
Submissions from 2024


The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A Measurement of the DR6 CMB Lensing Power Spectrum and Its Implications for Structure Growth, Frank J. Qu, Blake D. Sherwin, and Bruce Partridge

Vanadium Complexes for Mitochondria-Targeted Photodynamic Therapy, Md Kausar Raza and Arun Kumar


The Matter of Black Living: The Aesthetic Experiment of Racial Data, 1880-1930 [book review], Lindsay V. Reckson


Beyond blast: enabling microbiologists to better extract literature, taxonomic distributions and gene neighbourhood information for protein families, Colbie J. Reed, Rémi Denise, and Geoffery Hutinet


Cascading Dark Energy, Kazem Rezazadeh, Amjad Ashoorioon, and Daniel Grin

Prioritizing Community Partners’ Goals in Projects to Support Indigenous Language Revitalization, Katherine J. Riestenberg, Allison Freemond, Jonathan North Washington, and Brook Danielle Lillehaugen


Interpreting generative adversarial networks to infer natural selection from genetic data, Rebecca Riley, Iain Mathieson, and Sara Mathieson


Pedagogía del análisis computacional para repertorios renacentistas: el proyecto CRIM y las misas de Pedro Fernández Buch, María Elena Cuenca Rodriguez and Richard Freedman

Tratado de la redondez de la tierra [book review], Luis Rodriguez-Rincon

The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Galactic Dust Structure and the Cosmic PAH Background in Cross-correlation with WISE, Rodrigo Córdova Rosado, Brandon S. Hensley, Susan E. Clark, and Bruce Partridge

“God Save Me from a Civilized Indian”: Labor Union Schools and Contending Visions for Indigenous Education in Ecuador, 1936–1963, Marlen Rosas

Use of X-ray Star Horizon Crossings to Enhance Performance of X-ray Navigation, Nathaniel C. Ruhl '22, Andrea Lommen, Noah H. Schwab '22, and Romana M. Hladky '22


Upper bounds for the Lagrangian cobordism relation on Legendrian links, Joshua Marc Sabloff, David Shea Vela-Vick, and C-M Michael Wong


The Denationalization of Iraqi Jews: The Legal and Rhetorical Production of Otherness, Zainab Saleh

Experimental Politics: The Middle Ages, Counterrevolutionary Catholics, and the Politics of History, 1780s-1820s, Glauco Schettini


Uridine Bisphosphonates Differentiate Phosphoglycosyl Transferase Superfamilies, Leah M. Seebald, Pouya Haratipour, and Michaela R. Jacobs

Optimized Bags of Artificial Neural Networks Can Predict the Viability of Organisms Exposed to Nanoparticles, Ravithree D. Senanayake, Clyde Daly, and Rigoberto Hernandez

'Not Essential': The Controversial Status of Turkish Dizis, Zeynep Sertbulut


“They don't care what we watch”: On ratings and culture-making in the dizi industry, Zeynep Sertbulut


Extreme drought impacts have been underestimated in grasslands and shrublands globally, Melinda D. Smith, Kate D. Wilkins, Martin C. Holdrege, Peter Wilfahrt, and Lee Dietterich

Introduction, Asali Solomon


Development of a universal method for vibrational analysis of the terminal alkyne C≡C stretch, Kristina Streu, Sara Hunsberger '22, Jeanette Patel '26, Xiang Wan, and Clyde Daly


Cosmic microwave background search for fine-structure constant evolution, Hurum Maksora Tohfa, Jack Crump '23, Ethan Baker '24, Luke Hart, and Daniel Grin


Cosmological parameters derived from the final Planck data release (PR4), Matthieu Tristram, Anthony J. Banday, and Bruce Partridge

Testing Exploratory Narrative Processing as a Mechanism of Change in Identity Status Processes Over 4 Years in College-Going Emerging Adults, Kit Turner, Jennifer Pals Lilgendahl, Moin Syed, and Kate C. McLean


The Effects of poly-GA and poly-PR C9orf72 Dipeptide Repeats on Sleep Patterns in Drosophila melanogaster, Genevieve Uy '22, Laura N. Farrell '19, Syeda F. Faheem '24, Lauren E. Kinne '23, Madison G. Adore '21, Seol Hee Im, and Robert Fairman


Machine Learning-Based Investigation of Atomic Packing Effects: Chemical Pressures at the Extremes of Intermetallic Complexity, Jonathan S. Van Buskirk, Gordon G.C. Peterson, and Daniel C. Fredrickson


XLSSC 122 caught in the act of growing up: Spatially resolved SZ observations of a z=1.98 galaxy cluster, Joshiwa van Marrewijk, Luca Di Mascolo, Amy S. Gill, Nick Battaglia, and Bruce Partridge


Escaping Cicero: “Dionysius” and the Limits of the Archive, Ryan Warwick


Social Connectedness Protects Against the Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on First-Year Undergraduate Mental Health, Margaret Weisblum '24, Cathy Zhu '23, Trisha Ajila '23, and Shu-wen Wang


Extreme axions unveiled: A novel fluid approach for cosmological modeling, Harrison Winch, Renee Hlozek, David J.E. Marsh, Daniel Grin, and Keir K. Rogers

Governance and Intervention in Mali: Elusive Security, Susanna Wing


Thanks for Nothing: The Economics of Single Motherhood since 1980, Nicholas H. Wolfinger and Matthew McKeever

Elemental composition and potential toxicity of the riverine macrophyte Podostemum ceratophyllum Michx. reflects land use in eastern North America, James L. Wood, Lee Dietterich, Douglas R. Leisure, Sarah C. Jantzi, and Thomas R. Maddox


Tropical root responses to global changes: A synthesis, Daniela Yaffar, Laynara F. Lugli, Michelle Y. Wong, Richard J. Norby, and Lee Dietterich

The ALMaQUEST Survey XV: The dependence of the molecular-to-atomic gas ratios on resolved optical diagnostics, Niankun k. Yu, Zheng Zheng, Chao-Wei Tsai, Pei Zuo, and Karen Masters


The Strength of Bisymmetric Modes in SDSS-IV/MaNGA Barred Galaxy Kinematics, Brian DiGiorgio Zanger, Kyle B. Westfall, Kevin Bundy, Niv Drory, and Karen Masters

'Beyond this Narrow Now'; or, Delimitations, of W. E. B. Du Bois. By Nahum Dimitri Chandler. Durham [book review], Christina L. Zwarg

Submissions from 2023

Measuring and mitigating voting access disparities: a study of race and polling locations in Florida and North Carolina, Mohsen Abbasi, Calvin Barrett, Sorelle A. Friedler, Kristian Lum, and Suresh Venkatasubramanian

The NANOGrav 15 yr Data Set: Evidence for a Gravitational-wave Background, Gabrielle Agazie, Akash Anumarlapudi, and Andrea Lommen


The Eighteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: Targeting and First Spectra from SDSS-V, Andres Almeida, Scott F. Anderson, Maria Argudo-Fernandez, Carles Badenes, and Karen Masters


BeyondPlanck I: Global Bayesian analysis of the Planck Low Frequency Instrument data, Kristian Joten Andersen, Ragnhild Aurlien, Ranajoy Banerji, Artem Basyrov, and Bruce Partridge


BeyondPlanck XIII: Intensity foreground sampling, degeneracies, and priors, Kristian Joten Andersen, Daniel Herman, Ragnhild Aurlien, Ranajoy Banerji, and Bruce Partridge

Gas price expectations of Chinese households, Zidong An, Carola Binder, and Xuguang Simon Sheng

Characterizing covers via simple closed curves, Tarik Aougab, Max Lahn, Marissa Loving, and Yang Xiao

The Place, Markus Baenziger


The Source Code: Revenue Composition and the Adequacy, Equity, and Stability of K-12 School Spending, Bruce D. Baker, Matthew Di Carlo, and Zachary Oberfield


'Yes We Can!': A Practical Approach to Teaching Reproducibilty to Undergraduates, Richard J. Ball

Cognitive Neuroscience, Marie T. Banich and Rebecca J. Compton

Reducing Access Disparities in Networks using Edge Augmentation, Ashkan Bashardoust, Sorelle Friedler, Carlos E. Scheidegger, Blair D. Sullivan, and Suresh Venkatasubramanian


BeyondPlanck X: Planck Low Frequency Instrument frequency maps with sample-based error propagation, Artem Basyrov, Anna-Stiina Suur-Uski, Loris Pier Luigi Colombo, Johannes Røsok Eskilt, and Bruce Partridge


Sizing up spotted lanternfly nymphs for instar determination and growth allometry, Theodore Bien '22, Benjamin H. Alexander '24, Eva White '23, S. Tonia Hsieh, and Suzanne Amador Kane

Out of Bounds: Do SPF Respondents Have Anchored Inflation Expectations?, Carola Binder, Wesley Janson, and Randal Verbrugge

Central bank forecasting: A survey, Carola Binder and Rodrigo Sekkel


A multivariate view of the speciation continuum, Daniel I. Bolnick, Amanda K. Hund, Patrik Nosil, Foen Peng, and Mark Ravinet


BeyondPlanck IV: Simulations and validation, Maksym Brilenkov, Karin Silvia Franzoni Fornazier, Lukas T. Hergt, Gabriel A. Hoerning, and Bruce Partridge


Singing City 75th Anniversary Concert: To be Certain of the Dawn, Friede auf Erden, Jeffrey Brillhart and Nathan Zullinger


Introduction: Experimental Engagements with Ethnography, Moral Agency and Care, Julia E.H. Brown, Michael D'Arcy, Neely L. Myers, and Tali Ziv

Metathesis, Jane Chandlee


Inclusivity in Introductory STEM Courses: A Guide to Improving Student (and Instructor!) Mindsets, Lou K. Charkoudian, Carla Fröhlich, and Mike Hildreth


Non-Orientable Lagrangian Fillings of Legendrian Knots, Linyi Chen, Grant Crider-Phillips, Braedon Reinoso, Joshua Marc Sabloff, and Leyu Lao


BeyondPlanck XI: Bayesian CMB analysis with sample-based end-to-end error propagation, Loris Pier Luigi Colombo, Johannes Røsok Eskilt, Simone Paradiso, Harald Thommesen, and Bruce Partridge


Liminal Bodies: Boundaries, Transgression, and Gender in Pan-Mediterranean Chapbooks, Roxanna Colón-Cosme


Effects of task context on EEG correlates of mind-wandering, Rebecca J. Compton, Danylo Shudrenko '26, Katelyn Mann '24, Emil Turdukulov '24, Erin Ng '24, and Lucas Miller '24


’Swallow Them All and It's Just Like Smack’: Comorbidity, Polypharmacy, and Imagining Moral Agency Alongside Methadone and Antipsychotics, Michael D'Arcy


Remembering the Electric Factory: New Drexel show gives a front-row seat to 50 years of rock, Thomas Devaney

Up on the Roof & Other Poems, Thomas Devaney


Wrinkle nanostructures generate a novel form of blue structural color in great argus flight feathers, Chad M. Eliason, Julia A. Clarke, and Suzanne Amador Kane

Acerca de las Fronteras: Territorios, legitimidad y los derechos del lugar, Paulina Ochoa Espejo

Apantli’s Centennial, Paulina Ochoa Espejo

On the Object and Subject of Reform Intervention: Comments on Lucia Rafanelli’s Promoting Justice Across Borders, Paulina Ochoa Espejo


Data driven mixed effects modeling of the dual process framework of addiction among individuals with alcohol use disorder, Rebecca Everett, Allison L. Lewis, Alexis Kuerbis, Angela Peace, and Jing Li

Devotion: Three Inquiries in Religion, Literature, and Political Imagination [book review], Molly Farneth

The Politics of Ritual, Molly Farneth

Estradiol withdrawal following a hormone simulated pregnancy induces deficits in affective behaviors and increases AFosB in D1 and D2 neurons in the nucleus accumbens core in mice, William B. Foster '18, Katherine F. Beach '18, Paige F. Carson '18, Kagan C. Harris '21, Brandon L. Alonso '22, Leo T. Costa '23, Roy C. Simamora '22, Jaclyn E. Corbin '22, Keegan F. Hoag '22, Sophia I. Mercado '22, Anya G. Bernhard '18, and Laura Been


The H i content of red geyser galaxies, Emily Frank, David Stark, Karen Masters, Namrata Roy, and Rogério Riffel

A Cultural History of Western Music in the Renaissance, Richard Freedman and Jeanice Brooks


BeyondPlanck III: Commander3, Mathew Galloway, Kristian Joten Andersen, Ragnhild Aurlien, Ranajoy Banerji, and Bruce Partridge


BeyondPlanck VIII: Efficient sidelobe convolution and corrections through spin harmonics, Mathew Galloway, Martin Reinecke, Kristian Joten Andersen, Ragnhild Aurlien, and Bruce Partridge

Foreword, Ashok K. Gangadean


The most luminous, merger-free AGNs show only marginal correlation with bar presence, Izzy L. Garland, Matthew J. Fahey, Brooke D. Simmons, Rebecca J. Smethurst, and Karen Masters


A bacterial quorum sensing signal is a potent inhibitor of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis in the globally abundant Emiliania huxleyi, Oscar Garrett and Kristen E. Whalen


Galaxy Zoo: kinematics of strongly and weakly barred galaxies, Tobias Geron, Rebecca J. Smethurst, Chris Lintott, Sandor Kruk, and Karen Masters


BeyondPlanck VII: Bayesian estimation of gain and absolute calibration for cosmic microwave background experiments, Eirik Gjerlow, Håvard Tveit Ihle, Samuele Galeotta, Kristian Joten Andersen, and Bruce Partridge


A comparison of the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation in MaNGA and IllustrisTNG, Julian S. Goddy, David V. Stark, Karen Masters, Kevin Bundy, and Niv Drory

Positioning Asian Americans in social cognition, Jin X. Goh, Ryan F. Lei, and Linda X. Zou

Hume's skeptical philosophy and the moderation of pride, Charles Goldhaber

Radical Skepticism and Epistemic Intuition [book review], Charles Goldhaber

The Dissatisfied Skeptic in Kant’s Discipline of Pure Reason, Charles Goldhaber

Domesticating Pleasure: The Sexual Politics of the French Enlightenment, Lisa Jane Graham

2-roots for Simply Laced Weyl Groups, Richard M. Green and Tianyuan Xu

Pure and True: The Everyday Politics of Ethnicity for China's Hui Muslims [book review], Guangtian Ha

Unknowing and the Everyday: Sufism and Knowledge in Iran [book review], Guangtian Ha


BeyondPlanck XV: Limits on large-scale polarized anomalous microwave emission from Planck LFI and WMAP, Daniel Herman, Brandon Hensley, Kristian Joten Andersen, Ragnhild Aurlien, and Bruce Partridge


BeyondPlanck V: Minimal ADC Corrections for Planck LFI, Daniel Herman, Robert A. Watson, Kristian Joten Andersen, Ragnhild Aurlien, and Bruce Partridge

Revolutionary Visions: Jewish Life and Politics in Latin American Film [book review], Ariana Huberman


Viajeros a la sombra de Darwin. Fotografías de la Patagonia a fines del siglo XIX. & Historias latentes. Perspectivas de la fotografía en América Latina [book reviews], Ariana Huberman


BeyondPlanck VI: Noise characterization and modeling, Håvard Tveit Ihle, Marco Bersanelli, Cristian Franceschet, Eirik Gjerløw, and Bruce Partridge


Elevated estradiol during a hormone simulated pseudopregnancy decreases sleep and increases hypothalamic activation in female Syrian hamsters, Abiola Irvine '20, Maeve Gaffney '20, Erin K. Haughee, Marité A. Horton '21, Hailey C. Morris '21, Kagan C. Harris '21, Jaclyn E. Corbin '22, Clara Merrill '22, Michael L. Perlis, and Laura Been

Metamorphosis I, Heidi Jacob