aurora: el ángel caído de la historia o la memoria delirante, Aurelia Gomez Unamuno

Submissions from 2011

Contrasts in "Alumbramiento", Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

Tango: An Argentine love story by Camille Cusumano [book review], Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

Tendencias de la narrativa mexicana [Book Review], Aurelia Gómez Unamuno

Submissions from 2010

Exotic Nation. Maurophilia and the Construction of Early Modern Spain [Book Review], Israel Burshatin

Tres de Filadelfia, Roberto Castillo-Sandoval

Gauchos and Foreigners: Glossing Culture and Identity in the Argentine Countryside, Ariana Huberman


The Wandering Signifier: Rhetoric of Jewishness in the Latin American Imaginary [Book Review], Ariana Huberman

Request Behavior and Communicative Styles in Peninsular Spanish and American English: A Comparison, Ana López-Sánchez


Crisis and Capitalism in Contemporary Argentine Cinema [Book Review], Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

Submissions from 2009

Exotic Realms: Jewish Mysticism and the Supernatural in Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Works, Ariana Huberman


Re-Writing the Goals of Foreign Language Teaching: The Achievement of Multiple Literacies and Symbolic Competence, Ana López-Sánchez

Tenure case: Prof. Edna M. Rodríguez Plate, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

El ojo en el caleidoscopio [Book Review], Aurelia Gómez Unamuno

Submissions from 2008

Photographs Exhibition Catalog, Israel Burshatin

Sexual Hierarchies, Public Status. Men, Sodomy, and Society in Spain’s Golden Age [Book Review], Israel Burshatin

La Quijotita y su prima, Fernandez de Lizardi and Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

Ajeno soy al verdor de tu hierba: Foreignness and Jewish Tradition in Margo Glantz’s Las genealogías, Ariana Huberman

The Lure of the Exotic: The Travel Writings of María de las Mercedes Santa Cruz y Montalvo, Countess of Merlin, Ariana Huberman

Latin American Women Writers: An Encyclopedia, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal and Beatriz Seibel


Encierros del cuerpo y devenires de la letra: Los discursos de lo carcelario, Aurelia Gómez Unamuno

Submissions from 2007

Eleno de Céspedes, Israel Burshatin

Inquisition, Israel Burshatin

El cumpleaños de nuestra soledad, Roberto Castillo-Sandoval


Performing Women and Modern Literary Culture in Latin America [Review], Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

Submissions from 2006

Desde las roturas: memoria, judeidad y extranjería en la obra de Tamara Kamenszain, Ariana Huberman

Paréntesis sobre paréntesis: memoria y escritura en Lenta biografía de Sergio Chejfec, Ariana Huberman

Memoria y Representación: Literatura y Cultura Judía en América Latina, Ariana Huberman and Alejandro Meter

El discurso de la prostitución en Buenos Aires en la primera mitad del siglo XX. El caso de Lorenzo Stanchina, Tanka Charowa, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

El papel de la muger en el tango. La trayectoria de Malena, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

La Otra [Book Review], Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal


Poéticas de lo incesante. Sujeto, materialidad y escritura en Amelia Biagioni y Néstor Perlongher [Book Review], Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

La erotización del cuerpo geográfico, utopía y fracaso de América en Esta maldita lujuria de Antonio Brailovsky, Aurelia Gómez Unamuno

Submissions from 2005

Desde las roturas: Memoria, judeidad y extranjería en Tamara Kamenszain, Ariana Huberman


Desafiando lo abyecto. Una lectura feminista de “Mejor desaparece” de Carmen Boullosa [Book Review], Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

Submissions from 2004

Memoria Colectiva y Judía en El Libro de los Recuerdos de Ana María Shua [Book Review], Ariana Huberman

Threading Layers of Memory into Family Trees: Family Collective Memory and Jewish Memory by Two Contemporary Latin American Writers, Ariana Huberman

Daimón de Abel Posse y la novela histórica postmodernista [Book Review], Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal


El movimiento del 68 en el cine mexicano, Aurelia Gómez Unamuno

Submissions from 2003

Glosarios culturales o aclaraciones que (des)articulan la identidad, Ariana Huberman