Submissions from 2024
Quantitative Analysis in Sociology: OER Syllabus, Matthew McKeever
Thanks for Nothing: The Economics of Single Motherhood since 1980, Nicholas H. Wolfinger and Matthew McKeever
Submissions from 2023
Social stratification and inequality in South Africa, Matthew McKeever
Submissions from 2022
Art of Transition: The Field of Art in Post-Soviet Russia, Elise Herrala
Submissions from 2021
Submissions from 2020
Gendered morality in the sex toy market: Entitlements, reversals, and the irony of heterosexuality, Shelly Ronen
Submissions from 2019
History is Sociology: All Arguments are Counterfactuals, Mark Gould
Submissions from 2018
Africa: Why Economists Get It Wrong, Matthew McKeever
Submissions from 2017
Educational Inequality in Apartheid South Africa, Matthew McKeever
Submissions from 2016
Does the Center Hold? Reflections on a Sociological Core, Jeanne Ballantine, Nancy Greenwood, Jay Howard, Edward Kain, Diane Pike, Michael Schwarze '18, and R. Tyson Smith
Marx and Weber and the logic of historical explanation: The rise of machine capitalism, Mark Gould
The Natural Law Foundations of Modern Social Theory: A Quest for Universalism [book review], Mark Gould
Submissions from 2015
Performing civility : international competitions in classical music, Lisa McCormick
Submissions from 2014
Don’t Play it Again, Sam: A Response to Eric Nylander, Lisa McCormick
Tuning in or Turning off: Performing Emotion and Building Cosmopolitan Solidarity in International Music Competitions, Lisa McCormick
Fighting for Recognition: Identity, Masculinity, and the Act of Violence in Professional Wrestling, R. Tyson Smith
Warring Identities: Identity Conflict and the Mental Distress of American Veterans of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, R. Tyson Smith and Gala true
Submissions from 2013
Axial Age Religious Commitment in Theoretical Perspective, Mark Gould
Review of “Contemporary Identities of Creativity and Creative Work” by Stephanie Taylor and Karen Littleton, Lisa McCormick
Bring Me Men: Military Masculinity and the Benign Façade of American Empire, R. Tyson Smith
The Crime of the Crime Report, R. Tyson Smith
Submissions from 2012
Conversation about Cynthia Enloe’s ‘Nimo’s War, Emma’s War, Ethel Brooks, Shannon Lundeen, and R. Tyson Smith
Music Sociology in a New Key, Lisa McCormick
Review of “The Opera Fanatic: Ethnography of an Obsession” by Claudio E. Benzecry, Lisa McCormick
The Opera Fanatic: Ethnography of an Obsession [book review], Lisa McCormick
Over the Long Haul: The Persistent Economic Consequences of Single Motherhood, Matthew McKeever and Nicholas H. Wolfinger
El dolor en la acción: los significados del dolor que experimentan los luchadores profesionales, R. Tyson Smith
Submissions from 2011
More Than Just Social Structure: The Poverty of Cultur(al) Analysis, Mark Gould
Thanks for Nothing: Income and Labor Force Participation for Never-married Mothers since 1982se, Matthew McKeever and Nicholas H. Wolfinger
Corbett’s Cuts and the Implications for Race in Philadelphia Schools, R. Tyson Smith
Submissions from 2010
Economic Development and Income Inequality, Matthew McKeever
Beyond the Core: The Hot Topic Alternative to the Survey-Based Introduction to Sociology Course, Michael Schwartz and R. Tyson Smith
Gap Growing between Military and Civilians, R. Tyson Smith
Submissions from 2009
Culture, Personality, and Emotion in George Herbert Mead: A Critique of Empiricism in Cultural Sociology, Mark Gould
Higher, Faster, Louder: Representations of the international music competition, Lisa McCormick
New Fish on the Block [Culture Review], Lisa McCormick
Review of “Josephine Baker in Art and Life: The Icon and the Image” by Benetta Jules-Rosette, Lisa McCormick
A Raw Export, R. Tyson Smith
Submissions from 2008
Islam, the law, and the sovereignty of God, Mark Gould
Kemal A. Faruki's reconstruction of Islam(ic law): A modernist position in Islam(ic jurisprudence), Mark Gould
Welfare myths: the transmission of values, M. A. Lee, Joachim Singelmann, and Anat Yom-Tov
Regional Institutions and Social Development in Southern Africa, Matthew McKeever
Review of Ethnicity and Urban Life in China: A Comparative Study of Hui Muslims and Han Chinese, Matthew McKeever
Advertising, R. Tyson Smith
Passion Work: The Joint Production of Emotional Labor in Professional Wrestling, R. Tyson Smith
Submissions from 2007
Religion within reason - Pope Benedict's critique of Islam, Mark Gould
Advertising, R. Tyson Smith
Pain in the Act: The Meanings of Pain among Professional Wrestlers, R. Tyson Smith
Submissions from 2006
Music as social perfomance, Ron Eyerman and Lisa McCormick
Myth, meaning, and performance: toward a new cultural sociology of the arts, Ron Eyerman and Lisa McCormick
Fall Back or Spring Forward? Labor Market Transitions and the Informal Economy in South Africa, Matthew McKeever
Ethnic Inequalities and Educational Attainment in Taiwan, Matthew McKeever and Jui-Chang Jao
Wrestling with Kayfabe, R. Tyson Smith
Submissions from 2005
Disentangling the Effects of Correctional Education: Are Current Policies Misguided? An Event History Analysis, Mary Ellen Batiuk, Karen F. Lahm, Matthew McKeever, Norma Wilcox, and Pamela Wilcox
Looming Catastrophe: How and Why "Law and Economics" Undermines Fiduciary Duties in Corporate Law, Mark Gould
Understanding Jihad, Mark Gould
Shifting Fortunes in a Changing Economy: Trends in the Economic Well-Being of Divorced Women in Fragile Families and the Marriage Agenda, Matthew McKeever and Nicholas H. Wolfinger
Pumping Irony: The Construction of Masculinity in a Post-feminist Advertising Campaign, R. Tyson Smith
The Hidden Discourse of Masculinity in Gender Discrimination Law, R. Tyson Smith and Michael Kimmel
Submissions from 2004
The ‘Reasonable Woman’ and Unreasonable Men: Gendered Discourses in Sexual Harassment Litigation, Michael Kimmel and R. Tyson Smith
Professional Wrestling, R. Tyson Smith
Roundtable on Advertising and the New Masculinities, R. Tyson Smith
Submissions from 2003
Population size, perceive threat and exclusion: a multiple-indicators analysis of attitudes toward foreigners in Germany, Moshe Semyonov, Rebeca Raijman, Anat Yom-Tov, and Peter Schmidt
Submissions from 2002
Developing Poverty: The State, Labor Market Deregulation, and the Informal Economy in Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic [Book Review], Matthew McKeever
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility [Book Review], Matthew McKeever
Labor market competition, perceived threat, and endorsement of economic discrimination against foreign workers in Israel, Moshe Semyonov, Rebeca Raijman, and Anat Yom-Tov
Submissions from 2001
Empirical Sociological Theory and the Resolution of Normative Dilemmas, Mark Gould
Reexamining the Economic Costs of Marital Disruption for Women, Matthew McKeever and Nicholas H. Wolfinger
Submissions from 2000
Observations on modernity, Mark Gould
Submissions from 1999
Race and theory: culture, poverty, and adaptation to discrimination in Wilson and Ogbu, Mark Gould
Generational Differences in Attitudes and Socioeconomic Status among Hispanics in Houston, Matthew McKeever and Stephen Klineberg
Submissions from 1998
Environmental Concern: It Does Make a Difference How It’s Measured, Stephen Klineberg, Matthew McKeever, and Bert Rothenback
Race, Class, and the Changing Division of Labour Under Apartheid [Book Review], Matthew McKeever
"Reproduced Inequality: Participation and Success in the South African Informal Economy, Matthew McKeever
Submissions from 1997
The Persistence of Educational Inequalities in State-Socialist Hungary: Trajectory-Maintenance Versus Counter-Selection, Eric Hanley and Matthew McKeever
Differential Immigration and Reception: Asian Immigrants in Six U.S. Cities [Working Paper], Matthew McKeever
Submissions from 1996
Racial Differences in Occupational Status and Income in South Africa, 1980 and 1991, Donald Treiman, Matthew McKeever, and Eva Fodor
Submissions from 1994
Advances in social theory and methodology: toward an integration of micro- and macro-sociologies, Mark Gould
Submissions from 1993
Measuring the Impact of Water Conservation Campaigns in California, Richard A. Berk, Daniel Shulman, Matthew McKeever, and Howard Freeman
Legitimation and justification: the logic of moral and contractual solidarity in Weber and Durkheim, Mark Gould
Submissions from 1992
Theory and history: comments on Robert Wuthnow's Communities of discourse, Mark Gould
Submissions from 1991
Nuts and bolts for the social sciences, Mark Gould
Parsons' Economic sociology: a failure of will, Mark Gould
Reproduction of labour market discrimination in competitive capitalism, Mark Gould
Talcott Parsons: Theorist of Modernity, Mark Gould
Submissions from 1989
Voluntarism versus utilitarianism: a critique of Camic's History of ideas, Mark Gould
Submissions from 1987
Revolution in the Development of Capitalism: the Coming of the English Revolution, Mark Gould
Submissions from 1985
Prolegomena to any Future Theory of Societal Crisis, Mark Gould
Submissions from 1981
The Devaluation of Labor-Power, Mark Gould
Submissions from 1976
Systems Analysis, Macrosociology and the Generalized Media of Social Action, Mark Gould
Submissions from 1968
The Negro Immigrant: His Background, Characteristics and Social Adjustment, 1899-1937, Ira De Augustine Reid
Submissions from 1962
Handbook of Small Group Research, A. Paul Hare Jr.
Small Groups: Studies in Social Interaction, A. Paul Hare Jr., Edgar F. Borgatta, and Robert F. Bales