
Submissions from 1994

Localization of a kinesin-related protein to the central pair apparatus of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagellum, Karl A. Johnson, M. A. Haas, and J. L. Rosenbaum


Solitary wave dynamics of film flows, Liu Jun and Jerry P. Gollub


Teaching medical physics to general audiences, Suzanne Amador Kane

Haloperidol increases pain behavior following peripheral tissue injury, B. Kest, Jeffrey S. Mogil, Wendy Faith Sternberg, and R. N. Pechnick

Diaspora-homeland relations & Greek American lobbying: the Panhellenic Emergency Committee, Alexander Kitroeff

The Greek Minority in Istanbul and Greek-Turkish Relations 1918-1974 [book review], Alexander Kitroeff

The Future of the Soviet Science, Vladimir Kontorovich

Aristotle on the activity of being, Aryeh L. Kosman

Aristotle's Prime Mover, Aryeh L. Kosman

Transition from TCR-b dimer to TCR-ab expressing cells by introduction of an a-chain in an immature thymocyte cell line, I. Kuwabara, H. Ohno, Jennifer Punt, and Y. Hashimoto

Dark Deeds Seen Through a Dark Glass: The Historian as Detective, Roger Lane

Neighborhoods in Transition: William Penn's Dream and Urban Reality, Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner

World the Agitators Made: the counterculture of Agitation in Urban Philadelphia, Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner

Temperature Dependence of the Penetration Depth of YBa2Cu3O7-x Films Near Tc, Z. H. Lin, Gabriel C. Spalding, Allen M. Goldman, Benjamin F. Bayman, and Oriol T. Valls


Compound Geometric Resonances in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox Single Crystals, James X. Liu, S. W. Pierson, Gabriel C. Spalding, J. C. Wan, and A. M. Goldman

169th Annual Exhibition, Ying Li

American Painters and French Sculptors, Ying Li

Paintings (1994), Ying Li

Works by Women Artists: Selections from The William & Uytendale Scott Memorial Study Collection, Part Two, Ying Li

Structure and Phase transition of the 6,5-annulene isomer of C61H2, Andrea Lommen, P. A. Heiney, G. B.M. Vaughan, and P. W. Stephens

Coin of the Intentional Realm , Danielle Macbeth

African objects and the idea of fetish, Wyatt MacGaffey

Dialogues of the deaf: Europeans on the Atlantic coast of Africa, Wyatt MacGaffey

Kimbanguism and the question of syncretism in Zaïre, Wyatt MacGaffey


Regularized semiclassical radial propogator for the Coulomb potential, Robert S. Manning and Gregory S. Ezra

Sex determination in polyploids of Caenorhabditis elegans, Philip M. Meneely

Crisis of femininity and modernity in the third world, Rajeswari Mohan

Radha Kumar's The History of Doing, Rajeswari Mohan

Towards a Critique of Materialist Feminism, Rajeswari Mohan

Vikram Seth's A Suitable Boy, Rajeswari Mohan

New Method for Fabricating Ultra-Narrow Metallic Wires, E. Olson, Gabriel C. Spalding, A. M. Goldman, and M. Rooks

Sex determination and dosage compensation: lessons from flies and worms, S. M. Parkhurst and Philip M. Meneely

Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and Cosmology, Bruce Partridge

IAU Reports on Astronomy (Commission 47: Cosmology), Bruce Partridge

Level 0 trigger for the DPhi detector, Bruce Partridge

Secondary Fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background, Bruce Partridge

Labor Market Status of Women in the Nonprofit Sector, 1965-1991, Anne Elizabeth Preston

Why Have All the Women Gone? A Study of Exit of Women from the Science and Engineering Professions, Anne Elizabeth Preston

Women Scientists and Engineers Employed in Industry: Why So Few?, Anne Elizabeth Preston

Experiences with constraint-based array dependence analysis, William Pugh and David Wonnacott

Static analysis of upper and lower bounds on dependences and parallelism, William Pugh and David Wonnacott


Negative selection of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes by T cell receptor-induced apoptosis requires a costimulatory signal that can be provided by CD28, Jennifer Punt, Barbara A. Osborne, Yousuke Takahama, and Susan O. Sharrow


Stoichiometry of the T cell antigen receptor complex: each TCR/CD3 complex contains one TCR alpha, one TCR beta, and two CD3 epsilon chains, Jennifer Punt, Joseph L. Roberts, Kelly P. Kearse, and Alfred Singer

Teaching the Long Poem: The Example of 'Notes toward a Supreme Fiction', James C. Ransom

The Living Voice of Greek and Latin [book review], Deborah H. Roberts


Nanofabrication and Rapid Imaging with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope, Scott Rubel, M. Trochet, Edward E. Ehrichs, and Walter Fox Smith

Homer's Style: Nonformulaic Features of an Oral Aesthetic, Joseph A. Russo

X-ray Spectroscopy of the Iron Site in Soybean Lipoxygenase-1: Changes in Coordination upon Oxidation or Addition of Methanol, Robert C. Scarrow, Milton G. Trimitsis, Charles P. Buck, and Geoffrey N. Grove

Rhythmic and harmonic influences on musical expectancy, M. A. Schmuckler and Marilyn Gail Boltz

Das Unendliche Altern der Moderne: Untersuchungen zur Romantrilogie Gert Jonkes, Ulrich Schonherr

Bosnia: Some Religious Dimensions of Genocide, Michael Anthony Sells

Guises of the Ghuk: Dissembling Simile and Semantic Overflow in the Early Arabic Nasib, Michael Anthony Sells

Like the Arms of a Drowning Man: Simile and Symbol Worlds in the Naqa Sections of Bashama's Hajarta Umama, Michael Anthony Sells

Mystical Languages of Unsaying, Michael Anthony Sells

Mysticism and Emanation in the Writings of Meister Eckhardt, Michael Anthony Sells

Pseudo-Woman and the Meister:"Unsaying" and Essentialism, Michael Anthony Sells

Shanfara (Sixth Century), Arabic: Arabian Ode in L, Michael Anthony Sells

N/O, Ron Silliman

Do We Know as Much as We Need to About the Song Economy? Observations on the Economic Crisis of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, Paul Jakov Smith

Law and Order in Sung China [book review], Paul Jakov Smith


Introduction to Scanning Tunneling Microscopy [book review], Walter Fox Smith

Historic perspective, Frank L. Stephens, William Earle Williams, and David Stephens

Neurochemical quality of non-opioid stress-induced analgesia is not altered by estrous phase in female mice, Wendy Faith Sternberg, Jeffrey S. Mogil, and Michelle L. Pilati

Burdens of matrimony: husbanding and gender in medieval Italy, Susan Mosher Stuard


Human osteoblasts support hematopoiesis through the production of granulocyte colony stimulating factor, Russell S. Taichman and Stephen G. Emerson

Transition to spatiotemporal chaos via spatially subharmonic oscillations of a periodic front, D. P. Vallette, W. S. Edwards, and Jerry P. Gollub

Caenorhabditis elegans sqt-3 mutants have mutations in the col-1 collagen gene, Harjeet van der Keyl, Hwaok Kim, Richard Espey '87, C. Valerie Oke, and Kaye Edwards

Expansion of hematopoietic progenitor cells from umbilical cord blood via continuous perfusion culture, G. Van Zant, I. Drubachevsky, S. Rummel, and Stephen G. Emerson

Identification of Faint Radio Sources with Optically Luminous Interacting Disk Galaxies, R. A. Windhorst, E. B. Fomalont, K. I. Kellermann, and Bruce Partridge

Heidegger and the authorization of Hölderlin's poetry, Kathleen Wright

Submissions from 1993

Synthetic Peptides as Models for Ion Channel Proteins, Karin S. Akerfeldt, James D. Lear, Zelda R. Wasserman, Laura A. Chung, and William F. Degrado

Intertextuality in Dongala's 'Un Fusil dans la main, un poeme dans la poche, Koffi Anyinefa

(i, i + 4) Phe-His interaction studied in an alanine-based alpha-helix, Katherine M. Armstrong, Robert Fairman, and Robert L. Baldwin

A Grand Tour, Markus Baenziger

Lump-sum payments and profit-sharing plans in the union sector of the United States economy, Linda Bell and David Neumark

Measuring the Impact of Water Conservation Campaigns in California, Richard A. Berk, Daniel Shulman, Matthew McKeever, and Howard Freeman

Interleukin-6 is a component of human umbilical cord serum and stimulates hematopoiesis in embryonic stem cells in vitro, Leslie G. Biesecker and Stephen G. Emerson

Identification of four murine cDNAs encoding putative protein kinases from primitive embryonic stem cells differentiated in vitro, Leslie G. Biesecker, Lisa R. Gottschalk, and Stephen G. Emerson

Temporal expectancies and melody recognition, Marilyn Gail Boltz

The generation of temporal and melodic expectancies during musical listening, Marilyn Gail Boltz

Time estimation and expectancies, Marilyn Gail Boltz


Comparison of the cosmic microwave and cosmic x-ray backgrounds: constraints on local sources of the fluctuations observed by COBE, Stephen P. Boughn and K. Jahoda

Human hands dwell in heavenly heights: contemplative ascent and theurgic power in thirteenth century Kabbalah, Seth Brody

Peace of Europe: the Fruits of Solitude and Other Writings, Edwin B. Bronner and William Penn

Cantar [or Poema] de mio Cid, Israel Burshatin

Nonnegative Hall polynomials, Lynne M. Butler and Alfred W. Hales

Fingering, Curt Cacioppo, Margaret W. Palmieri, and Robert Palmieri

Survey of Piano Technic , Curt Cacioppo, Margaret W. Palmieri, and Robert Palmieri

The Role of Cytoadhesion in Human Stem Cell Differentiation, Jerry Caldwell, Barnhard O. Palsson, and Stephen G. Emerson

Hidden symmetries of parametrically forced waves, John David Crawford, Jerry P. Gollub, and D. Lane

Prospection géophysique de la cathédrale de Chartres, Michel Dabas, Charles Stegeman, Albert Hesse, and Alain Jolivet

A randomized controlled phase III trial of recombinant human G-CSF in treatment of patients with severe chronic neutropenia, David C. Dale, Mary Ann Bonilla, Mark W. Davis, and Stephen G. Emerson

Accounting Freud., Douglas A. Davis

Sexual values in a Moroccan town, Douglas A. Davis and Susan S. Davis

Dilemmas of adolescence: courtship, sex, and marriage in Moroccan town, Susan S. Davis and Douglas A. Davis

Four-point Resistance Measurements of Wires Written with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope, in Atomic and Nanoscale Modification of Materials, Alejandro L. de Lozanne, Edward E. Ehrichs, and Walter Fox Smith

Nanofabrication of nickel wires with the scanning tunnelling microscope, Alejandro L. de Lozanne, Edward E. Ehrichs, and Walter Fox Smith

Harmut Michel, Johann Deisenhofer, and Robert Huber, Julio C. de Paula

Three applications of a nitrogen laser pumped dye laser in the undergraduate laboratory: from spectroscopy to photochemistry, Julio C. de Paula, J. Lind, M. Gardner, and K. Walters

Anomalous expression of P-glycoprotein in highly drug-resistant human KB cells, Elizabeth D. Dolci, Robin Abramson, Yongzhi Xuan, and Thomas R. Tritton