Submissions from 2009
100 Hronia Panathinaikos [100 Yeras Panathinaikos] [book review], Alexander Kitroeff
Greece: A Jewish History [book review], Alexander Kitroeff
History of Greece in C20th, Alexander Kitroeff
The Greeks of Egypt in the United States, Alexander Kitroeff
The limits of political transnationalism: the Greek-American Lobby 1970s-1990s, Alexander Kitroeff
The Roads of the Greeks, Alexander Kitroeff
The Sung Dynasty and its precursors, 907-1279, D. Twitchett and Paul Jakov Smith
Submissions from 2008
A Field Guide to Sprawl: Exhibition Review, Andrew Friedman
Review of R.J.W. Evans and Alexander Marr's Curiosity and Wonder from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, Darin Hayton
Entries on Greek American journalists, magazines and newspapers, Alexander Kitroeff
Greece and the 1904 ‘American’ Olympics in Anthropology Days and Olympic Games: Sport, Race, and American Imperialism, Alexander Kitroeff
Jim Crow moves North: The battle over northern school segregation, Roger Lane
Submissions from 2007
The struggle for freedom : a history of African Americans, Clayborne Carson, Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner, and Gary B. Nash
Les Temoins dans le droit et la litterature: la construction de l'intimite dans la France du 18e siecle, Lisa Jane Graham
Astrology as Political Propaganda: Humanist Responses to the Turkish Threat in Early Sixteenth-Century Vienna, Darin Hayton
Martin Bylica at the Court of Matthias Corvinus: Astrology and Politics in Renaissance Hungary, Darin Hayton
Review of Lauren Kassell's Medicine and Magic in Elizabethan London, Darin Hayton
‘Fair play’ versus Competing to Win & Coubertin in International Olympic Academy Proceedings of 46th Session 19 June – 3 July 2006, Alexander Kitroeff
Greek American Identity in the 1980s in Arméniens et Grecs en Diaspora: approches comparatives, Alexander Kitroeff
Tassos Papadopoulos, President of Cyprus, Alexander Kitroeff
Framing Photographs: Contexts and Transpositions, James Krippner, Kimberly W. Benston, Laurie Kain Hart, and Graciela Michelotti-Cristobal
Murder on trial, 1620-2002, Roger Lane
Rooted in the earth, rooted in the sky: Hildegard of Bingen and premodern medicine, Susan Mosher Stuard
Satisfying the Laws: Legenda of Maria of Venice (1379-1399), Susan Mosher Stuard
Sienese Painting after the Black Death: Artistic Pluralism, Politics, and the New Art Market, Susan Mosher Stuard
Submissions from 2006
The Rodent is Myself: From Dostoyevsky to Murakami, in novels, Rodents Are Barometers of the Human, Andrew Friedman
Fiction, Kingship and the Politics of Character in Eighteenth-Century France, Lisa Jane Graham
Review of Katherine Crawford's Perilous Performances: Gender and Regency in Early Modern France, Lisa Jane Graham
Michael Psellos’s De Daemonibus in the Renaissance, Darin Hayton
E Metapolemike Metanastefsi, Alexander Kitroeff
Modern Greek Studies in the United States, Alexander Kitroeff
Post-War Emigration, Alexander Kitroeff
The Mobius Strip: A spatial history of colonial society in Guerrero, Mexico, James Krippner
Traces, Images and Fictions: Strand in Mexico, 1932-34, James Krippner
A concise history of euthanasia: Life, death, god and medicine, Roger Lane
Bourgeois nightmares: Suburbia, 1870-1930, Roger Lane
Women and gender in medieval Europe : an encyclopedia, Margaret Schaus and Susan Mosher Stuard
From War to Diplomatic Parity in Sung China [book review], Paul Jakov Smith
Shuihu zhuan and the Military Subculture of the Northern Song, 960-1127, Paul Jakov Smith
Gilding the market : luxury and fashion in fourteenth-century Italy, Susan Mosher Stuard
Submissions from 2005
African American lives : the struggle for freedom , Clayborne Carson, Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner, and Gary B. Nash
Scandal: Law, Literature, and Morality in the Early Enlightenment, Lisa Jane Graham and Christine Adams
Joseph Grunpeck's Astrological Explanation of the French Disease, Darin Hayton
The Astrolabe: An On-Line Resource, Darin Hayton
Greece & the Balkans: Identities, Perception and Cultural Encounters Since the Enlightenment [book review], Alexander Kitroeff
Greek Images of the Ottomans & Turks, Alexander Kitroeff
Modern Greece and the Olympics: Politics and Sport in in International Olympic Academy Proceedings of 45th Session 27 July – 11 August 2005, Alexander Kitroeff
Olympics in Athens 1896: The Invention of the Modern Olympic Games [book review], Alexander Kitroeff
The Press as a Source for the History of the Greeks in the United States inThe Greek Press Since 1784: Historical & Theoretical Perspectives, Alexander Kitroeff
Hoodlums: Back villains and the social bandits of American life, Roger Lane
The middle-class city: Transforming space and time in Philadelphia, 1876-1926, Roger Lane
At the End, an Abolitionist?, Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner
Back to Africa : Benjamin Coates and the colonization movement in America, 1848-1880, Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner
Eleanor Shipley Duckett (1880-1976) Historian of the Latin Middle Ages, Susan Mosher Stuard
Latent Feminist Loosed on Medieval History (1935-), Susan Mosher Stuard
Marriage Gifts and Fashion Mischief, Susan Mosher Stuard
Submissions from 2004
Cellular Phantasmagoria: Stealth Towers, Roaming Borders and Global Cities in the Air, Andrew Friedman
Lettre de Cachet, Lisa Jane Graham
Review of Carol Blum's Strength in Numbers, Lisa Jane Graham
E Ellhnoamerikanike Toftotita tin Dekaetia tou 1990 [Greek American Cultural Identity in the 1990s], Alexander Kitroeff
Oi Hellenes stis HPA [The Greeks in the U.S.], Alexander Kitroeff
The international Dimension of the Interim Olympics in Athens, 1906, Alexander Kitroeff
The U.S. & Canada in History of Modern Hellenism, Alexander Kitroeff
Voria kai Notia Amerike: Oi Omogeneis stis HPA, ton Kanada, thn Latinike Amerike [North and South America: the Greek Diaspora in the U.S., Canada, and Latin America], Alexander Kitroeff
Wrestling with the Ancients: Modern Greek Identity and the Olympics, Alexander Kitroeff
The Eurasian Transformation of the 10th to 13th centuries: The View from Song China, 906-1279, Paul Jakov Smith
Servants, Susan Mosher Stuard
Where History and Theory Interact: Frederic C. Lane on the Emergence of Capitalism, Susan Mosher Stuard, Melissa Meriam Bullard, S. R. Epstein, and Benjamin G. Kohn
Submissions from 2003
Build It and They Will Pay: A Primer on Guggenomics, Andrew Friedman
The Empire City: A Novel of New York City [book review], Andrew Friedman
Review of Christine Metayer's Au tombeau des secrets, Lisa Jane Graham
Review of Joan Landes' Visualizing the Nation, Lisa Jane Graham
O Rolos tou Helleno-Amerikanikou Lobby stin Exoterike Politike ton HPA: 1992-2001 [The Role of the Greek-American Lobby in US Foreign Policy], Alexander Kitroeff
Improving your game: Bringing classroom discussions alive, Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner
Impressions of the Song-Yuan-Ming Transition: The Evidence from Biji Memoirs , Paul Jakov Smith
Introduction: Problematizing the Song-Yuan-Ming Transition, Paul Jakov Smith
Introduction to the Song-Yuan-Ming Transition in Chinese History, Paul Jakov Smith
Song-Yuan-Ming transition in Chinese history, Paul Jakov Smith and R. Von Glahn
Submissions from 2002
History of Greece in the C20th, Alexander Kitroeff
Late Colonial Mexico: Institutional, Social, and Cultural History, James Krippner
Building democratic communities, 1800-1850, Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner
Quaker Aesthetics: Reflections on a Quaker Ethic in American Design and Consumption, Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner
An Empire for Liberty, A State for Empire: The U.S. National State Before and After the Revolution of 1800, Bethel Saler
Submissions from 2001
Rereading the Conquest: Power, Politics, and the History of Early Colonial Michoacan, Mexico, 1521-1565, James Krippner
Special issue: bloody murder (introduction), Roger Lane
New Eyes for the "Invisibles" in Quaker-Minority Relations, Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner
Imperial China 900 – 1800 [book review], Paul Jakov Smith
A capital idea: pursuing demand, Susan Mosher Stuard
'Qui notus est de ancilla mea' in medieval church law, Susan Mosher Stuard
Submissions from 2000
If the King Only Knew: Seditious Speech in the Reign of Louis XV, Lisa Jane Graham
Review of Benoit Garnot's Vivre en prison au XVIIIe siècle, Lisa Jane Graham
Review of Jeffrey S. Ravel's The Politics of the Parterre, Lisa Jane Graham
Review of Michelle Vovelle's Enlightenment portraits, Lisa Jane Graham
Greek emigration to Latin America: 1900-1950, Alexander Kitroeff
Invoking "Tato Vasco": Vasco de Quiroga, eighteenth-twentieth centuries, James Krippner
American Frontiers from the Mohawk Valley to the Mississippi [Book Review], Bethel Saler
The Wisconsin Frontier [Book Review], Bethel Saler