Submissions from 2004
Graft-versus-leukemia in a retrovirally induced CML Model: Mechanisms of T Cell Killing, Catherine C. Matte, James Cormier, Britt E. Anderson, and Stephen G. Emerson
Antibiotic resistance of faecal Escherichia coli from healthy volunteers from eight developing countries, Sita Nys, Iruka N. Okeke, and Sam Kariuki
Molecular epidemiology of the iron utilization genes of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli, Iruka N. Okeke, I. C. A. Scaletsky, E. H. Soars, and L. R. Macfarlane
Short Interfering RNA (siRNA) Targeting the Lyn Kinase Induce Massive Apoptosis in Primary Drug Resistant Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Cells: A New Paradigm for Treating Refractory Leukemias, A. Ptasznik, Y. Nakata, Stephen G. Emerson, and A. M. Gewirtz
Molecular Pathways Regulating the Self-Renewal of Hematopoietic Stem Cells, M. I. Stein, J. Zhu, and Stephen G. Emerson
Peptide models provide evidence for significant structure in the denatured state of a rapidly folding protein: The villin headpiece subdomain, Y. F. Tang, Daniel J. Rigotti, Robert Fairman, and Daniel J. Raleigh
Structure‐ activity relationships for polychlorinated biphenyl binding to the aryl hydrocarbon receptor in a Dolphin kidney cell line., Kristen E. Whalen, Michael J. Carvan, Eli V. Hestermann, and Brenda A. Jensen
Dendritic cell-activated CD44hiCD8+ memory T cells are defective in mediating acute graft-versus-host disease but retain graft-versus-leukemia activity, Yi Zhang, G. Joe, E. Hexner, and Stephen G. Emerson
A New Bone to Pick: The Role of Osteoblasts in the Bone Marrow Stem Cell Niche, J. Zhu and Stephen G. Emerson
Submissions from 2003
Control of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis by alternate quaternary forms of porphobilinogen synthase, Sabine Breinig, Jukka Kervinen, Linda Stith, and Robert Fairman
Cutting Edge: Identification of the Targets of Clonal Deletion in an Unmanipulated Thymus, Hyung J. Cho, Samuel G. Edmondson, Arden D. Miller, and Jennifer Punt
Early Progress in the Clinical Application of Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Expansion? Current Status and Future Prospects, Steven M. Devine, H. M. Lazarus, and Stephen G. Emerson
Molecular and cellular approaches to understanding the sensitivity of marine mammals to persistent organic pollutants., M. E. Hahn, B. A. Jensen, E-Y. Kim, and Kristen E. Whalen
Bringing Classical Embryology to C.elegans Gastrulation, Rachel E. Hoang, Jennifer A. Zallen, and Eric F. Wieschaus
The SNARE motif contributes to rbet1 intracellular targeting and dynamics independently of SNARE interactions, Ashwini P. Joglekar, Dalu Xu, Daniel J. Rigotti, and Robert Fairman
Axolotl pronephric duct migration requires an epidermally derived, laminin 1-containing extracellular matrix and the integrin receptor alpha 6 beta 1, Andrea R. Morris, Julie Drawbridge, and Malcolm S. Steinberg
Antibiotic Use and Resistance in Developing Countries, Iruka N. Okeke
Export of antimicrobial drugs by West African travelers, Iruka N. Okeke and A. Lamikanra
Etiology of acute diarrhea in adults in Southwestern Nigeria, Iruka N. Okeke, K. K. Ojo, A. Lamikanra, and J. B. Kaper
Antibiotic Resistance in Africa - Discerning the Enemy, Plotting a Defense, Iruka N. Okeke and A. Sosa
Synchronous Loss of Quasispecies Memory in Parallel Viral Lineages: A Deterministic Feature of Viral Quasispecies, Carmen M. Ruiz-Jarabo, Eric L. Miller, Gema Gomez-Mariano, and Esteban Domingo
Mechanism of XIAP-mediated inhibition of caspase-9, Eric N. Shiozaki, Jijie Chai, Daniel J. Rigotti, and Robert Fairman
NF-Ya,b,c Interacts with USF1/2 to Activate the HOXB4 Promoter in Human Hematopoietic Cells and Repress Granulopoiesis, J. Zhu, D. Giannola, Y. Zhang, and Stephen G. Emerson
Submissions from 2002
An Invitation to T and More: Notch Signaling in Lymphopoiesis, David M. Allman, Jennifer Punt, David J. Izon, and Warren S. Pear
Hematopoiesis and the Hematopoietic Growth Factors, Stephen G. Emerson
Characterization of large peptide fragments derived from the N-terminal domain of the ribosomal protein L9: Definition of the minimum folding motif and characterization of local electrostatic interactions, Jia-Cherng Horng, Viktor Moroz, Daniel J. Rigotti, and Robert Fairman
Deciphering the role of Notch signaling in lymphopoiesis, David J. Izon, Jennifer Punt, and Warren S. Pear
Coupling of ligand binding and dimerization of helix-loop-helix peptides: Spectroscopic and sedimentation analyses of calbindin D9k EF-hands, Karin Julenius, Eva Thulin, James Robblee '98, and Robert Fairman
Crossover distribution and high interference for both the X chromosome and an autosome during oogenesis and spermatogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans, Philip M. Meneely, A. F. Farago '00, and T. M. Kauffman '99
Vibrio cholerae, Iruka N. Okeke, Jennifer Eardley, Camelia C. Bailey, and James B. Kaper
Antibiotic-resistant cell-detaching Escherichia coli strains from Nigerian children, Iruka N. Okeke, H. Steinruck, K. J. Kanack, and S. J. Elliot
Exploring the role of alanine in the structure of the Lac repressor tetramerization domain, a ferritin-like ala-coil, Amy Solan '99, Kiira Ratia '99, and Robert Fairman
Regulation of intracellular pH in human melanoma: potential therapeutic implications, Miriam L. Wahl, Judith A. Owen, Randy Burd, and Robin A. Herlands '01
Preterminal host dendritic cells in irradiated mice prime CD8+ T cell–mediated acute graft-versus-host disease, Yi Zhang, Jean-Pierre Louboutin, Jiang Zhu, and Stephen G. Emerson
APCs in the liver and spleen recruit activated allogeneic CD8(+) T cells to elicit hepatic graft-versus-host disease, Yi Zhang, Warren D. Shlomchik, Gerard Joe, and Stephen G. Emerson
Hematopoietic Cytokines, Transcription Factors and Lineage Commitment, J. Zhu and Stephen G. Emerson
Submissions from 2001
Separation of Notch1 promoted lineage commitment and expansion/transformation in developing T cells, David M. Allman, Fredrick G. Karnell, Jennifer Punt, and Sonia Bakkour
Hybrid HIV/MSCV LTR enhances transgene expression of lentiviral vectors in human CD34+ hematopoietic cells, John Kim Choi, Nghia Hoang, Antonina M. Vilardi, Patricia Conrad, Stephen G. Emerson, and Alan M. Gewirtz
Comparative study of peptide models of the alpha-domain of alpha-lactalbumin, lysozyme, and alpha-lactalbumin/lysozyme chimeras allows the elucidation of critical factors that contribute to the ability to form stable partially folded states, Stephen J. Demarest, Shui-Qin Zhou, James Robblee '98, and Robert Fairman
Punching Holes in GVHD, Stephen G. Emerson
Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation for Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP): Has the Hour Arrived, Stephen G. Emerson and F. S. Kaplan
The Role Of Osteoblasts in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Biology, Stephen G. Emerson, Russell S. Taichman, and Scott Adams
Cell and Developmental Biology: A Shared Past, and Intertwined Future, Rachel E. Hoang and Eric F. Wieschaus
Notch1 regulates maturation of CD4+ and CD8+ thymocytes by modulating TCR signal strength, David J. Izon, Jennifer Punt, Lanwei Xu, and Fredrick Karnell
Characterization of nirV and a gene encoding a novel pseudoazurin in Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.3., Roshan A. Jain and J. P. Shapleigh
Platelet-derived microparticles (PMPs) bind to hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HMPC) and enhance their engraftment, A. Janowsk-Wieczorek, M. Jajka, J. Kijowki, and Stephen G. Emerson
Multiple defensive roles for triterpene glycosides from two Caribbean sponges., J. Kubanek, Kristen E. Whalen, S. Engel, and S. Kelly
Selective T cell Subset Ablation Demonstrates a Role for T1 and T2 Cells in Ongoing Acute Graft versus Host Disease: A Model System for the Reversal of Disease, Jinli Liu, Britt E. Anderson, Marie E. Robert, and Stephen G. Emerson
Structure and Function of Factor XIII, Ariel G. Loewy
Cell surface-directed interaction of anthracyclines leads to cytotoxicity and nuclear factor kappaB activation but not apoptosis signaling., N. Maestre, Thomas R. Tritton, G. Laurent, and J. P. Jaffrezou
Numerous growth factors, cytokines, and chemokines are secreted by human CD34+ cells, myeloblasts, erythroblasts and megakaryoblasts and regulate normal hematopoiesis in an autocrine/paracrine manner, M. Majka, A. Janowsk-Wieczorek, J. Rataczak, and Stephen G. Emerson
Universal eigenvector statistics in a quantum scattering ensemble., B. Mehlig and Melvin Santer
espC pathogenicity island of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli encodes an enterotoxin, J. L. Mellies, F. Navarro-Garcia, Iruka N. Okeke, and J. Frederickson
Two Checkpoint Complexes Are Independently Recruited to Sites of DNA Damage in vivo, Justine Melo
Platelet glycoprotein V binds to collagen and participates in platelet adhesion and aggregation., S. Moog, P. Mangin, N. Lenain, and Melvin Santer
Differential requirement for SLP-76 domains in T cell development and function, Peggy S. Myung, Geo S. Derimanov, Martha S. Jordan, and Jennifer Punt
Microbiological investigation of an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis in Niger State, Nigeria, Iruka N. Okeke, A. B. Abudu, and Adebayo Lamikanra
Comparative sequence analysis of the plasmid-encoded regulator of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Strains, Iruka N. Okeke, Jade A. Borneman, Sooan Shin, Jay L. Mellies, Laura E. Quinn, and James B. Kaper
Dissemination of antibiotic-resistant bacteria across geographic borders, Iruka N. Okeke and Robert Edelman
Bacteriological quality of skin-moisturizing creams and lotions distributed in a tropical developing country, Iruka N. Okeke and A. Lamikanra
Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli, Iruka N. Okeke and J. P. Nataro
Quantitative analysis of DNA binding by the Escherichia coli arginine repressor, Danuta Szwajkajzer, Lizhong Dai, June Wong Fukayama, and Robert Fairman
Hepatocyte Growth Factor is secreted by osteoblasts and constitutively supports hematopoiesis, Russell S. Taichman, Marcelle J. Reilly, Rama S. Verma, and Stephen G. Emerson
Integrated learning: passing fad or foundation for the future?, Thomas R. Tritton
Effects of charged amino acids at b and c heptad positions on specificity and stability of four-chain coiled coils, Colynda Vu '99, James P. Robblee '98, Karin M. Werner '99, and Robert Fairman
Crystal structure of a phosphorylated Smad2: recognition of phosphoserine by the MH2 domain and insights on Smad function in TGA-beta signaling, Jia-Wei Wu, Min Hu, Jijie Chai, and Robert Fairman
Formation of a stable hetero-dimer between Smad2 and Smad4, J. W. Wu, Robert Fairman, J. Penry, and Y. Shi
Submissions from 2000
The ETK2 Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Promotes the Survival of Growth Factor-Dependent FDC-P1 Progenitor Cells, Christine Darby, Diane M. Giannola, Matthew S. Couzens, and Stephen G. Emerson
Immature CD4+CD8+ do not polarize lipid rafts in response to TCR-mediated costimulation, Peter J. R. Ebert '00, Josh F. Baker '01, and Jennifer Punt
The Hematopoietic Microenvironment, Stephen G. Emerson, Scott Adams, and Russell S. Taichman
Axonemal dynein at the Hybrid Sterility 6 locus: implications for t haplotype-specific male sterility and the evolution of species barriers, J. Fossella, S. A. Samant, L. M. Silver, and Karl A. Johnson
Hematopoietic expression of HOXB4 is regulated in normal and leukemic stem cells through transcriptional activation of the HOXB4 promoter by USF-1 and USF-2, D. Giannola, Warren D. Shlomchik, M. Jeganthesan, and Stephen G. Emerson
Structural analysis of the neuronal SNARE protein syntaxin-1A, J. C. Lerman, James Robblee '98, Robert Fairman, and Frederick M. Hughson
Local interactions and the role of the 6-120 disulfide bond in alpha-lactalbumin: implications for formation of the molten globule state, Daniel F. Moriarty, Stephen J. Demarest, James Robblee '98, Robert Fairman, and Daniel P. Raleigh
Antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli from Nigerian students, 1986 1998, Iruka N. Okeke, S. T. Fayinka, and A. Lamikanra
Heterogeneous virulence of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli strains isolated from children in Southwest Nigeria, Iruka N. Okeke, Adebayo Lamikanra, John Czeczulin, and Filip Dubovsky
Characterization of Escherichia coli strains from cases of childhood diarrhea in provincial southwestern Nigeria, Iruka N. Okeke, A. Lamikanra, H. Steinruck, and J. B. Kaper
A Tissue of T Cells, D. L. Porter and Stephen G. Emerson
Opportunistic screening for chlamydia infection in general practice: can we reach young women?, Melvin Santer, P. Warner, S. Wyke, and S. Sutherland
Rational modification of protein stability by the mutation of charged surface residues, Shari Spector, Minghui Wang, Stefan A. Carp, and Robert Fairman
The Hematopoietic Microenvironment: Osteoblasts and the Hematopoietic Microenvironment, Russell S. Taichman, M. J. Reilly, and Stephen G. Emerson
Disparity in the kinetics of onset of hypermutation in immunoglobulin heavy and light chains, H. van der Keyl, Ziad F. Gellad '97, and Judith A. Owen
Submissions from 1999
Analysis of transglutaminase-catalyzed isopeptide bonds in paired helical filaments and neurofibrillary tangles from Alzheimer's disease, Brian J. Balin, Ariel G. Loewy, and Denah M. Appelt
Positive selection as a developmental progression initiated by alpha beta TCR signals that fix TCR specificity prior to lineage commitment, Avinash Bhandoola, Ricardo Cibotti, Jennifer Punt, Larry Granger, Anthony J. Adams, Susan O. Sharrow, and Alfred Singer
Collateral methotrexate resistance in cisplatin-selected murine leukemia cells, Alok Bhushan, Miles P. Hacker, and Thomas R. Tritton
Assessing apoptosis of developing T cells by flow cytometry, Caroline D. V. A. Bishop, Amy Jost, Elizabeth Crane, and Jennifer Punt
Defining the core structure of the alpha-lactalbumin molten globule state., Stephen J. Demarest, Judith A. Boice, Robert Fairman, and Daniel P. Raleigh
Clinical Applications of Hemtopoietic Stem Cell Culture and Expansion, Stephen G. Emerson and Patricia M. Conrad
Molecular weights of CTLA-4 and CD80 by sedimentation equilibrium ultracentrifugation, Robert Fairman, W. Fenderson, M. E. Hail, and Y. Wu
Receptor avidity and costimulation specify the intracellular Ca2+ signaling pattern in CD4+CD8+ thymocytes, Bruce D. Freedman, Qing-Hua Liu, Selin Somersan '99, and Jennifer Punt
Socioeconomic and behavioral factors leading to acquired bacterial resistance to antibiotics in developing countries, Iruka N. Okeke, Adebayo Lamikanra, and Robert Edelman
Antimicrobial spectrum of Alchornea cordifolia leaf extract, Iruka N. Okeke, O. Ogundaini, F. O. Ogungbamila, and A. Lamikanra
Prevention of Graft Versus Host Disease by Inactivation of Host Antigen-Presenting Cells, Warren D. Shlomchik, Matthew S. Couzens, Cheng Bi Tang, and Stephen G. Emerson
Screening for genital chlamydial infection: the agenda for general practice., T. Stokes, Melvin Santer, and J. Mears
The Role of Osteoblasts in Hematopoiesis, Russell S. Taichman and Stephen G. Emerson
Expression of the Bcl-2 family member A1 is developmentally regulated in T cells, Mary M. Tomayko, Jeffrey Bolcavage, Jennifer Punt, and David M. Allman
Asbestos-induced phosphorylation of epidermal growth factor receptor is linked to c-fos and apoptosis, Christine L. Zanella, Cynthia R. Timblin, Andrew Cummins, and Thomas R. Tritton
Submissions from 1998
Gene Therapy for Leukemia and Lymphoma, Scott Adams, Warren D. Shlomchik, and Stephen G. Emerson
Drug resistance results in alterations in expression of immune recognition molecules and failure to express Fas (CD95), Alok Bhushan, J. L. Kupperman, J. E. Stone, and Thomas R. Tritton
Hematopoietic Expansion of Umbilical Cord Blood Cells: In Vitro and In Vivo Models, Patricia M. Conrad and Stephen G. Emerson