
Submissions from 2003


Cine continuado [Book Review], Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

Submissions from 2002

Los Cuerpos del Delito: Un Caso de la Inquisición, Israel Burshatin

Epistemology of the 'closet' by Jose Donoso (1924-1996) in 'Conjeturas sobre la memoria de mi tribu' (1996), El 'Jardin de al lado' (1981) and 'Santelices' (1962), Ramón García-Castro

Submissions from 2001

Autobiography as Resistance: El Tuzaní in Ginés Pérez de Hita, 'Guerras civiles de Granada, II (1619)', Israel Burshatin

Hispanism, queer history, and community, Israel Burshatin

Women in the Inquisition. Spain and the New World [Book Review], Israel Burshatin

Pragmalinguistic Strategies as Culturally Embedded Behavior: A Theoretical Proposal, Ana López-Sánchez

Dos miradas sobre Colón y la reescritura de la historia: en El arpa y la sombra de Alejo Carpentier y Los perros del paraíso de Abel Posse, Aurelia Gómez Unamuno

Submissions from 2000

Exilio como "canción de gesta de malograda" en Cobro revertido de José Leandro Urbina, Roberto Castillo-Sandoval

Submissions from 1999

El imaginario morisco y la Inquisición, Israel Burshatin

Written on the body: slave or Hermaphrodite in sixteenth-century Spain , Israel Burshatin

Momentos borgeanos, Miguel Gomes, Javier Pinedo, Roberto Castillo-Sandoval, and Carlos Cortinez

Submissions from 1998

Interrogating Hermaphroditism in sixteenth-century Spain, Israel Burshatin

Muriendo por la Dulce Patria Mia [1st ed.], Roberto Castillo-Sandoval

Eva Peron: Mujer, personaje, mito, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

Submissions from 1996

Elena Alias Eleno: Genders, sexualities, and race in the mirror of natural history in sixteenth-century Spain, Israel Burshatin

Indagaciones sobre alteridad e identidad: puntos de contacto y puntos de partida en los estudios coloniales (Review article), Roberto Castillo-Sandoval

Versos amargos de Lope Sin Pega, Roberto Castillo-Sandoval

Forma de las cosas que nos salvan: una conversacion con Jose Donoso, Roberto Castillo-Sandoval and Maria-Luisa Fischer

The male body seen through Latin-American eyes: Benjamin Subercaseaux's 'Santa materia' (1954) and Manuel Ramos Otero's 'Vida ejemplar del esclavo y el senor' (1983), Ramón García-Castro

Submissions from 1995

Una Misma Cosa con la Vuestra, Ercilla, Ona, Pedro, De and the Post-colonial Appropriatoin of Chile, Roberto Castillo-Sandoval

Submissions from 1994

La crónica sarracina: Estudio de los elementos novelescos y caballerescos [Book Review], Israel Burshatin

Submissions from 1993

Cantar [or Poema] de mio Cid, Israel Burshatin

Submissions from 1992

Playing the moor: parody and performance in Lope de Vega's 'El primer Fajardo.', Israel Burshatin

Disfraces ajenos, propios espejos: los araucanos de Pineda y Bascunán en su "Cantiverio feliz", Roberto Castillo-Sandoval

Submissions from 1991

Peregrinación de la vida del hombre (Novela alegórica del Siglo XVI [Book Review], Israel Burshatin

Saul Yurkievich, confabulador con la palabra, Maria-Luisa Fischer and Roberto Castillo-Sandoval

Submissions from 1990

'Alárabes en figuras': Metáfora, emblema, parodia y silencio, Israel Burshatin

Lorca's 'Poema doble del lago Edén: In the Aura of Garcilaso and Narcissus, Israel Burshatin

Narratives of reconquest: Rodrigo, Pelayo, and the Saints, Israel Burshatin

Poema del Cid, Israel Burshatin

Lope de Aguirre: Historia y literatura, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

Submissions from 1989

Tres tristes tigres/La guaracha del Macho Camacho o el lenguaje como protagonista, Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal

Submissions from 1988

Cid de Quevedo: 'Esclavo de su vientre y de su lengua', Israel Burshatin

El Cid de Quevedo: ‘esclavo de su vientre y de su lengua’, Israel Burshatin

Submissions from 1987

Celestina’ by Fernando de Rojas: An Annotated Bibliography of World Interest [Book Review], Israel Burshatin

Submissions from 1986

Las teorias de Ramón Menéndez Pidal ante la crítica post-estructuralista: observaciones en torno a los conceptos 'tradición e intertextualidad', Israel Burshatin

Moor in the text: metaphor, emblem, and silence, Israel Burshatin


The Moor in the Text: Metaphor, Emblem and Silence, Israel Burshatin

Submissions from 1984

Anita Benaim de Lasry, ‘Carlos Maynes’ and ‘La Enperatris de Roma' [Book Review], Israel Burshatin

Power, Discourse and Metaphor in the Abencerraje, Israel Burshatin

The Docile Image: The Moor as a Figure of Force, Subservience and Nobility in the Poema de mio Cid, Israel Burshatin

Submissions from 1977

Poema de mio Cid, line 508: The Cid as a Rebellious Vassal?, B. B. Thompson and Israel Burshatin

Submissions from 1975

The Medieval Holdings of the Hispanic Society of America, Israel Burshatin